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"e2label device" doesn't show Raid or LVM partition??

发表于 2005-10-29 08:52:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I am testing troubleshooting of missing /etc/fstab.  I understand the basic steps and it works fine....but there is a minor question about e2label.

1. First "fdisk -l "查看分区情况. Make a note of each partition device that is formatted to a Linux filesystem.

2. 然后e2label to check  各个分区的卷标。Check the labels associated with each Linux-formatted partition. For example,  if one of the partitions is /dev/hda1, run the e2label /dev/hda1 command. Make a note of the label that you see, such as /boot or /.

My question here is: should i worry about those partitions that are formatted as RAID or LVM?  For RAID or LVM partitions, "e2label /dev/hda4" won't show the label.

Of course system can be booted up with a minimum /etc/fstab (boot, /, /var, etc). But how could I find out exactly what is the file system mounted to those RAID or LVM partitions, even after system booted up?

Thanks a lot for any reply....
发表于 2005-10-29 16:20:12 | 显示全部楼层
我也覺得查不到label的話 的確不能確定本?硎枪逸d在什麽目錄下的 或者你以前就知道md0或者某LV下有些特殊的文件是挂載在那個分區下的,那樣就能確定md0或者LV是挂在什麽目錄下的吧。。不然基本不太可能找到把
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发表于 2005-11-1 02:42:39 | 显示全部楼层
Post by zaiwen
I am testing troubleshooting of missing /etc/fstab.  I understand the basic steps and it works fine....but there is a minor question about e2label.

1. First "fdisk -l "查看分区情况. Make a note of each partition device that is formatted to a Linux filesystem.

2. 然后e2label to check  各个分区的卷标。Check the labels associated with each Linux-formatted partition. For example,  if one of the partitions is /dev/hda1, run the e2label /dev/hda1 command. Make a note of the label that you see, such as /boot or /.

My question here is: should i worry about those partitions that are formatted as RAID or LVM?  For RAID or LVM partitions, "e2label /dev/hda4" won't show the label.

Of course system can be booted up with a minimum /etc/fstab (boot, /, /var, etc). But how could I find out exactly what is the file system mounted to those RAID or LVM partitions, even after system booted up?

Thanks a lot for any reply....

if you system can boot up, then vgscan -dv should get all the vg info and cat /proc/mdstat or cat /etc/mdadm.conf should show you all md status if they are not broken...
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-11-1 04:17:40 | 显示全部楼层
Yes, I understand that after system boots up, then vgscan -dv should get all the vg info and cat /proc/mdstat or cat /etc/mdadm.conf should show you all md status....

but they will only tell you which partitions are md0 or md1.....if they are not e2label at the first place, there is no way to find out, right?
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发表于 2005-11-1 08:40:27 | 显示全部楼层
no, it will tell you what devices are involved.
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