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发表于 2004-11-2 22:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
各位,安装好之后第一次就进不了图形界面,我的显示器是三星SyncMaster 795MB的,SUSE好象认不出来,只认出个SyncMaster 4S,显卡是NF2主板集成的Gefore4 MX。。。不记得了,反正是集成的,我安装的时候在YAST里面找不到这个型号,用了SUSE默认的 NV 0x01f0。现在进不了图形界面,有什么方法可以解决啊?谢谢了!

Master Resource Control:runlevel 5 has been                   reached
skipped services in runlevel 5:                     smbfs fnfxd nfs


X Window System Version 6.8.1
Release Date: 17 September 2004
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 6.8.1
Build Operating System: SuSE Linux [ELF] SuSE
Current Operating System: Linux linux 2.6.8-24-default #1 Wed Oct 6 09:16:23 UTC 2004 i686
Build Date: 04 October 2004
        Before reporting problems, check http://wiki.X.Org
        to make sure that you have the latest version.
Module Loader present
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
        (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
        (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Tue Nov  2 23:35:33 2004
(==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf
        At least one Device section is required.
(EE) Problem parsing the config file
(EE) Error parsing the config file

Fatal server error:
no screens found

Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support
         at http://wiki.X.Org
for help.
Please also check the log file at "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" for additional information.

发表于 2004-11-2 22:57:23 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-2 23:01:12 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-2 23:56:51 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-3 10:33:10 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-3 10:35:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-11-3 11:01:15 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-11-3 11:03:27 | 显示全部楼层
Nvidia Installer HOWTO for SuSE Linux users

  Last Update: Sa Okt  2 11:46:45 CEST 2004

This document describes how to use the new nvidia installer for the
installation of the latest nvidia driver, which is available for your
SuSE Linux system.

NOTE: The nvidia installer does not work as long as a Xserver is still
      running and the nvidia kernel module is still loaded. Therefore
      please boot into runlevel 3 by specifying "3" as kernel boot
      option or switch to runlevel 3 ("init 3") and unload the kernel
      module ("rmmod nvidia") before running the nvidia installer.

SuSE Linux 9.2-IA32

SuSE Linux 9.2-AMD64

SuSE Linux 9.1-IA32

SuSE Linux 9.1-AMD64

SL Enterprise Server 9 (SLES9-IA32) / Novell Linux Desktop (NLD-IA32)

SL Enterprise Server 9 (SLES9-AMD64)

SuSE Linux 9.0-IA32

SuSE Linux 9.0-AMD64

SuSE Linux 8.2-IA32 / SuSE Linux Desktop (SLD-IA32)

SuSE Linux 8.1-IA32 / United Linux 1.0 (UL1-IA32) / SL Enterprise Server 8 (SLES8-IA32)

SuSE Linux 8.0-IA32

SuSE Linux 7.3-IA32 / SuSE Linux 7.2-IA32 / SL Enterprise Server 7 (SLES7-IA32)

SuSE Linux 7.1-IA32

SuSE Linux 7.0-IA32 or earlier




SuSE Linux 9.2-IA32
It is recommended to use YOU (YaST Online Update) for (re)installation
of the nvidia driver. There are several reasons for this. First, it's
simple. Second, and this is the most important one, you won't need to
recompile the nvidia kernel module after a kernel update.

Inside YOU enable "Installable and Installed Patches" for "Show Patch
Category" and select "Download NVIDIA(r) Graphics Driver" from the
patches list (usually at the bottom of the list). Note, that you need
to mark it as "Update" (right mouse click) if you already installed it
before and the driver was uninstalled - for any reason. Proceed as
usual now. After YOU has finished restart your Xserver (i.e. logout
from your Xsession) and you're fine.

People who aren't afraid of recompiling the nvidia kernel module or
even reinstalling the nvidia driver each time the kernel has been
updated and want or need to use the latest and greatest nvidia driver
can use the following steps 1-3. The others should use the
instructions above using YOU and skip the steps below.

1) Kernel sources must be installed and configured. Usually this means
installing the 'kernel-source', 'make' and 'gcc' packages with YaST2.
Update it - if not already done - via YaST2 Online Update (YOU) and
configure the kernel sources then with the following commands:

cd /usr/src/linux
make cloneconfig
make prepare-all

2) Use the nvidia installer for 1.0-6111.

    sh -q --kernel-source-path=/usr/src/linux

3) Configure X.Org with

sax2 -m 0=nvidia (0 is a digit, not a letter!)

NOTE: There is no need to try to enable 3D support. It's already
      enabled, when the nvidia driver is running.

SuSE Linux 9.2-AMD64
It is recommended to use YOU (YaST Online Update) for (re)installation
of the nvidia driver. There are several reasons for this. First, it's
simple. Second, and this is the most important one, you won't need to
recompile the nvidia kernel module after a kernel update.

Inside YOU enable "Installable and Installed Patches" for "Show Patch
Category" and select "Download NVIDIA(r) Graphics Driver" from the
patches list (usually at the bottom of the list). Note, that you need
to mark it as "Update" (right mouse click) if you already installed it
before and the driver was uninstalled - for any reason. Proceed as
usual now. After YOU has finished restart your Xserver (i.e. logout
from your Xsession) and you're fine.

People who aren't afraid of recompiling the nvidia kernel module or
even reinstalling the nvidia driver each time the kernel has been
updated and want or need to use the latest and greatest nvidia driver
can use the following steps 1-3. The others should use the
instructions above using YOU and skip the steps below.

1) Kernel sources must be installed and configured. Usually this means
installing the 'kernel-source', 'make' and 'gcc' packages with YaST2.
Update it - if not already done - via YaST2 Online Update (YOU) and
configure the kernel sources then with the following commands:

cd /usr/src/linux
make cloneconfig
make prepare-all

2) Use the nvidia installer for 1.0-6111.
sh -q --kernel-source-path=/usr/src/linux

3) Configure X.Org with

sax2 -m 0=nvidia (0 is a digit, not a letter!)

NOTE: There is no need to try to enable 3D support. It's already
      enabled, when the nvidia driver is running.

SuSE Linux 9.1-IA32
It is recommended to use YOU (YaST Online Update) for (re)installation
of the nvidia driver. There are several reasons for this. First, it's
simple. Second, and this is the most important one, you won't need to
recompile the nvidia kernel module after a kernel update.

Inside YOU enable "Installable and Installed Patches" for "Show Patch
Category" and select "Download NVIDIA(r) Graphics Driver" from the
patches list (usually at the bottom of the list). Note, that you need
to mark it as "Update" (right mouse click) if you already installed it
before and the driver was uninstalled - for any reason. Proceed as
usual now. After YOU has finished restart your Xserver (i.e. logout
from your Xsession) and you're fine.

People who aren't afraid of recompiling the nvidia kernel module or
even reinstalling the nvidia driver each time the kernel has been
updated and want or need to use the latest and greatest nvidia driver
can use the following steps 1-3. The others should use the
instructions above using YOU and skip the steps below.

1) Kernel sources must be installed and configured. Usually this means
installing the 'kernel-source', 'make' and 'gcc' packages with YaST2.
Update it - if not already done - via YaST2 Online Update (YOU) and
configure the kernel sources then with the following commands:

cd /usr/src/linux
make cloneconfig
make prepare-all (only for kernel-source >= 2.6.5-7.75)

2) Use the nvidia installer for 1.0-6111.

a) kernel-source < 2.6.5-7.75

    sh -q

b) kernel-source >= 2.6.5-7.75

    sh -q --kernel-source-path=/usr/src/linux

3) Configure XFree86 with

sax2 -m 0=nvidia (0 is a digit, not a letter!)

NOTE: There is no need to try to enable 3D support. It's already
      enabled, when the nvidia driver is running.

SuSE Linux 9.1-AMD64
It is recommended to use YOU (YaST Online Update) for (re)installation
of the nvidia driver. There are several reasons for this. First, it's
simple. Second, and this is the most important one, you won't need to
recompile the nvidia kernel module after a kernel update.

Inside YOU enable "Installable and Installed Patches" for "Show Patch
Category" and select "Download NVIDIA(r) Graphics Driver" from the
patches list (usually at the bottom of the list). Note, that you need
to mark it as "Update" (right mouse click) if you already installed it
before and the driver was uninstalled - for any reason. Proceed as
usual now. After YOU has finished restart your Xserver (i.e. logout
from your Xsession) and you're fine.

People who aren't afraid of recompiling the nvidia kernel module or
even reinstalling the nvidia driver each time the kernel has been
updated and want or need to use the latest and greatest nvidia driver
can use the following steps 1-3. The others should use the
instructions above using YOU and skip the steps below.

1) Kernel sources must be installed and configured. Usually this means
installing the 'kernel-source', 'make' and 'gcc' packages with YaST2.
Update it - if not already done - via YaST2 Online Update (YOU) and
configure the kernel sources then with the following commands:

cd /usr/src/linux
make cloneconfig
make prepare-all (only for kernel-source >= 2.6.5-7.75)

2) Use the nvidia installer for 1.0-6111.

a) kernel-source < 2.6.5-7.75

    sh -q

b) kernel-source >= 2.6.5-7.75

    sh -q --kernel-source-path=/usr/src/linux

3) Configure XFree86 with

sax2 -m 0=nvidia (0 is a digit, not a letter!)

NOTE: There is no need to try to enable 3D support. It's already
      enabled, when the nvidia driver is running.

SL Enterprise Server 9 (SLES9-IA32) / Novell Linux Desktop (NLD-IA32)
1) Kernel sources must be installed and configured. Usually this means
installing the 'kernel-source', 'make' and 'gcc' packages with YaST2.
Update it - if not already done - via YaST2 Online Update (YOU) and
configure the kernel sources then with the following commands:

cd /usr/src/linux
make cloneconfig
make prepare-all

2) Use the nvidia installer for 1.0-6111.

sh -q --kernel-source-path=/usr/src/linux

3) Configure XFree86 with

sax2 -m 0=nvidia (0 is a digit, not a letter!)

NOTE: There is no need to try to enable 3D support. It's already
      enabled, when the nvidia driver is running.

SL Enterprise Server 9 (SLES9-AMD64)
1) Kernel sources must be installed and configured. Usually this means
installing the 'kernel-source', 'make' and 'gcc' packages with YaST2.
Update it - if not already done - via YaST2 Online Update (YOU) and
configure the kernel sources then with the following commands:

cd /usr/src/linux
make cloneconfig
make prepare-all (only for kernel-source >= 2.6.5-7.75)

2) Use the nvidia installer for 1.0-6111.

a) kernel-source < 2.6.5-7.75

    sh -q

b) kernel-source >= 2.6.5-7.75

    sh -q --kernel-source-path=/usr/src/linux

3) Configure XFree86 with

sax2 -m 0=nvidia (0 is a digit, not a letter!)

NOTE: There is no need to try to enable 3D support. It's already
      enabled, when the nvidia driver is running.

SuSE Linux 9.0-IA32
It is recommended to use YOU (YaST Online Update) for (re)installation
of the nvidia driver. There are several reasons for this. First, it's
simple. Second, and this is the most important one, you won't need to
recompile the nvidia kernel module after a kernel update.

Inside YOU enable "Installable and Installed Patches" for "Show Patch
Category" and select "Download NVIDIA(c) Graphics Driver" from the
patches list (usually at the bottom of the list). Note, that you need
to mark it as "Update" (right mouse click) if you already installed it
before and the driver was uninstalled - for any reason. Proceed as
usual now. After YOU has finished restart your Xserver (i.e. logout
from your Xsession) and you're fine.

People who aren't afraid of recompiling the nvidia kernel module or
even reinstalling the nvidia driver each time the kernel has been
updated and want or need to use the latest and greatest nvidia driver
can use the following steps 1-3. The others should use the
instructions above using YOU and skip the steps below.

1) Kernel sources must be installed and configured. Usually this means
installing the 'kernel-source' package with YaST2. Update it - if not
already done - via YaST2 Online Update (YOU).

2) Use the nvidia installer for 1.0-6111.

sh -q

3) Configure XFree86 with

sax2 -m 0=nvidia (0 is a digit, not a letter!)

NOTE: There is no need to try to enable 3D support. It's already
      enabled, when the nvidia driver is running. Ignore the
      misleading error message, that 3D support can't be enabled.
      This problem will be fixed with SuSE > 9.0 and is related to the
      latest nvidia driver release.

SuSE Linux 9.0-AMD64
1) Kernel sources must be installed and configured. Usually this means
installing the 'kernel-source' package with YaST2, update it - if not
already done - via YaST2 Online Update (YOU).

2) Use the nvidia installer for 1.0-6111.

sh -q

3) Configure XFree86 with

sax2 -m 0=nvidia (0 is a digit, not a letter!)

NOTE: There is no need to try to enable 3D support. It's already
      enabled, when the nvidia driver is running. Ignore the
      misleading error message, that 3D support can't be enabled.

SuSE Linux 8.2-IA32 / SuSE Linux Desktop (SLD-IA32)
1) Kernel sources must be installed and configured. Usually this means
installing the 'kernel-source' package with YaST2, update it - if not
already done - via YaST2 Online Update (YOU) and configure it then
with the following commands:

cd /usr/src/linux
make cloneconfig && make dep

2) Use the nvidia installer for 1.0-6111.

sh -q

3) Configure XFree86 with

sax2 -m 0=nvidia (0 is a digit, not a letter!)

NOTE: There is no need to try to enable 3D support. It's already
      enabled, when the nvidia driver is running. Ignore the
      misleading error message, that 3D support can't be enabled.
      This problem will be fixed with SuSE > 9.0 and is related to the
      latest nvidia driver release.

SuSE Linux 8.1-IA32 / United Linux 1.0 (UL1-IA32) / SL Enterprise Server 8 (SLES8-IA32)
1) Download the according 'NVIDIA_GLX' and 'NVIDIA_kernel' RPMs for
1.0-5336 from nvidia ftp server and install these with the following

rpm --justdb -Uhv NVIDIA_kernel*.rpm
rpm -Uhv NVIDIA_GLX*.rpm

Use "ul1" packages for UL1/SLES8.

2) Kernel sources must be installed and configured. Usually this means
installing the 'kernel-source' package with YaST2, update it - if not
already done - via YaST2 Online Update (YOU) and configure it then
with the following commands:

cd /usr/src/linux
make cloneconfig && make dep

3) Download nvidia installer for 1.0-5336 and extract it with the
following command:

sh --extract-only

4) Compile and install the nvidia kernel module with the following

cd NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-5336-pkg1/usr/src/nv
make install
depmod -a

5) Enable 3D support with SaX2.

SuSE Linux 8.0-IA32
1) Download the 'NVIDIA_GLX' and 'NVIDIA_kernel' RPMs for 1.0-5336 for
SuSE 8.0 from nvidia ftp server and install these with the following

rpm --justdb -Uhv NVIDIA_kernel*.rpm
rpm -Uhv NVIDIA_GLX*.rpm

2) Kernel sources must be installed and configured. Usually this means
installing the 'kernel-source' package with YaST2, update it - if not
already done - via YaST2 Online Update (YOU) and configure it then
with the following commands:

cd /usr/src/linux
make cloneconfig && make dep

3) Download nvidia installer for 1.0-5336 and extract it with the
following command:

sh --extract-only

4) Compile and install the nvidia kernel module with the following

cd NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-5336-pkg1/usr/src/nv
make install
depmod -a

5) Enable 3D support with SaX2.

SuSE Linux 7.3-IA32 / SuSE Linux 7.2-IA32 / SL Enterprise Server 7 (SLES7-IA32)
1) Download the 'NVIDIA_GLX' and 'NVIDIA_kernel' RPMs for 1.0-4496 for
SuSE 7.3 from nvidia ftp server and install these with the following

rpm --justdb -Uhv NVIDIA_kernel*.rpm
rpm -Uhv NVIDIA_GLX*.rpm

2) Kernel sources must be installed and configured. Usually this means
installing the 'kernel-source' package with YaST2, update it - if not
already done - via YaST2 Online Update (YOU) and configure it then
with the following commands:

cd /usr/src/linux
make cloneconfig && make dep

3) Download nvidia installer for 1.0-4496 and extract it with the
following command:

sh --extract-only

4) Compile and install the nvidia kernel module with the following

cd NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-4496-pkg2/usr/src/nv
make install
depmod -a

5) Enable 3D support with SaX2.

SuSE Linux 7.1-IA32
1) Kernel sources must be installed and configured. Usually this means
installing the 'linux' package with YaST2, update it - if not already
done - via YaST2 Online Update (YOU) and configure it then with the
following commands:

cd /usr/src/linux
make cloneconfig && make dep

2) Try to use the nvidia installer for 1.0-4496.

  sh -q

3) Enable 3D support with SaX2.

SuSE Linux 7.0-IA32 or earlier
The nvidia driver does not work on SuSE 7.0 or earlier as the driver
needs XFree86 4.0.1 and SuSE 7.0 comes with XFree86 4.0.

* nVidia driver website

* nvidia installer ... ... ... ...

* nvidia driver RPMs for SuSE Linux

Please use "" for any feedback about this

For NVIDIA end user technical support, please communicate with the
NVIDIA support team using the online form here: ... sp?RequestTypeID=10

For developers with GPU programming questions, please use the NVIDIA
developer web site

and the NVIDIA developer support email alias
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-3 11:18:52 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-3 20:30:09 | 显示全部楼层
ge wei xiongtai ,bu neng shuru zhongwen ya!
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