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中文输入: miniChinput, fcitx和scim连锅端

发表于 2004-5-4 17:26:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
最新文档可从以下链接获得: ... e/chinese-input.txt

This is a mini-HOWTO to setup Chinese input method for X Window


    GNU Free Documentation License

    May 04, 2004  Fix problem to start scim under WindowMaker
    May 03, 2004  Add scim input method and rxvt
    Apr 13, 2004  Initial release for miniChinput and fcitx

    . Start Chinese Input Server in background automatically after
login X Window.
    . Invoke chinput whenever one wants to input Chinese in mlterm,
mozilla and GTK2 applications by Ctrl_Space.
    . Mozilla and GTK2 applicatioins start only with the English
interface because Chinese interface is often buggy (and personally I
do not like Chinese interface :p).

    Slackware Linux -current (May 04, 2004) with glibc 2.3.2,
xfree86 4.4 and Xorg 11R6.7

    Chinese Input Server: miniChinput 0.1.9, fcitx 2.0.1, scim 0.9.6
    Chinese Terminal: mlterm 2.8.0pl1, rxvt 2.7.10
    Window Manager: WindowMaker 0.82

    . /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/
    Copy simsun.ttc into this directory, then execute the following
        # cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/
        # mkfontscale
        # cp fonts.scale fonts.dir
        # fc-cache

    . /usr/local/lib/Chinput/
    Set some parameters as the following lines
        chinput.gblocale = zh_CN.GB18030
        chinput.font = 8x16
        chinput.gbfont = -misc-simsun-*-*-*--*-*-*-*-*-*-gb18030.2000-0
        chinput.gbkfont= -misc-simsun-*-*-*--*-*-*-*-*-*-gb18030.2000-0
        chinput.gb18030font = -misc-simsun-*-*-*--*-*-*-*-*-*-gb18030.2000-0

    If use fcitx or scim, nothing is needed to change.

    . /etc/csh.cshrc and /etc/csh.login
    Comment out the following line in these two files
        setenv LC_ALL POSIX

    . /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.wmaker
    Add the following lines before starting WindowMaker
        export LC_CTYPE=zh_CN
        LC_ALL=zh_CN LANG=zh_CN /usr/local/bin/chinput &

    If use fcitx, start fcitx as the following line
        LC_ALL=zh_CN LANG=zh_CN XIM=fcitx XIM_PROGRAM=fcitx XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx fcitx &

    If use scim, start scim by adding the following line into file
    ~GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/autostart. Add the line to xinitrc.
    wmaker does NOT work!!!
        LC_ALL=zh_CN LANG=zh_CN /usr/local/bin/scim -f x11 -d &

    . ~/.cshrc
    Add the following lines
        setenv LC_CTYPE zh_CN
        unsetenv LC_ALL   # make sure LC_ALL is not set

    To use miniChinput, add the following lines
        alias mlterm 'env LC_ALL=zh_CN LANG=zh_CN XMODIFIERS=@im=Chinput mlterm &'
        alias bbs 'env LC_ALL=zh_CN LANG=zh_CN XMODIFIERS=@im=Chinput mlterm -T BBS -e telnet &'

    To use fcitx, add the following lines
        alias mlterm 'env LC_ALL=zh_CN LANG=zh_CN XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx XIM=fcitx XIM_PROGRAM=fcitx mlterm &'

    To use scim, add the following lines
        alias crxvt 'env LC_ALL=zh_CN LANG=zh_CN XMODIFIERS=@im=SCIM rxvt -km gb -fn 8x16 -geometry 80x25 &'

    If use scim, replace Chinput with SCIM (case sensitive). Rxvt only
    works with scim. Mlterm works with all three input servers.

    . ~/.bashrc
    Add the following lines
        export LC_CTYPE=zh_CN
        export LC_ALL=   # make sure LC_ALL is not set

    To use miniChinput, add the following lines
        alias mlterm='LC_ALL=zh_CN LANG=zh_CN XMODIFIERS=@im=Chinput mlterm &'
        alias bbs='LC_ALL=zh_CN LANG=zh_CN XMODIFIERS=@im=Chinput mlterm -T BBS -e telnet &'

    To use fcitx, add the following lines
        alias mlterm='LC_ALL=zh_CN LANG=zh_CN XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx XIM=fcitx XIM_PROGRAM=fcitx mlterm &'

    To use scim, add the following lines
        alias crxvt='LC_ALL=zh_CN LANG=zh_CN XMODIFIERS=@im=SCIM rxvt -km gb -fn 8x16 -geometry 80x25 &'

    If use scim, replace Chinput with SCIM (case sensitive). Rxvt only
    works with scim. Mlterm works with all three input servers.

    . ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMRoot
    Start Mozilla/mlterm/GTK2 applications as the following lines. In
fact, it may not be necessary to start Mozilla nd GTK2 applications
with LC_CTYPE=zh_CN because it's already setted in xinitrc.wmaker.
        ("Multilang Terminal", SHEXEC, "LC_ALL=zh_CN LANG=zh_CN XMODIFIERS=@im=Chinput mlterm"),
        ("Mozilla Browser", SHEXEC, "LC_CTYPE=zh_CN mozilla"),
        (Gaim, SHEXEC, "LC_CTYPE=zh_CN gaim"),
        ("GNOME Terminal", SHEXEC, "LC_CTYPE=zh_CN gnome-terminal"),

    Check ~/.xsession-errors for error messages or set the variables
manually to test the input method.

    To input Chinese in abiword, you need to set language as Chinese
and use Chinese font.
    To input Chinese in OpenOffice, you need to use Chinese font.
发表于 2004-5-5 05:56:58 | 显示全部楼层
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