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发表于 2004-1-8 12:57:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


翻译好后,要放到 上更新。


发表于 2004-1-8 18:23:31 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-1-8 18:42:12 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2004-1-8 18:59:50 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 carlos 发表



发表于 2004-1-8 19:17:35 | 显示全部楼层
OK, if no one does it, I will go for it, but anyway let me check it out firstly, I don't even have a look at readme.html, since I am using SCIM.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-1-8 19:21:56 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 ganloo 发表
OK, if no one does it, I will go for it, but anyway let me check it out firstly, I don't even have a look at readme.html, since I am using SCIM.

发表于 2004-1-9 09:45:29 | 显示全部楼层
Fcitx (version 2.0) User Manual
Writed by Yuking
Translated by ganlu

! ! Application and X may crash by XIM application's crash, it's adviced to backup your data from time to time.

1, What is fcitx?
  fcitx is an input method for simplifed chinese released under GPL, both WuBi and PinYin included. You can get the latest version from

2, Installation
   Make sure you have correctly installed gcc compiler and XFree86 developing packages(commonly named XFree86-devel) before you start to compile your fcitx.
   Go to firstly for downloading fcitx tarball, whose name is fcitx-2.0.tar.gz or fcitx-2.0.tar.bz2, and put it under /temp directory. If you download tar.gz file, use the following commands to uncompress:

      cd /temp
      tar zxvf fcitx-2.0.tar.gz

If the file you downloaded is in tar.bz2 format, use the following commands to uncompress:

      cd /temp
      tar jxvf fcitx-2.0.tar.gz

The command will creat fcitx-2.0 folder, and all including source code are placed there.

We suppose you have already gcc and XFree86 developing packages installed, now you can use the following commands for fcitx compilation and installation( root account needed ).

      cd fcitx-2.0
      make clean
      make && make install

It will install fcitx with XFT support. If any reasons you don't want XFT support, you can still choose to install fcitx using:

      cd fcitx-2.0
      make clean
      make -f Makefile.noxft && make install

    then fcitx will use X core font.

After compilation, the following files will be copied into your system for completing installation:
   If you don't have root authority, you need use "make install_local" instead of "make install", otherwise fcitx will copy the following files into your home folder:


3, Configuration

发表于 2004-1-9 10:31:44 | 显示全部楼层
3, Configuration

   Application communicates with XIM through environment variable XMODIFIERS, you can setup XMODIFIRES like this (for bash):

      export XMODIFIERS="@im=YOUR_XIM_NAME"
   Aboved-mentioned YOUR_XIM_NAME is registered name of your XIM application in the system. When start-up, application will find corresponding XIM sever by this variable. So, even if there are several applications running in the system at the same time, one application will take one XIM input method by one time. Sometimes you may account situation, apparently you have started XIM, but application doesn't take it. It's mostly caused by wrong XMODIFIERS configuration. One example will be that you modify XMODIFIERS in diffirent script files, which causes the variable unconsitent when X starts up and after.

By default, fcitx will register fcitx as XIM name, but if XMODIFIERS has been setup when fcitx starts up, fcitx will register its name according system configuration. So, for fresh-installed mandrake and Redhat, the simplest way is to execute the following commands:

      cd /usr/bin
      ln -sf fcitx chinput

Then restart X. If it can't work out, you need setup your environment manually, usually adding these lines in ~/.bashrc could do the trick:

      export XMODIFIERS="@im=fcitx"
      export XIM=fcitx
      export XIM_PROGRAM=fcitx

Then  restart X, logout and login. If fcitx doesn't load automatically, you need execute the following in the commandline:


By default, fcitx runs in backgroud, if you don't want it in this way, you can use:

      fcitx -nb

4, Configuration file
发表于 2004-1-9 10:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2004-1-9 12:51:59 | 显示全部楼层



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