
热搜: shell linux mysql
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发表于 2004-9-29 12:12:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
site:~ # scim
Smart Common Input Method 0.9.6

Loading simple Config module ...
Creating backend ...
Loading Server module: pinyin ...
    Loading Server Factory 0 ... : OK
pinyin Server module is successfully loaded.
Loading Server module: rawcode ...
    Loading Server Factory 0 ... : OK
rawcode Server module is successfully loaded.
Loading Server module: socket ...
Failed to load socket Server module.
Loading Server module: table ...
    Loading Server Factory 0 ... : OK
    Loading Server Factory 1 ... : OK
    Loading Server Factory 2 ... : OK
    Loading Server Factory 3 ... : OK
    Loading Server Factory 4 ... : OK
    Loading Server Factory 5 ... : OK
    Loading Server Factory 6 ... : OK
    Loading Server Factory 7 ... : OK
    Loading Server Factory 8 ... : OK
    Loading Server Factory 9 ... : OK
    Loading Server Factory 10 ... : OK
    Loading Server Factory 11 ... : OK
    Loading Server Factory 12 ... : OK
    Loading Server Factory 13 ... : OK
    Loading Server Factory 14 ... : OK
    Loading Server Factory 15 ... : OK
    Loading Server Factory 16 ... : OK
table Server module is successfully loaded.
Loading x11 FrontEnd module ...
Starting SCIM ...
scim::FrontEnd: X11 -- failed to initialize XIM Server!

 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-29 13:03:17 | 显示全部楼层
site:~ # scim
Smart Common Input Method 0.99.2

Launching a SCIM daemon with Socket FrontEnd...
Loading simple Config module ...
Creating backend ...
Loading IMEngine module: pinyin ...
    Loading IMEngine Factory 0 ... : OK
pinyin IMEngine module is successfully loaded.
Loading IMEngine module: rawcode ...
    Loading IMEngine Factory 0 ... : OK
rawcode IMEngine module is successfully loaded.
Loading IMEngine module: table ...
Failed to load table IMEngine module.
Loading socket FrontEnd module ...
Starting SCIM as daemon ...
Launching a SCIM process with x11...
Loading socket Config module ...
Creating backend ...
Loading IMEngine module: socket ...
    Loading IMEngine Factory 0 ... : OK
    Loading IMEngine Factory 1 ... : OK
socket IMEngine module is successfully loaded.
Loading x11 FrontEnd module ...
Starting SCIM ...
GTK Panel of SCIM 0.99.2

Starting as daemon ...

换最新的版本后还是无法运行,在终端里运行到Starting as daemon ...就不动了
发表于 2004-9-30 08:58:30 | 显示全部楼层
我安装了好多次,都没有你的问题啊,初装时SCIM全选,进系统在YAST删除,把企业版的SCIM全RPM -UVH全搞定了,很正常,智能拼音也挺好用
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