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gentoo创始人Daniel Robbins加入微软drobbins -> microsoft (June 14, 2005,

发表于 2005-6-14 21:21:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
So everyone knows now that Daniel Robbins took a job with Microsoft. I want to state my opinion, mostly in response to the trolls out there (and slashdotters, if there is a difference).

He has a wife and kids.. With a wife and kids comes the responsibility to care for them. He is being responsibile and doing just that. It’s as simple as that.. Gentoo does not pay anybody, and even if we did we definately could not afford the full gamut of benefits that are a necessity these days (retirement package, HEALTH INSURANCE for his family, etc).

I’ve encouraged Daniel to find a salary job for a long time now, as taking care of his wife and kids should take priority over Gentoo. He is doing just that.

For those who are crying foul, there is no foul. I say that both as a Trustee of the Gentoo Foundation and as a friend of Daniel.

For those who think he should not be working at Microsoft because it is Microsoft, give me a break.. You know, if we want to be on the “open source” side of the game, according to RMS every single bit of code should be free and no money (wages) paid for it. His opinion is that programmers should bag groceries to afford their food and then do their programming in their free time. I don’t mind someone who wants to practice this belief, but on the other hand I hope you can see how silly it is in the grand scheme of things.
 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-14 21:22:59 | 显示全部楼层
Drobbins working for MS (June 14, 2005, 00:36 UTC)
I recently posted a news item announcing that Daniel Robbins is now working for Microsoft, and that he has also finished turning all of the Gentoo IP over to the Gentoo Foundation. That combination of events is likely to cause some consternation. Microsoft is evil, isn't it? Yet why would somebody who chooses to work for an evil company voluntarily turn over a substantial number of copyrights and logos, getting very, very little in return. (To be specific, drobbins has been promised by the foundation that will be aliased to whatever his current e-mail address happens to be.)

Of course, Microsoft is not evil. I disagree with many of their business practices, and in many cases I find that open source packages actually work better than do their close-source counterparts, but I'm not blinded to the fact that the Windows operating system is "good enough" for a whole lot of people. Moreover, Microsoft does hire a lot of smart people. In the long run C# may be as much a boon to the open source community as to Microsoft, and MS should get substantial credit for assembling a rather nice language.

In reading through the forums, somebody asked why drobbins couldn't just keep working on making Gentoo better, instead of working for microsoft. I hope that the vast majority of our users understand that, except for extremely rare exceptions, our developers aren't _paid_ to work on Gentoo.
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发表于 2005-6-14 21:42:06 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-14 22:25:00 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-2-15 16:41:05 | 显示全部楼层

走了。只呆了8个月。微软员工遭研发束缚 Linux部门领头人辞职

2006年02月15日 08:11 赛迪网

  【赛迪网讯】2月15日消息,在正式加盟微软仅仅八个月之后,前Gentoo Linux项目首席工程师丹尼尔.洛宾斯向软件帝国递交了辞呈。




  在离开微软之后,丹尼尔计划加盟ABC Coding Solutins公司,一家信息产品提供商,并且负责医疗产业咨询服务。对于丹尼尔的离开,微软方面表现的十分友好,公司发言人表示:“丹尼尔能够加盟 ABC Coding也未尝不是一件好事,这样他就回到了自己的老家Albuquerque,希望他未来一切顺利。” (n102)

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