
热搜: shell linux mysql
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发表于 2007-4-20 10:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
使用arm-linux交叉编译 samba 服务,make过程中报N多头文件不存在,无法编译通过。
发表于 2007-4-20 11:18:09 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-20 11:33:50 | 显示全部楼层
现已将交叉编译器安装好了,目录是/usr/local/arm ./bin已经加入环境变量
然后下载了 samba 2.0.7,按照说明,进入source/下运行./configure --进行配置,生成了一个Makefile文件。最后执行make 接着就连续报缺少头文件了 比如acl.h……
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-4-20 12:34:48 | 显示全部楼层
假如是作交叉编译的话,首先要把所有需要的包安装到你的交叉编译环境中(而不是你的 PC 环境),而在交叉编译某个包的的时候,一般要指定 host,target 之类的,要指定 prefix,要指定所使用的编译器。

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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-20 13:48:10 | 显示全部楼层
我的交叉编译环境是用别人做的 直接运行的
# - Shell script to build the arm-linux tool chain.
# Copyright (c) 2004 Cirrus Logic, Inc.

# INSTDIR is the path where the tool chain will be installed.

# GNU is the location from which GNU source tarballs are fetched if they do not
# exist.

# KERNEL is the location from which the Linux source tarball is fetched if it
# does not exist.

# ARMLINUX is the location from which the ARM Linux patch is fetched if it does
# not exist.

# Setup the execution environment for building the tool chain.

# HEADERS is the path where the Linux kernel headers are found.

# DESTDIR is the path where the tool chain will be placed as part of the build
# process.  The tool chain must then be copied (manually) to ${INSTDIR} in
# order to run.

# Add the installed tool chain to the search path.  This is required so that
# the gcc and glibc builds can find the target assembler and linker.

# Redirect stdout and stderr to a file, and make descriptor 3 be stdout.  This
# will capture all output into the log file, and allow informational messages
# to be displayed during the build via "echo {blah} >&3".
exec 3>&1 1>build.log 2>&1

# Bail out because of an error.
failure ()
    # Indicate that an error occurred.
    echo Build step failed! >&3

    # Exit with a failure return code.
    exit 1

# Execute a command with error checking.  Note that when using this, if a piped
# command is used, the '|' must be escaped with '\' when calling try (i.e.
# "try ls \| less").
try ()
    # Execute the command and fail if it does not return zero.
    eval ${*} || failure

# Fetches a tarball with wget if it does not already exist in the local cache.
fetch_tarball ()
    # See if the tarball exists.
    if [ ! -f ${2} ]
        # Fetch the tarball since it does not exist.
        echo Fetching ${2}... >&3
        try wget ${1}/${2}

# Build binutils.  This provides arm-linux-as, arm-linux-ar, arm-linux-ld, etc.

# Get the binutils tarball.
fetch_tarball ${GNU}/gnu/binutils binutils-2.14.tar.bz2

# Unpack the binutils tarball.
echo Unpacking binutils... >&3
try tar -xjf binutils-2.14.tar.bz2

# Patch a few things in the binutils source.
try bzcat binutils-2.14.patch.bz2 2\>\&1 \| patch -p1 -E -d binutils-2.14

# Create a build directory and switch into it.
try mkdir binutils-2.14/build
try pushd binutils-2.14/build

# Configure binutils.
echo Configuring binutils... >&3
try CFLAGS=-O2                       \
    CXXFLAGS=-O2                     \
    ../configure --target=arm-linux  \

# Build binutils.
echo Building binutils... >&3
try make

# Install binutils.
echo Installing binutils... >&3
try make DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} install

# Remove the binutils source and objects.
try popd
try rm -rf binutils-2.14

# Build gcc (stage 1).  This provides just a basic C compiler that is used to
# build glibc.

# Get the gcc tarball.
fetch_tarball ${GNU}/gnu/gcc/gcc-3.3 gcc-3.3.tar.bz2

# Unpack the gcc tarball.
echo Unpacking gcc... >&3
try tar -xjf gcc-3.3.tar.bz2

# Patch a few things in the gcc source.
try bzcat gcc-3.3.patch.bz2 2\>\&1 \| patch -p1 -E -d gcc-3.3

# Create a build directory and switch into it.
try mkdir gcc-3.3/build
try pushd gcc-3.3/build

# Configure gcc.
echo Configuring gcc \(stage 1\)... >&3
try CFLAGS=-O2                             \
    CXXFLAGS=-O2                           \
    DESTDIR=${DESTDIR}                     \
    ../configure --target=arm-linux        \
                 --prefix=${INSTDIR}       \
                 --with-headers=${HEADERS} \
                 --disable-shared          \
                 --disable-threads         \
                 --disable-debug           \

# Build gcc.
echo Building gcc \(stage 1\)... >&3
try make DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} build_tooldir=${DESTDIR}${INSTDIR}/arm-linux

# Install gcc.
echo Installing gcc \(stage 1\)... >&3
try make DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} install

# Remove the gcc objects, leaving the source for use a bit later.
try popd
try rm -rf gcc-3.3/build

# Configure the kernel as necessary.  The kernel needs to be configured and the
# dependencies computed in order to properly build the tool chain, but the
# basic C compiler is needed to configure and compute the dependencies!
# The kernel is only configured if it has not been yet, and the dependencies
# are only computed if they have not been yet.  A standard kernel configuration
# is used since the specific configuration to be used is not important to the
# tool chain.

# Check for the Linux source directory.
if [ ! -d linux-2.4.21 ]
    # Get the Linux tarball.
    fetch_tarball ${KERNEL} linux-2.4.21.tar.bz2

    # Get the ARM Linux patch.
    fetch_tarball ${ARMLINUX} patch-2.4.21-rmk1.bz2

    # Extract the Linux tarball.
    echo Unpacking linux... >&3
    try tar -xjf linux-2.4.21.tar.bz2

    # Patch the linux source.
    echo Patching linux... >&3
    try bzcat patch-2.4.21-rmk1.bz2 2\>\&1 \| patch -p1 -E -d linux-2.4.21

    # Fix the ARCH and CROSS_COMPILE lines in the linux Makefile.
    try perl -i -p -e \'s/^ARCH.*/ARCH := arm/\' linux-2.4.21/Makefile
    try perl -i -p -e \'s/^CROSS_COMPILE.*/CROSS_COMPILE = arm-linux-/\' \

# See if the kernel needs to be configured.
if [ ! -f linux-2.4.21/.config ]
    echo Configuring linux... >&3
    try cp linux.config linux-2.4.21/.config
    try make -C linux-2.4.21 oldconfig

# See if the kernel dependencies need to be created.
if [ ! -f linux-2.4.21/.depend ]
    echo Creating linux dependencies... >&3
    try make -C linux-2.4.21 dep

# Build glibc.  This provides the C and associated support libraries.

# Get the glibc tarball.
fetch_tarball ${GNU}/gnu/glibc glibc-2.2.5.tar.gz

# Get the glibc-linuxthreads tarball.
fetch_tarball ${GNU}/gnu/glibc glibc-linuxthreads-2.2.5.tar.gz

# Unpack the glibc tarballs.
echo Unpacking glibc... >&3
try tar -xzf glibc-2.2.5.tar.gz
try tar -C glibc-2.2.5 -xzf glibc-linuxthreads-2.2.5.tar.gz

# Patch a few things in the glibc source.
try bzcat glibc-2.2.5.patch.bz2 2\>\&1 \| patch -p1 -E -d glibc-2.2.5

# Create a build directory and switch into it.
try mkdir glibc-2.2.5/build
try pushd glibc-2.2.5/build

# Configure glibc.
echo Configuring glibc... >&3
try CFLAGS=-O2                             \
    CXXFLAGS=-O2                           \
    ../configure arm-linux                 \
                 --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu \
                 --with-headers=${HEADERS} \
                 --enable-add-ons          \
                 --enable-shared           \

# Build glibc.
echo Building glibc... >&3
try make

# Install glibc.
echo Installing glibc... >&3
try make install_root=${DESTDIR} install

# Fix the symlinks in the arm-linux/lib install directory.
try pushd ${DESTDIR}${INSTDIR}/arm-linux/lib
try ln -sf ../../lib/* .
try popd

# Remove the glibc source and objects.
try popd
try rm -rf glibc-2.2.5

# Build gcc (stage 2).  This provides a full C and C++ compiler.

# Remove the system includes from the install directory.  This will get
# re-populated when gcc is re-configured.
try rm -rf ${DESTDIR}${INSTDIR}/arm-linux/sys-include

# Patch a few things in the gcc source.
try perl -i -p -e \'s/-Dinhibit_libc//g\' gcc-3.3/gcc/config/arm/t-linux

# Create a build directory and switch into it.
try mkdir gcc-3.3/build
try pushd gcc-3.3/build

# Configure gcc.
echo Configuring gcc \(stage 2\)... >&3
try CFLAGS=-O2                              \
    CXXFLAGS=-O2                            \
    DESTDIR=${DESTDIR}                      \
    ../configure --target=arm-linux         \
                 --prefix=${INSTDIR}        \
                 --with-headers=${HEADERS}  \
                 --disable-debug            \

# Temporarily modify the ld script so that the paths are "correct".
try cp ${DESTDIR}${INSTDIR}/lib/ ${DESTDIR}${INSTDIR}/lib/
try perl -i -p -e \"s,${INSTDIR},${DESTDIR}${INSTDIR},g\" \

# Build gcc.
echo Building gcc \(stage 2\)... >&3
try make DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} build_tooldir=${DESTDIR}${INSTDIR}/arm-linux

# Install gcc.
echo Installing gcc \(stage 2\)... >&3
try make DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} install

# Restore the correct ld script.
try cp ${DESTDIR}${INSTDIR}/lib/ ${DESTDIR}${INSTDIR}/lib/
try rm -f ${DESTDIR}${INSTDIR}/lib/

# Remove the gcc source and objects.
try popd
try rm -rf gcc-3.3

# Build gdb.  This provides a debugger that can connect to the gdbserver on the
# target system.

# Get the gdb tarball.
fetch_tarball ${GNU}/gnu/gdb gdb-5.3.tar.gz

# Unpack the gdb tarball.
echo Unpacking gdb... >&3
try tar -xzf gdb-5.3.tar.gz

# Patch a few things in the gdb source.
try bzcat gdb-5.3.patch.bz2 2\>\&1 \| patch -p1 -E -d gdb-5.3

# Create a build directory and switch into it.
try mkdir gdb-5.3/build
try pushd gdb-5.3/build

# Configure gdb.
echo Configuring gdb... >&3
try CFLAGS=-O2                       \
    CXXFLAGS=-O2                     \
    ../configure --target=arm-linux  \
                 --prefix=${INSTDIR} \

# Build gdb.
echo Building gdb... >&3
try make

# Install gdb.
echo Installing gdb... >&3
try make DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} install

# Remove the gdb source and objects.
try popd
try rm -rf gdb-5.3

# Strip the executables in the install directory.
for i in addr2line ar as c++ c++filt cpp g++ gcc gcov gdb ld \
         nm objcopy objdump ranlib readelf size strings strip
    try strip ${DESTDIR}${INSTDIR}/bin/arm-linux-${i}
for i in gencat getconf getent iconv locale \
         localedef pcprofiledump rpcgen sprof
    try arm-linux-strip ${DESTDIR}${INSTDIR}/bin/${i}
for i in iconvconfig ldconfig nscd nscd_nischeck rpcinfo sln zic zdump
    try arm-linux-strip ${DESTDIR}${INSTDIR}/sbin/${i}
try arm-linux-strip ${DESTDIR}${INSTDIR}/libexec/pt_chown
try strip ${DESTDIR}${INSTDIR}/arm-linux/bin/*
for i in cc1 cc1plus collect2
    try strip ${DESTDIR}${INSTDIR}/lib/gcc-lib/arm-linux/3.3/${i}

# Success.
exit 0
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-20 13:50:18 | 显示全部楼层
然后 我自己编写了一个简单的程序 1.c 试验了一下编译
#include <stdio.h>
使用arm-linux-gcc -o 1.o 1.c 成功编译生成1.o
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-4-20 13:59:05 | 显示全部楼层
楼主是在编译 samba 的时候出错的吗?那么把编译 samba 的步骤帖出来
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-20 14:01:10 | 显示全部楼层
下载samba2.0.7 将其放在/root下
$cd /root/sam2.0.7/source
$./configure --prefix=/usr/local/samba

然后我将 Makefile下的CC=gcc 改成了CC=arm-linux-gcc 使用 交叉编译器进行编译
运行make 以后报 找不到 sys/acl.h 和 cups/printing
我对比了本机Linux和 交叉编译的include文件 发现,确实缺少这两个文件,至此就束手无策了
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-4-20 14:33:22 | 显示全部楼层
这样是不对的。configure 要针对编译环境做很多配置的,这种方法是不可行的。楼主试试这样做

  1. CC=arm-linux-gcc ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/arm --target=arm-linux && make
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-20 14:47:54 | 显示全部楼层
还是错误 报错刷屏速度极快……

include/proto.h:2142:error:parse error before '*' token
include/proto.h:2142:error:parse error before '*' token
include/proto.h:2142:error:parse error before '*' token
include/proto.h:2142:error:parse error before  "SRV_Q_NET_CONN_ENUM"
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使用道具 举报

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