Archlinux is switching towards XULRunner for applications that want to use the Gecko engine as embedded library. XULRunner is more API stable than firefox and should give us less problems in the future.
Archlinux 开始使用XULRunner来替代Gecko引擎。XULRunner 比Firefox在API上更稳定,会给我们减少一些麻烦。
While upgrading your system, you might notice pacman wants to remove firefox and install xulrunner: this is a bug in pacman, upgrade to mozilla-firefox- first and it won't complain about removing firefox anymore.
当升级系统的时候,你会发现 pacman 想移除 firefox 然后安装 xulrunner。这是 pacman 的一个 bug,先把 firefox 升级到 mozilla-firefox- 它就不会再试图移除firefox了。
Another change that has been made in the structure of mozilla applications is the move of plugins from /opt/mozilla-plugins to /opt/mozilla/lib/plugins. The reason for this is that we want to have all mozilla related stuff INSIDE /opt/mozilla, not somewhere else. Most plugins have been updated to reflect this change. Please report bugs when you find plugins that install in /opt/mozilla-plugins anyways.
另一个关于 mozilla 相关程序的改变是 plugins 目录从/opt/mozilla-plugins 变成了/opt/mozilla/lib/plugins 。理由是我们希望所有和mozilla相关的东西都在/opt/mozilla之内,而不是其他地方。大部分插件已经做了相应的升级。如果你发现了仍然有插件安装在/opt/mozilla-plugins,请提交bug。 |