以下是我跟Slackware core team中的一位成员(Eric Hameleers)的谈话:
- (15:44:08) LeiDan: Do you know those:
- # The line below enables code patented by Apple, so don't uncomment it
- # unless you have a license to use the code and take all legal responsibility
- # for doing so.
- # Please see this web site for more details:
- # http://www.freetype.org/patents.html
- #zcat $CWD/freetype.bytecode.interpreter.diff.gz | patch -p1 --verbose || exit 1
- (15:45:38) eric_icq: Yes I know about that line
- (15:46:10) eric_icq: Slackware cannot ship binaries with that patented code enabled, but you can always
- rebuild the freetype package with the bytecode interpreter enabled
- (15:46:54) eric_icq: I used that in the past, but not nowadays. I have heard too many stories that it is no
- longer necessary because of the good quality of the freetype autohinter.
- (15:48:12) eric_icq: Plus, for the bytecode interpreter to function you must use a font that has the required
- glyphs in it, and the Microsoft Arial has them for instance. But most of the fonts you get with Linux do not have
- these extra glyphs embedded so you won't see an improvement after enabling the bytecode interpreter
- (15:51:51) LeiDan: Do you think maybe Chinese fonts need "bytecode interpreter" more than English fonts?
- (15:54:40) eric_icq: That could be, yes. What you should look for in the information about these fonts, is:
- do they have additional "glyphs" that a bytecode interpreter can take advantage of. Most free fonts will not have
- that I guess, because it is a lot of extra work to add glyphs to a font definition
按他的意思,大多数免费的字体都不需要"bytecode interpreter"了,是这样吗?
simsun和tahoma需要"bytecode interpreter"吧?
我是Linux初学者,实在不知道这些东西,所以来求助大家! |