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发表于 2009-7-16 16:27:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

最新消息! 经过本人与wine开发小组的交流,winetricks负责人Dan已经把文泉驿中文字体加入winetricks,欢迎大家下载测试。邮件如下:
Hi ////,
ok, I've added the font you suggested to Winetricks, can you
test it and let me know if it works?
- Dan

其实wine开发小组早就知道中文显示问题很久了,但是绝大多数开发人员都看不懂中文而束手无策,如果有高手懂编程和英语的,欢迎与Dan联系 当然也可以到联...??方网站。


Do you think people would actually pay $30 for codeweavers crossover in china
if it worked, or would they use a pirated copy (or the free wine)?
(Question from Dan)
发表于 2009-7-16 16:35:51 | 显示全部楼层
对 wine 一窍不通的飘过。。。不过非常高兴知道有人还关心中文的问题。

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-16 17:32:16 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-16 18:33:43 | 显示全部楼层
Post by mexi;2006807

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-16 20:29:14 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-16 20:31:54 | 显示全部楼层
winetricks 的帮助
Usage: ./winetricks [options] package [package] ...
This script can help you prepare your system for Windows applications
that mistakenly assume all users' systems have all the needed
redistributable runtime libraries or fonts.
Some options require the Linux 'cabextract' program.

-q         quiet.  You must have already agreed to the EULAs.
-v         verbose
-V         display Version
art2kmin      MS Access 2000 runtime.  Requires Access 2000 Dev license!
colorprofile  Standard RGB color profile
comctl32      MS common controls 5.80
comctl32.ocx  MS comctl32.ocx and mscomctl.ocx, comctl32 wrappers for VB6
controlpad    MS ActiveX Control Pad
corefonts     MS Arial, Courier, Times fonts
d3dx9         MS d3dx9_??.dll (from DirectX 9 user redistributable)
dcom98        MS DCOM (ole32, oleaut32); requires Win98 license!
dirac0.8      the obsolete Dirac 0.8 directshow filter
directx9      MS DirectX 9 user redistributable (not recommended! use d3dx9 instead)
divx          divx video codec
dotnet11      MS .NET 1.1 (requires Windows license)
dotnet20      MS .NET 2.0 (requires Windows license)
ffdshow       ffdshow video codecs
flash         Adobe Flash Player ActiveX and firefox plugins
fm20          MS Forms 2.0 Object Library
fontfix       Fix bad fonts which cause crash in some apps (e.g. .net).
fontsmooth-disable    Disables font smoothing
fontsmooth-gray       Enables grayscale font smoothing
fontsmooth-rgb        Enables subpixel smoothing for RGB LCDs
fontsmooth-bgr        Enables subpixel smoothing for BGR LCDs
gdiplus       MS gdiplus.dll (from powerpoint viewer)
gecko         The HTML rendering Engine (Mozilla)
gecko-dbg     The HTML rendering Engine (Mozilla), with debugging symbols
hosts         Adds empty C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\{hosts,services} files
icodecs       Intel Codecs (Indeo)
jet40         MS Jet 4.0 Service Pack 8
liberation    Red Hat Liberation fonts (Sans, Serif, Mono)
mdac25        MS MDAC 2.5: Microsoft ODBC drivers, etc.
mdac27        MS MDAC 2.7
mdac28        MS MDAC 2.8
mfc40         MS mfc40 (Microsoft Foundation Classes from Visual C++ 4)
mfc42         MS mfc42 (same as vcrun6 below)
mono20        mono-2.0.1
mono22        mono-2.2
msi2          MS Installer 2.0
mshflxgd      MS Hierarchical Flex Grid Control
msls31        MS Line Services 3.1 (needed by native riched?)
msmask        MS Masked Edit Control
msscript      MS Script Control
msxml3        MS XML version 3
msxml4        MS XML version 4
msxml6        MS XML version 6
ogg           ogg filters/codecs: flac, theora, speex, vorbis, schroedinger
ole2          MS 16 bit OLE
pdh           MS pdh.dll (Performance Data Helper)
quicktime72   Apple Quicktime 7.2
riched20      MS riched20 and riched32
riched30      MS riched30
shockwave     Adobe Shockwave Player
tahoma        MS Tahoma font (not part of corefonts)
urlmon        MS urlmon.dll
vb2run        MS Visual Basic 2 runtime
vb3run        MS Visual Basic 3 runtime
vb4run        MS Visual Basic 4 runtime
vb5run        MS Visual Basic 5 runtime
vb6run        MS Visual Basic 6 runtime
vcrun6        MS Visual C++ 6 sp4 libraries (mfc42, msvcp60, msvcrt)
vcrun2003     MS Visual C++ 2003 libraries (mfc71,msvcp71,msvcr71)
vcrun2005     MS Visual C++ 2005 libraries (mfc80,msvcp80,msvcr80)
vcrun2005sp1  MS Visual C++ 2005 sp1 libraries
vcrun2008     MS Visual C++ 2008 libraries (mfc90,msvcp90,msvcr90)
vcrun2008sp1  MS Visual C++ 2008 sp1 libraries
vjrun20       MS Visual J# 2.0 libraries (requires dotnet20)
wininet       MS wininet.dll (requires Windows license)
wme9          MS Windows Media Encoder 9 (requires Windows license)
wmp9          MS Windows Media Player 9 (requires Windows license)
wmp10         MS Windows Media Player 10 (requires Windows license)
wsh56         MS Windows Scripting Host 5.6
wsh56js       MS Windows scripting 5.6, jscript only, no cscript
wsh56vb       MS Windows scripting 5.6, vbscript only, no cscript
xact          MS XACT Engine (x3daudio?_?.dll, xactengine?_?.dll)
xvid          xvid video codec
autohotkey    Autohotkey (open source gui scripting language)
firefox       Firefox
ie6           Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0
kde           KDE for Windows installer
mpc           Media Player Classic
vlc           VLC media player
allfonts      All listed fonts (corefonts, tahoma, liberation)
allcodecs     All listed codecs (xvid, ffdshow, icodecs)
fakeie6       Set registry to claim IE6sp1 is installed
native_mdac   Override odbc32 and odbccp32
native_oleaut32 Override oleaut32
nt40          Set windows version to nt40
win98         Set windows version to Windows 98
win2k         Set windows version to Windows 2000
winxp         Set windows version to Windows XP
vista         Set windows version to Windows Vista
winver=       Set windows version to default (winxp)
volnum        Rename drive_c to harddiskvolume0 (needed by some installers)
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-16 23:46:34 | 显示全部楼层
30美元肯定贵了 都快半个xp了
如果30rmb价格倒合适 但是估计不会有多少人买的 ……
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-18 15:16:14 | 显示全部楼层
Post by billkof;2006868

相当 于wine的附助工具,如果你用crossoffice,或者ies4linux的话,它们都是重建一个自己的环境的,而winetricks则是直接在wine的目录上做修改。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-19 18:44:37 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

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