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发表于 2004-3-1 11:56:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
还需要将gcc、g++更换为2.96的版本. (参考 Metalink 上的 Oracle Note:252217.1 )

# mv /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/gcc323
# ln -s /usr/bin/gcc296 /usr/bin/gcc
# mv /usr/bin/g++ /usr/bin/g++323
# ln -s /usr/bin/g++296 /usr/bin/g++


发表于 2004-3-1 12:17:31 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2004-3-1 18:38:54 | 显示全部楼层

$opatch apply
/usr/bin/perl /home/ORACLE/Install/Patch/OPatch/ apply

Help for opatch command: apply


apply <patch_location> [ -delay <value> ] [ ] [ -force ]
[ -invPtrLoc <ath to oraInst.loc> ]
[ -jdk <LOC> ] [ -jre <LOC> ] [ -local ]
[ -minimize_downtime ] [ -no_bug_superset ]
[ -no_inventory ] [ -oh <ORACLE_HOME> ]
[ -retry <value> ] [ -silent ] [ -verbose ] [ ]


Applies an interim patch to an ORACLE_HOME from the current
directory. The patch location can be changed by using patch_location.
A different installation can be specified by using ORACLE_HOME.


-delay If -retry is specified, this option tells
OPatch how many seconds it should wait before
attempting to lock inventory again in case
of a previous failure.

-error_on_conflict Deprecated. Has no effect.

-force If a conflict exist which prevents the patch
from being applied, the -force flag can be
used to apply the patch.
*** This removes the conflicting patches from
the system.

-invPtrLoc Used to locate the oraInst.loc file.
Needed when the installation used the
invPtrLoc flag. This should
be the path to the oraInst.loc file

-jdk This option tells OPatch to use JDK (jar)
from the specified location instead of
the default location under Oracle Home.

-jre This option tells OPatch to use JRE (java)
from the specified location instead of
the default location under Oracle Home.

-local Patch the local node, then update
inventory of the local node.
Do not propagate the patch or
inventory update to other nodes.

-minimize_downtime Only applied to RAC instances. User supplies
the order of nodes to be patched.
This option can not be used in
conjunction with -local option
or with a rolling patch.

-no_bug_superset This option tells OPatch to error out if the
current patch's bugs-to-fix is a super-set
(or same set) of an installed patch's bugs-fixed
in the Oracle Home.

-no_inventory Bypass the inventory for reading and updates.
This option can not be used in
conjunction with -local option
*** This puts the installation ***
*** into an unsupported state. ***

-oh The directory to use instead of the default of

-retry This option tells OPatch how many times
it should retry in case of an inventory
lock failure.

-silent This suppresses any user-interaction and defaults
any Y|N question to Y.
This option is not supported on RAC yet.

-verbose This option prints more OPatch output
to the screen as well as to the log file

patch_location Where to install the interim patch from.
This should be a directory with the same name as
the interim patch.

/home/ORACLE/Install/Patch/OPatch/ version:
Copyright (c) 2001,2002,2003 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Error parsing arguments: Oracle's home is not a directory:

ERROR: OPatch failed because of cmd. args. problem.


不知道根据我的情况应该如何用这个命令: $ opatch apply

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