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oss 4.1_rc2-2 HDAudio ALC861 没有声音。

发表于 2008-10-28 08:45:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  1. $ ossinfo
  2. Version info: OSS 4.1 (b rc2/200810251340) (0x00040090) GPL
  3. Platform: Linux/i686 2.6.27-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Oct 17 07:35:10 UTC 2008 (bomb)

  4. Number of audio devices:        5
  5. Number of audio engines:        9
  6. Number of mixer devices:        1

  7. Device objects
  8. 0: osscore0 OSS core services
  9. 1: oss_hdaudio0 ATI HD Audio interrupts=24409 (24409)
  10.     HD Audio controller ATI HD Audio
  11.     Vendor ID    0x1002437b
  12.     Subvendor ID 0x15842b01
  13.      Codec  0: ALC861 (0x10ec0861/0x15840000)
  14. 2: oss_usb0 USB audio core services

  15. Mixer devices
  16. 0: High Definition Audio ALC861 (Mixer 0 of device object 1)

  17. Audio devices
  18. HD Audio play front               /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/pcm0  (device index 0)
  19. HD Audio play center/LFE          /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/pcm1  (device index 1)
  20. HD Audio play rear                /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/pcm2  (device index 2)
  21. HD Audio play spdout              /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/spdout0  (device index 3)
  22. HD Audio rec rec                  /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/pcmin0  (device index 4 )

  1. $ ossmix
  2. Selected mixer 0/High Definition Audio ALC861
  3. Known controls are:

  4. ON|OFF (currently OFF)
  5. ON|OFF (currently OFF)
  6. ON|OFF (currently ON)

  7. <rearmix|input> (currently rearmix)
  8. ON|OFF (currently OFF)
  9. ON|OFF (currently OFF)
  10. ON|OFF (currently OFF)

  11. <c/l-mix|input> (currently input)
  12. ON|OFF (currently OFF)
  13. ON|OFF (currently OFF)
  14. ON|OFF (currently OFF)

  15. ON|OFF (currently OFF)

  16. record.rec [<leftvol>:<rightvol>] (currently 32.9:32.9 dB)
  17. record.rec.rec <c/l-mix|rearmix|int-cd|outmix> (currently c/l-mix)

  18. misc.c/l-mix-mute ON|OFF (currently OFF)
  19. [<leftvol>:<rightvol>] (currently 56.9:56.9 dB)
  20. misc.recmix [<leftvol>:<rightvol>] (currently 56.9:56.9 dB)
  21. misc.line1mix [<leftvol>:<rightvol>] (currently 56.9:56.9 dB)
  22. misc.outmix1 [<leftvol>:<rightvol>] (currently 29.9:29.9 dB)
  23. misc.outmix2 <int-cd|recmix|line1mix> (currently int-cd)
  24. misc.rearmix-mute ON|OFF (currently OFF)
  25. misc.beep <monovol> (currently 38.9 dB)
  26. vmix0-enable ON|OFF (currently ON)
  27. vmix0-rate <decimal value> (currently 48000) (Read-only)
  28. vmix0-channels <Stereo|Multich> (currently Stereo)
  29. vmix0-src <Fast|Low|Medium|High|High+|Production|OFF> (currently Fast)
  30. vmix0-outvol <monovol> (currently 25.0 dB)

  31. vmix0-invol <monovol> (currently 25.0 dB)
  32. vmix0.pcm5 [<leftvol>:<rightvol>] (currently 25.0:25.0 dB)
  33. vmix0.pcm6 [<leftvol>:<rightvol>] (currently 25.0:25.0 dB)
  34. vmix0.pcm7 [<leftvol>:<rightvol>] (currently 25.0:25.0 dB)
  35. vmix0.pcm8 [<leftvol>:<rightvol>] (currently 25.0:25.0 dB)

发表于 2008-10-28 09:03:08 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-28 09:06:20 | 显示全部楼层
Post by jarryson;1900323


Understanding why problems arise

If you have a HDAudio sound device, it's very likely that you will have to adjust some mixer settings before your sound works.

HDAudio devices are very powerful in the sense that they can contain a lot of small circuits (called widgets) that can be adjusted by software at any time. These controls are exposed to the mixer, and they can be used, for example, to turn the earphone jack into a sound input jack instead of a sound output jack.

However, there is a side effect, mainly because the HDAudio standard is more flexible than it perhaps should be, and because the vendors often only care to get their official drivers working.

Then, when using HDAudio devices, you often find disorganized mixer controls, that doesn't work at all by default, and you are forced to try every mixer control combination, until it works. You'll probably want to setup a program to record/play continously in the background (e.g. ossrecord - | ossplay - for recording or osstest -lV for playing), while changing mixer settings in ossxmix in the foreground.
[edit] How to solve

Open ossxmix and try to change every mixer control in the middle area, that contains the sound card specific controls, as explained in the previous "The mixer" section.

    * Raise every volume control slider.
    * In each option box, try to change the selected option, trying all the possible combinations.
    * If you get noise, try to lower and/or mute some volume controls, until you find the source of the noise.

Please note again that you do not need to change any controls in the top area nor in the bottom area, as they are virtual vmix-related mixer controls.
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