发表于 2009-6-24 21:01:50
Post by mexi;2000919
若干年前找了个 10G 盘装 fedora,两块 IDE,没法引导 win,在坛子上找了几个帖子试,只有这个成功了,以后就一直照抄。现在那个帖子我也找不见了,好象是北南南北解释用 map 命令。我不太清楚 IDE 到 SATA 是否有什么显著不同。这个帖子解释了 map 命令
$info grub
GRUB cannot boot DOS or Windows directly, so you must chain-load them (*note Chain-loading:. However, their boot loaders have some critical deficiencies, so it may not work to just chain-load them. To overcome the problems, GRUB provides you with two helper functions.
If you have installed DOS (or Windows) on a non-first hard disk, you have to use the disk swapping technique, because that OS cannot boot from any disks but the first one. The workaround used in GRUB is the command `map' (*note map:, like this:
grub> map (hd0) (hd1)
grub> map (hd1) (hd0)
This performs a "virtual" swap between your first and second hard drive.
IDE 可以这样做, SATA 应该没问题吧。
另外加一句,我安装时,只挂一块盘。安完一个系统后,摘下来,再挂另一块,装另一个系统。挂两个盘后,用 fedora 引导。平时用 fedora,xp 盘没挂,需要时才挂。 |