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关于能否传播SUSE CDs/DVDs 的官方回答

发表于 2005-6-8 21:45:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://forums.suselinuxsupport.d ... c=9158&hl=aRTee

BTW I got a reply from Novell on copying SUSE media, doing multiple installations etc.
They sent me a standard formatted answer, which I've pasted here for your enjoyment.

  1. Hopefully the following Q&A answers your questions.

  2. Q.  Am I allowed to install SuSE Linux from these CDs/DVDs on more than one computer?
  3. A.  Yes. As long as you are getting no "reward" (particularly cash) from a third party when you install on your machine or a friends.

  4. Q. Am I allowed to install SuSE Linux from these CDs/DVDs on another computer than the initial one and then sell that computer?
  5. A. Yes. As long as you are getting no "reward" (particularly cash) from a
  6. third party when you install on your machine or a friends.

  7. Q. Am I allowed to make copies of the CDs/DVDs and distribute them among
  8. friends of mine for free?
  9. A. Yes. As long as you are getting no "reward" (particularly cash) from a third party when you install on your machine or a friends.

  10. Q. Am I allowed to make copies of the CDs/DVDs and distribute them among friends of mine for a fee i.e. the cost of the blank cds/DVDs? (I guess this one is a no)?
  11. A. Correct the answer is no to this one. If they buy you a donut, or wash your car  for the burned copies of SUSE you are in breach of End User License Agreement (EULA).

  12. Thank You!

  13. Novell, Inc., the leading provider of Information Solutions
  14. Customer Response Center

I had a short email back, my questions (cut 'n paste from my email to Novell) :

  1. Thank you for the Q&A information,

  2. {....}

  3. Is there a webpage where you have this Q&A up for all to see, in case people want to see for themselves?

  4. I do have some issues left:
  5. from:
  6. > Q. Am I allowed to make copies of the CDs/DVDs and distribute them
  7. > among
  8. > friends of mine for free?
  9. > A. Yes. As long as you are getting no "reward" (particularly cash) from
  10. > a third party when you install on your machine or a friends.

  11. I can conclude that I can actually share SUSE via P2P (edonkey, bittorrent)  "since I will get no reward by doing so, and I just happen to have lots of friends."
  12. Would you say this is correct or not?

  13. On what grounds is asking money for copies of SUSE media not allowed? What licence provision does one violate if one does so? Or is it just about the trademarked name and copyrights of "SUSE" and the logo (etc)?

  14. Please note: I have no intention of doing so, {.....} but lots of people I know who are using SUSE are curious

也就是说,以上内容属实的,在非商业目的下,使用和传播SUSE的CDs/DVDs 都是合法的。
发表于 2005-6-9 02:40:26 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-6-9 08:54:21 | 显示全部楼层
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