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[tur-users] Ion3 trademark infringement

发表于 2007-4-29 15:07:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  1. [tur-users] Ion3 trademark infringement   Inbox arch
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  4. Reply to all Reply to allForward Forward Print Add Tuomo to Contacts list Delete this message Report phishing Show original Message text garbled?
  5.         Tuomo Valkonen        
  6. to tur-users
  8. show details
  9.          3:18 am (11 hours ago)
  10. The package "ion3-darcs" [1] on AUR is infringing on the Ion3
  11. trademark. It is not Ion3 anymore, as it modifies the installed
  12. program in such a manner (by applying the Xft patch), that it
  13. can not be considered the original product anymore, but a
  14. competing one. The package must be renamed so that it can not
  15. be confused with Ion3(tm), or the Ion project. If this is not
  16. done, there may be legal repercurssions.

  17. [1]:

  18. --
  19. Tuomo

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  21. tur-users mailing list

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  31. Reply to all Reply to allForward Forward Print Add Jason to Contacts list Delete this message Report phishing Show original Message text garbled?
  32.         Jason Chu <>        
  33. to tur-users
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  36.          4:50 am (10 hours ago)
  37. On Sat, Apr 28, 2007 at 07:18:29PM +0000, Tuomo Valkonen wrote:
  38. > The package "ion3-darcs" [1] on AUR is infringing on the Ion3
  39. > trademark. It is not Ion3 anymore, as it modifies the installed
  40. > program in such a manner (by applying the Xft patch), that it
  41. > can not be considered the original product anymore, but a
  42. > competing one. The package must be renamed so that it can not
  43. > be confused with Ion3(tm), or the Ion project. If this is not
  44. > done, there may be legal repercurssions.
  45. >
  46. >   [1]:
  47. >
  48. > --
  49. > Tuomo

  50. I'm very sorry to hear that the inclusion of these patches makes you feel
  51. that this package is no longer ion3.

  52. I did have a quick look through the US Patent and Trademark website and I
  53. couldn't find your specific trade mark.  Could you refer me to the serial
  54. number to check it out?  I just want to make sure that you're making a
  55. legitimate claim.  I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with the finish
  56. trademark system.

  57. Jason

  58. _______________________________________________
  59. tur-users mailing list

  62.                 noname
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  71. Reply to all Reply to allForward Forward Print Add Jaroslaw to Contacts list Delete this message Report phishing Show original Message text garbled?
  72.         Jaroslaw Swierczynski <>        
  73. to Discussion
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  76.          5:09 am (9 hours ago)
  77. Without going into whether your demands are justified or not, I'd like
  78. to point out that your threat is misplaced. If anyone can be held
  79. responsible for this, it's only the author of the PKGBUILD in question
  80. since stuff stored in AUR is in no way official, it's solely users
  81. contribution.

  82. I will not go into what I think about what you are doing. As I'm not a
  83. native speaker, I could accidentally use some words which would
  84. probably represent what I'm thinking but not necessarily would be
  85. proper to write here.

  86. Oh and just a word for the author of the PKGBUILD: if I were you I
  87. would consider removing it from AUR and searching for other window
  88. manager.

  89. --
  90. Jaroslaw Swierczynski <>
  91. |
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  93. _______________________________________________
  94. tur-users mailing list

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  105.         Tuomo Valkonen        
  106. to tur-users
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  109.          5:55 am (8 hours ago)
  110. On 2007-04-28, Jason Chu <> wrote:
  111. > I did have a quick look through the US Patent and Trademark website and I
  112. > couldn't find your specific trade mark.

  113. Trademarks do not need to be registered.
  114. - Show quoted text -

  115. --
  116. Tuomo

  117. _______________________________________________
  118. tur-users mailing list

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  129.         Tuomo Valkonen        
  130. to tur-users
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  133.          6:04 am (8 hours ago)
  134. On 2007-04-28, Jaroslaw Swierczynski <> wrote:
  135. > Without going into whether your demands are justified or not, I'd like
  136. > to point out that your threat is misplaced. If anyone can be held
  137. > responsible for this, it's only the author of the PKGBUILD in question
  138. > since stuff stored in AUR is in no way official, it's solely users
  139. > contribution.

  140. Archlinux is distributing the PKGBUILD. The PKGBUILD author refuses
  141. to do a simple renaming of packages. He is currently LYING to users,
  142. and distributing as 'ion3-darcs' a version with an unapproved patch
  143. that makes it not Ion3 anymore, but a competing product, and
  144. distributing as 'ion3-darcs-noxft' a version that might still be
  145. called Ion3, if the setup of the extra modules does not interfere
  146. with the standard setup.

  147. --
  148. Tuomo
  149. - Show quoted text -

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  151. tur-users mailing list

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  161. Reply to all Reply to allForward Forward Print Add James to Contacts list Delete this message Report phishing Show original Message text garbled?
  162.         James <>        
  163. to Discussion
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  166.          6:27 am (8 hours ago)
  167. On 4/29/07, Tuomo Valkonen <> wrote:
  168. > On 2007-04-28, Jaroslaw Swierczynski <> wrote:
  169. > > Without going into whether your demands are justified or not, I'd like
  170. > > to point out that your threat is misplaced. If anyone can be held
  171. > > responsible for this, it's only the author of the PKGBUILD in question
  172. > > since stuff stored in AUR is in no way official, it's solely users
  173. > > contribution.
  174. >
  175. > Archlinux is distributing the PKGBUILD. The PKGBUILD author refuses
  176. > to do a simple renaming of packages. He is currently LYING to users,
  177. > and distributing as 'ion3-darcs' a version with an unapproved patch
  178. > that makes it not Ion3 anymore, but a competing product, and
  179. > distributing as 'ion3-darcs-noxft' a version that might still be
  180. > called Ion3, if the setup of the extra modules does not interfere
  181. > with the standard setup.

  182. would it be sufficient to rename, them, ion3-darcs, and xftion3-darcs?
  183. or are you requesting that the ion name be dropped completely from the
  184. xft version?

  185. James

  186. --
  187. iphitus // Arch Developer // kernel26beyond //
  188. - Show quoted text -

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  190. tur-users mailing list

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  200. Reply to all Reply to allForward Forward Print Add Tuomo to Contacts list Delete this message Report phishing Show original Message text garbled?
  201.         Tuomo Valkonen        
  202. to tur-users
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  205.          6:57 am (7 hours ago)
  206. On 2007-04-28, James <> wrote:
  207. > would it be sufficient to rename, them, ion3-darcs, and xftion3-darcs?
  208. > or are you requesting that the ion name be dropped completely from the
  209. > xft version?

  210. No, it does not have to be dropped, but it must be clear, that the
  211. package does not contain the standard version of Ion3, but an
  212. unsupported patched version. The above name 'xftion3' is not ok,
  213. however, because 'ion3' occurs there in the name of a new product
  214. very explicitly (cmp. AIM vs. GAIM -- and 'xftion3' is very clearly
  215. a derivative name that doesn't stand on its own, unlike GAIM.)
  216. It would be ok for the package name to clearly indicate its
  217. contents, however: 'ion3-darcs+unsupported-patches'. This way
  218. the package name does not claim to install standard Ion3, but
  219. also does not itself form a "proper" competing product: it
  220. merely claims to provide a "shortcut" for the user to apply
  221. extra patches to Ion3 -- something that the user could do in
  222. any case.

  223. --
  224. Tuomo
  225. - Show quoted text -

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  227. tur-users mailing list

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  238.         Loui <>        
  239. to Discussion
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  242.          7:52 am (6 hours ago)
  243. > The above name 'xftion3' is not ok

  244. I can understand your protectiveness towards the ion3 name but that
  245. seems like it would be an OK name. For example if someone were to
  246. start a new distro and start distributing it simply as 'Linux' that
  247. would be bad, but if they called it 'MyDistro Linux' that would be OK
  248. and would indicate that it is not the 'official' Linux but instead a
  249. modified/customised version.

  250. Makes sense to me.

  251. Cheers.
  252. - Show quoted text -

  253. _______________________________________________
  254. tur-users mailing list

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  264. Reply to all Reply to allForward Forward Print Add Mark to Contacts list Delete this message Report phishing Show original Message text garbled?
  265.         Mark Taylor <>        
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  269.          8:11 am (6 hours ago)
  270. On Sat, Apr 28, 2007 at 10:04:05PM +0000, Tuomo Valkonen wrote:
  271. > Archlinux is distributing the PKGBUILD. The PKGBUILD author refuses
  272. > to do a simple renaming of packages. He is currently LYING to users,
  273. > and distributing as 'ion3-darcs' a version with an unapproved patch
  274. > that makes it not Ion3 anymore, but a competing product, and
  275. > distributing as 'ion3-darcs-noxft' a version that might still be
  276. > called Ion3, if the setup of the extra modules does not interfere
  277. > with the standard setup.

  278. I would contend that there is no trademark violation, as permission for
  279. minor modifications to the source of Ion3 is implied by distributing the
  280. source. For example, system-wide header files are included into the
  281. source of the program prior to compilation by the preprocessor. Code in
  282. these header files could change the behavior of Ion3 significantly, but
  283. permission to include their code is still implied due to their necessity
  284. in the compilation process. There is very little technical difference
  285. between changing the code during preprocessing via an included header
  286. file and changing it beforehand in a patch. The only way to keep
  287. absolute control over the product as delivered to the user is to change
  288. the license and distribute Ion3 as binary-only.

  289. I also disagree with your mention of competition, unless it was purely
  290. in a trademark-law sense. Wikipedia defines competition as "the act of
  291. striving against others for the purpose of achieving dominance." The
  292. term implies a goal, and a reward for having reached that goal. The
  293. sharing of code and use of volunteer labor (along with the usual
  294. practice of giving the software away without compensation) makes
  295. dominance almost inconsequential, which means that open-source software
  296. development is typically cooperative, with the goal of producing the
  297. best software possible rather than merely having more users than the
  298. other project.

  299. Also, it may have been a poor idea to include legal threats in your
  300. first message. A simple explanation of the situation and a suggested
  301. solution (presented as a request) would have helped the discussion keep
  302. a civil tone and may have allowed all parties to come to a reasonable
  303. solution sooner. As it is, well, let me put it this way: mentioning the
  304. law on a software-project mailing list is often like starting a fire in
  305. an ammunition warehouse (see: Debian).

  306. --
  307. Mark

  308. _______________________________________________
  309. tur-users mailing list

  312.                 noname
  313. 1K Download

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  321. Reply to all Reply to allForward Forward Print Add Tuomo to Contacts list Delete this message Report phishing Show original Message text garbled?
  322.         Tuomo Valkonen        
  323. to tur-users
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  326.          8:18 am (6 hours ago)
  327. On 2007-04-28, Loui <> wrote:
  328. > I can understand your protectiveness towards the ion3 name but that
  329. > seems like it would be an OK name. For example if someone were to
  330. > start a new distro and start distributing it simply as 'Linux' that
  331. > would be bad, but if they called it 'MyDistro Linux' that would be OK
  332. > and would indicate that it is not the 'official' Linux but instead a
  333. > modified/customised version.

  334. This is quite a different situation: A distribution doesn't compete
  335. with the kernel, but utilises it. A fork is a competing product.
  336. xftion3 is equivalent to forking the kernel, and calling it
  337. FEATUREXLinux without asking permission. I'm sure Linus wouldn't
  338. like that. In fact, he must not like such forks or even distributions,
  339. without permission, or he risks losing the -- this time registered --
  340. trademark.


  342. So, create a distribution or even an operation environment (not a
  343. "desktop environment" -- it implies the crappy desktop metaphor)
  344. based on Ion3, that does not contain patches that I do not approve
  345. of, and you may use an Ion-based name. But fork, and you have to
  346. call it something else.

  347. --
  348. Tuomo
  349. - Show quoted text -

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  351. tur-users mailing list

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  362.         Tuomo Valkonen        
  363. to tur-users
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  366.          8:31 am (6 hours ago)
  367. On 2007-04-29, Mark Taylor <> wrote:
  368. > I would contend that there is no trademark violation, as permission for
  369. > minor modifications to the source of Ion3 is implied by distributing the
  370. > source.

  371. Nothing promises you must still be able to call it Ion3. (Despite the
  372. license being LGPL, I really don't care what you do with the code --
  373. use it even in a commercial closed source project if you want. Just
  374. don't claim my work as someone else's, and someone else's work as mine
  375. -- as is being done by applying patches and still claiming it to be
  376. Ion3.)

  377. > The only way to keep absolute control over the product as delivered to
  378. > the user is to change the license and distribute Ion3 as binary-only.

  379. I am going to do that. And, in fact, after final Ion3 is released, I'm
  380. not going to write a line of so-called "free software"; so poor has
  381. been the treatment of the FOSS herd (both of my code, and of the good
  382. old *nix), that I'm not going to do them any services any more.

  383. > I also disagree with your mention of competition, unless it was purely
  384. > in a trademark-law sense. Wikipedia defines competition as "the act of
  385. > striving against others for the purpose of achieving dominance."

  386. The goal of an XFT-patched Ion is dominance over the standard Ion,
  387. and dominance over people who prefer decent font systems over the
  388. Xft and fontconfig based blurry-font force-feeding shit, as the
  389. good old core font system gets obsoleted and removed.

  390. > which means that open-source software development is typically
  391. > cooperative, with the goal of producing the best software possible rather
  392. > than merely having more users than the other project.

  393. The goal of the FOSS herd is to turn everything into homogeneous
  394. shit, with no trace of individual character left.
  395. - Show quoted text -

  396. --
  397. Tuomo

  398. _______________________________________________
  399. tur-users mailing list

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  410.         Loui <>        
  411. to Discussion
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  414.          9:12 am (5 hours ago)
  415. On 4/28/07, Tuomo Valkonen <> wrote:
  416. > This is quite a different situation: A distribution doesn't compete
  417. > with the kernel, but utilises it. A fork is a competing product.
  418. > xftion3 is equivalent to forking the kernel, and calling it
  419. > FEATUREXLinux without asking permission. I'm sure Linus wouldn't
  420. > like that. In fact, he must not like such forks or even distributions,
  421. > without permission, or he risks losing the -- this time registered --
  422. > trademark.

  423. I'm pretty sure many distros do indeed patch the kernel.
  424. It seems like maybe the PKGBUILD shouldn't really point to your
  425. webpage, but rather a page about the patches applied. Just as
  426. 'mydistro-kernel' would refer to it's own resources rather than

  428. Maybe the packager should make a webpage with the patches and other info.
  429. Call it 'notion'

  430. *grin*

  431. Yeah I see your point about code usage and such. He shouldn't be
  432. patching it and then saying that you applied them by pointing to your
  433. website. It's not -really- a name issue is it?

  434. Maybe some devs or TUs should give the packager a little nudge eh?
  435. - Show quoted text -

  436. _______________________________________________
  437. tur-users mailing list

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  448.         Mark Taylor <>        
  449. to Discussion
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  452.          9:51 am (5 hours ago)
  453. On Sun, Apr 29, 2007 at 12:31:31AM +0000, Tuomo Valkonen wrote:
  454. > Nothing promises you must still be able to call it Ion3. (Despite the
  455. > license being LGPL, I really don't care what you do with the code --
  456. > use it even in a commercial closed source project if you want. Just
  457. > don't claim my work as someone else's, and someone else's work as mine
  458. > -- as is being done by applying patches and still claiming it to be
  459. > Ion3.)

  460. Actually, you do allow people to patch Ion3 with unapproved code and
  461. still call it "Ion3." As I mentioned earlier, this is exactly what the C
  462. preprocessor does with #includes. If I were to patch the X11 header
  463. files (not the actual Ion3 source, at least until the preprocessing
  464. stage) to use XFT instead of the traditional font system and then
  465. compile Ion3 from unmodified sources, would the result be Ion3?

  466. If not, then I expect you'll be quite busy for a while, reading all the
  467. distribution/OS-specific versions of header files Ion includes to make
  468. sure they don't do anything you disapprove of.

  469. > I am going to do that. And, in fact, after final Ion3 is released, I'm
  470. > not going to write a line of so-called "free software"; so poor has
  471. > been the treatment of the FOSS herd (both of my code, and of the good
  472. > old *nix), that I'm not going to do them any services any more.

  473. I have no problem with that. I use, and enjoy using, many closed-source
  474. products. Unlike some FOSS advocates, I think closed-source is a
  475. perfectly valid form of software distribution and development, and is in
  476. fact preferable under some circumstances (including yours, where the
  477. developer wants to keep personal control of the project).

  478. You should probably only release Ion3 statically compiled, so you don't
  479. have to monitor changes in dynamically-linked libraries. After all,
  480. changes there can also modify the behavior of Ion3, leading to the
  481. spontaneous generation of competing window managers. If you insist on
  482. absolute purity for your creation, it will also be necessary to include
  483. a statically-linked X server and statically-linked video drivers.

  484. > The goal of an XFT-patched Ion is dominance over the standard Ion,
  485. > and dominance over people who prefer decent font systems over the
  486. > Xft and fontconfig based blurry-font force-feeding shit, as the
  487. > good old core font system gets obsoleted and removed.

  488. The goal of an XFT-patched Ion is to allow users of your window manager
  489. to use the font system they, for one reason or another, prefer. Even if
  490. the XFT-patched version became more popular (unlikely, as people tend to
  491. prefer the "vanilla" version of a piece of software), there would be no
  492. detrimental effect on the development of Ion or on the users of Ion
  493. as you release it.

  494. > The goal of the FOSS herd is to turn everything into homogeneous
  495. > shit, with no trace of individual character left.

  496. That is your personal opinion of the results of the FOSS movement, not a
  497. valid description of the actual goal. It's also completely off-topic and
  498. an excellent way to troll a Linux-related discussion forum. My previous
  499. simile about the ammunition warehouse applies here as well.

  500. --
  501. Mark

  502. _______________________________________________
  503. tur-users mailing list

  506.                 noname
  507. 1K Download

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  560.         Georgij Kondratjev <>        
  561. to tur-users
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  564.          3:02 pm (1 minute ago)
  565. First, I have the same point of view as Mark Taylor and absolutely agree with
  566. him.
  567. Second, even if Tuomo is not right, we can rename ion3-noxft-darcs to
  568. ion3-darcs.
  569. But we must provide a patch too because AUR is a place to help people to
  570. easily install software that they wont.
  571. In fact we don`t need to ask an author how to name our scripts building his
  572. package.
  573. I think that renaming current ion3-darcs to ion3-xft-darcs (if we will rename
  574. anything) would be enough.
  575. Tuomo don`t wont to help ArchLinux users to use better software, he just wont
  576. to control the way how his software is used. LGPL is not an appropriate
  577. license for that, but I am sure license does not matter.
  578. Pkgbuild is not a fork - it is an instruction. How the "product" can be
  579. competing if it do not even exists? Anyway whatever license will you use -
  580. you cannot control the way user will use it after downloading it to his
  581. machine if it will not distribute it to over users. If your project is open
  582. source modifying it becomes really easy. Distributing instructions on how to
  583. do this is always legitimate.
  584. Did not you make mistake then you have chosen open source model of
  585. distribution?
  586. PS: ArchLinux is not the only distribution which provides such an instruction.
  587. There is at least Gentoo.
  588. - Show quoted text -

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  601.         Pierre Schmitz <>        
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  605.          3:02 pm (1 minute ago)
  606. Am Samstag, 28. April 2007 21:18:29 schrieb Tuomo Valkonen:
  607. > The package "ion3-darcs" [1] on AUR is infringing on the Ion3
  608. > trademark. It is not Ion3 anymore, as it modifies the installed
  609. > program in such a manner (by applying the Xft patch), that it
  610. > can not be considered the original product anymore, but a
  611. > competing one. The package must be renamed so that it can not
  612. > be confused with Ion3(tm), or the Ion project. If this is not
  613. > done, there may be legal repercurssions.
  614. >
  615. >   [1]:

  616. Hi Tuomo,

  617. even if someone does not understand why you don`t want a patched version of
  618. your software distributed, one has to respect you decision.

  619. Just in case you did not know: there is no package of ion3 distributed by
  620. archlinux. The link you mentioned above just contains a description of how to
  621. build your software (including some patches). Those scripts can be uploaded
  622. by everybody.

  623. Our official ion package can be found at

  625. If you still feel uncomfortable about this, just let me know. I`ll remove all
  626. ion scripts from AUR then. (but we cannot guarantee that a user will not
  627. upload similar scripts in future)

  628. Pierre
  629. - Show quoted text -

  630. _______________________________________________
  631. tur-users mailing list
发表于 2007-4-29 21:06:36 | 显示全部楼层
很想用ion3 但是相关的中文资料太少了
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发表于 2007-4-29 21:24:54 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-30 08:41:48 | 显示全部楼层
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