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QSA 1.0 beta1 released

发表于 2002-12-19 16:38:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Qt Script for Applications (QSA) 1.0 beta1 has been released
both as an evaluation version for Qt commercial license holders
(Qt Enterprise edition) and for free software development
under the GPL.

We are happy to offer the first beta version of Trolltech's newest
tool to Free software developers using the Qt Free Edition:
Qt Script for Applications (QSA).

QSA is a multiplatform toolkit that allows developers to make
their C++ applications scriptable using an interpreted
scripting language, Qt Script (based on ECMAScript).

QSA is tightly integrated with Qt. Chosen application objects
(which are QObject subclasses) are made available to
the scripting engine by passing the objects to a QSA library
function. This is done dynamically, no binding code is necessary.

The QSA toolkit consists of the following components:
* QSA library: This integrates into Qt and allows C++ application
  developers to make their Qt-based applications scriptable.
* Qt Script: An easy-to-learn, multiplatform, interpreted scripting
  language. Qt Script is based on the upcoming ECMAScript Edition 4
  standard. (The ECMAScript standard is also the foundation of JavaScript.)
* Qt Scripter: A multiplatform Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
  Free software developers can use Qt Scripter to visually design
  custom forms, and to write, run and debug forms and Qt Script code in
  script-enabled applications, all released under the GPL.

QSA allows you to easily transform your Qt applications into
extendable, customizable, script-enabled applications by specifying
which features should be scriptable. The script-enabled application
can then be distributed, including QSA libraries, and the Qt Scripter.
This allows end users to customize the application to meet their
specific needs.

You will also find more information about QSA at

How to try it out:
Please note that QSA depends on Qt 3.1.1.
You may download the QSA 1.0 beta1 from:

Release notes including limitations, known problems and future plans
for QSA can be found in the file RELEASENOTES in the QSA package.

Any problems encountered with QSA 1.0 beta1 should be reported to:

We hope you will take a look at QSA.
We are looking forward to your feedback.

The Trolltech team
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