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SLES 9 安装 Oracle 10G 问题

发表于 2004-9-15 13:48:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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SLES 9 安装 Oracle 10G 问题

  安装问题 :环境变量 设置完后

用户oracle 出现如下问题


1个 root 用户终端
            Youlei:~ # xhost + localhost
            localhost being added to access control list

1个 oracle 用户中断  ./runinstall
             oracle@Youlei:/Disk1> ./runInstaller
             DISPLAY not set!
             Please set DISPLAY and try again.

再次检查环境变量 :

1 root 用户
  1. Youlei:~ # set
  2. ACLOCAL_PATH=/opt/gnome/share/aclocal
  3. BASH=/bin/bash
  4. BASH_VERSINFO=([0]="2" [1]="05b" [2]="0" [3]="1" [4]="release" [5]="i586-suse-linux")
  5. BASH_VERSION='2.05b.0(1)-release'
  7. COLUMNS=80
  8. CPU=i686
  9. CVS_RSH=ssh
  10. DESKTOP_SESSION=default
  11. DIRSTACK=()
  12. DISPLAY=:0.0 <--- 这个
  13. .......
  14. ....

2 oracle 用户
  1. oracle@Youlei:/Disk1> set
  2. ACLOCAL_PATH=/opt/gnome/share/aclocal
  3. AIO_MAX_SIZE=262144
  4. BASH=/bin/bash
  5. BASH_VERSINFO=([0]="2" [1]="05b" [2]="0" [3]="1" [4]="release" [5]="i586-suse-linux")
  6. BASH_VERSION='2.05b.0(1)-release'
  7. CLASSPATH=/opt/oracle/product/9ir2/JRE:/opt/oracle/product/9ir2/jlib:/opt/oracle/product/9ir2/rdbms/jlib:/opt/oracle/product/9ir2/network/jlib
  9. COLUMNS=80
  10. CPU=i686
  11. CVS_RSH=ssh
  12. DEFAULT_WM=kde
  13. DIRSTACK=()
  14. EUID=106
  15. FILE_MAX_KERNEL=131072
  16. FILE_MAX_SHELL=65536
  17. GNOME2_PATH=/usr/local:/opt/gnome:/usr
  18. GNOMEDIR=/opt/gnome
  19. GNOME_PATH=:/opt/gnome:/usr
  20. GROUPS=()
  21. GTK_PATH=/usr/local/lib/gtk-2.0:/opt/gnome/lib/gtk-2.0:/usr/lib/gtk-2.0
  23. HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth
  24. HISTFILE=/opt/oracle/.bash_history
  26. HISTSIZE=1000
  27. HOME=/opt/oracle
  28. HOST=Youlei
  30. HOSTNAME=Youlei
  31. HOSTTYPE=i386
  32.               这里没有        DISPLAY= 的环境变量

我怀疑是应为用 Redhat 9 美化包后的问题
 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-15 14:22:30 | 显示全部楼层


kao 找了 2个多小时终于在 一个不起眼儿的外国oracle小论坛找到了 链接!!苦


Installing Oracle 10gR1 on SuSE SLES-9
The first step before starting to install Oracle 10gR1 on SuSE SLES-9 is to
edit "/boot/grub/menu.lst" and add "hugepages=50" to the kernel line, and
reboot the system and check /proc/meminfo shows HugePages_Total of 50.
The entry for "Linux" should look something like the following, but will depend
on course on your SLES-9 installation. Only add "hugepages=50" to whatever is
there already.

title Linux
    kernel (hd0,1)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda2 vga=0x311 selinux=0 hugepages=50 splash=silent resume=/dev/sda1 elevator=cfq showopts
    initrd (hd0,1)/boot/initrd

The second thing that needs to be done is to allow the SHM_HUGETLB flag (04000)
in the shmget() call for non-root users, by doing, as root:

  echo "1" > /proc/sys/vm/disable_cap_mlock

This will make the change valid until the next reboot. If you prefer to make
it permanent, then use the sysctl utility:

sysctl -w vm.disable_cap_mlock="1"

or edit /etc/sysctl.conf and add the following:

vm.disable_cap_mlock = 1

The next step, which will save quite a lot of typing, is to install the
"orarun" package from SuSE SLES-9 CD3, either using YaST or using:

  rpm -i /media/cdrom/suse/i586/orarun-1.8-109.5.i586.rpm \

After installing the "orarun" package, the account for the oracle user is
normally disabled. To enable it, change the shell for the "oracle" user from
"/bin/false" to "/bin/bash", either using YaST user administration, or by
editing the file "/etc/passwd". Also, give the "oracle" user a password, and
add the "oracle" user to the new "oinstall" and "dba" groups, as follows:

  /usr/sbin/usermod -g oinstall -G dba oracle

Another thing to do while you're running as "root" is to remove the following
two lines from "/etc/services":

net8-cman       1830/tcp    # Oracle Net8 CMan Admin
net8-cman       1830/udp    # Oracle Net8 CMan Admin

You can put them back in after the Oracle install is complete, this step is
just a workaround to help the installer make a valid entry for EMD_URL in
the file $ORACLE_HOME/`hostname -f`_$ORACLE_SID/sysman/config/

Now login as the new "oracle" user, and copy the contents of "/etc/skel" to
"/opt/oracle", which is the default $HOME for the oracle user, using perhaps:

  (cd /etc/skel && find . -print|cpio -pdmvu /opt/oracle)

Let's have a look at the configuration files of the "orarun" package:

  rpm -ql orarun

As we're using bash here, let's edit the configuration file:


You might like to modify the entries for "ORACLE_SID" and "ORACLE_BASE" to
your taste, but certainly it will be fun to modify the default setting for
"ORACLE_HOME" from the default:
to what Oracle 10gR1 will expect, which is:

It might be simplest at this point to restart your window manager as the new
"oracle" user, or perhaps launch a new session and login as the "oracle" user,
as the remainder of this document will assume that you're running as "oracle",
and that the environment settings from /etc/profile.d/ are in effect.

Mount the Oracle 10gR1 installation media, and launch the oracle installer
as the new "oracle" user, as follows:

  mount /media/cdrom
  (cd $HOME && /media/cdrom/runInstaller -ignoreSysPrereqs)
Wait for the Oracle Universal Installer graphical screen to appear, and follow
the usual steps in the installation guide. Once the installation is complete,
the installer should have created a sample database, and started up some
services. If it is not already started, start up the "dbconsole" using:

  emctl start dbconsole

and connect using a browser such as Mozilla to the following URL:


Pretty much all the routine database administration tasks, and many
performance tuning tasks can be done via this "dbconsole" browser interface,
without ever going back to the command line. Enjoy

Latest version of this document will be maintained at: ... c/installfest_guide

Current version:

$Header: /tpc/tpcr2/home/pknaggs/cvs/hints/hints/suse/sls9/doc/installfest_guide,v 1.7 2004/08/23 18:37:30 pknaggs Exp $
 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-15 14:28:31 | 显示全部楼层
关于系统内核参数  根据自己的cpu和主板参数设置详解

还是没找到 请大家帮忙啊!!!


先谢过各位了  帮帮忙
发表于 2004-9-17 18:44:48 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-9-17 22:17:55 | 显示全部楼层
这个帖子的内容oracle的网站上有。大家可以访问。 ... /install/index.html
 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-18 12:47:25 | 显示全部楼层

  弯路走了没什么 ,弯路也通向目的地 , 继续努力 , 把弯路上的经验讲给大家. 傻瓜也不想走冤枉路嘛 , 我相信勤奋的人才有资格走弯路. 应为他付出了

    本人特别需要大家多多指点~! 谢谢

    qq: 17431439
    Email: (我的联系方式)

  linuxsir们共同进步是最关键的, 大家别笑话我啊  头一次精华感觉爽呆了.~~!!!
发表于 2004-10-25 16:32:27 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-9 04:36:40 | 显示全部楼层
是那意思  后来 找到 文档才SuSe 的 ORACLE 文档才知道 用 sux - oracle 就可以了  那中方法最简单 又安全
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