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发表于 2010-5-27 09:38:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


发表于 2010-6-30 10:38:52 | 显示全部楼层
1. Wealth Led to Disaster

    In all American history, there is no story stranger than that of John A. Sutter. We have read about the early history of San Francisco. When the independence of California was declared in 1846, San Francisco was a small town of some 800 inhabitants. Then, in 1848, gold was discovered on land not far away. This land was owned by John A. Sutter.

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    Sutter was never able to recover from these last and final blows. replica rolex He went back east and, in the courts of Washington, again brought a suit to recover what he claimed had been stolen from him, He spent the last fifteen years of his life in this sad manner. Tirelessly, he went from senator to congressman, from one ********** office to another.
         2. What Did Qi Gong Do with His Money?

    Everyone knows how important money is in the world today. But what did Qi Gong do with his hard-earned one and a half million yuan?

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    Years of hard work made Qi Gong an excellent teacher and outstanding calligrapher and painter.Eve isk

                      3. Pop Stars I,ive Like the Royalty

    Pop stars today enjoy a style of living which was once the prerogative only of Royalty. Wherever they go, people turn out in their thousands to greet them. The crowds go wild trying to catch a brief glimpse of,their smiling, colourfully-dressed idols. The stars are transported in their chauffeur-driven Rolls-Royces, private helicopters or executive aeroplanes. They are surrounded by a permanent entourage of managers, press-agents and bodyguards.

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   And why not? ffxi gil Society has always rewarded its top entertainers lavishly. The great days of Hollywood have become legendary: famous stars enjoyed fame, wealth and adulation on an unprecedented scale.

               4. "op Stars Certainly Earn Their Money"

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    It's all very well for people in humdrum jobs to moan about the successes and rewards of others. wow power leveling People who make envious remarks should remember that the most famous stars represent only the tip of the iceberg. For every famous star, there are hundreds of others struggling to earn. a living. A man working in a steady job and looking forward to a pension at the end of it has no right to expect very high rewards.

                        5. Decent Beggars in Shanghai

    It was getting dark when the plane landed at Hongqiao Airport in Shanghai. A woman stepped out into a driving rain.

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    Then they began to flatter the.children, replica rolex saying they were so beautiful and would be promising in the future. They predicated that the parents would enjoy a very happy life with wealthy and devoted sons and daughters.

                              6. Nobel Prizes
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    Once a year, wow power leveling designers at a special ceremony a few dist.inguished people are awarded Nobel Prizes. The founder of these prizes was Alfred Bernhard Nobel (1833-1896), a Swedish scientist.

Is Money the Most Important Thing in Life?
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