PAM Service Names
Each PAM configuration file in the /etc/pam.d/ directory is named after the service for which it controls access. It is up to the PAM-aware program to define its service name and install its PAM configuration file in the pam.d directory. For example, the login program defines its service name as /etc/pam.d/login.
In general, the service name is the name of the program used to access the service, not the program used to provide the service. This is why the service wu-ftpd, defines its service name as /etc/pam.d/ftp.
可是我的 pam.d/下的 secure shell对应的是sshd,改成ssh无效
有的讲是 /etc/services中的名字,可大部分在这个文件中没有。
晕了,还找不到其他文档 |