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推荐:evilwm 窗口管理器

发表于 2006-4-13 07:51:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


A minimalist window manager for the X Window System.

'Minimalist' here doesn't mean it's too bare to be usable - it just means it omits a lot of the stuff that make other window managers unusable. Here is a list of features:

    * No window decorations apart from a simple 1 pixel border.
    * No icons.
    * Good keyboard control, including repositioning and maximise toggles.
    * Solid window drags (optional - may be slow on old machines).
    * Snap-to-border support (command line option).
    * Virtual desktops (compile time option).
    * Small binary size (even with everything turned on).


You can use the mouse to manipulate windows either by click/dragging the 1 pixel border, or by holding down Alt and doing so anywhere in the client window. The controls are:
Button 1        Move window.
Button 2        Resize window.
Button 3        Lower window.

Most keyboard controls are used by holding down Control and Alt, then pressing a key. Available functions are:
Return        Spawn new xterm.
Escape        Delete current window.
Insert        Lower current window.
H, J, K, L        Move window left, down, up or right (16 pixels). Holding Shift resizes the window instead.
Y, U, B, N        Move window to top-left, top-right, bottom-left or bottom-right of screen.
I        Show information about current window.
Equals        Maximise current window vertically (toggle).
X        Maximise current window (toggle).

If compiled with virtual desktop support, these functions are also available:
F        Fix or unfix current window.
1 - 8        Switch virtual desktop.
Left        Previous virtual desktop.
Right        Next virtual desktop.

In addition to the above, Alt+Tab can be used to cycle through windows on screen.

    * To move a window from one virtual desktop to another, fix it, switch desktop, then unfix it.
    * To make evilwm exit, you have to kill the process.


-display display
    specifies the X display to run on.
-term termprog
    specifies an alternative program to run when spawning a new terminal (defaults to xterm, or x-terminal-emulator in Debian).
-fn fontname
    specify a font to use when resizing or displaying window titles.
-fg foreground colour
    frame colour of currently active window.
-fc fixed colour
    frame colour of active fixed windows.
-bg background colour
    frame colour of inactive windows.
-bw borderwidth
    width of window borders in pixels.
-snap num
    enable snap-to-border support. num gives the proximity in pixels to snap to.
-mask1 modifiers
-mask2 modifiers
-altmask modifier
    override the default keyboard modifiers used to grab keys for window manager functionality. mask1 is used for most keyboard controls (default: control+alt), and mask2 is used for mousebutton controls and cycling windows (default: alt). altmask is used to modify the behaviour of certain controls (default: shift). Modifiers may be separated with + signs. Valid modifiers are shift, lock, control, alt, mod1, mod2, mod3, mod4, mod5.
-app name/class
    match an application by instance name and class (for help in finding these, use the xprop tool to extract the WM_CLASS property). Subsequent -g, -v and -s options will apply to this match.
-g geometry
    apply a geometry (using a standard X geometry string) to applications matching the last -app.
-v vdesk
    specify a default virtual desktop for applications matching the last -app.
    specify that application is to start with a sticky client window.
    draw a window outline while moving or resizing.
    print version number.

See the Sourceforge bug-tracking page and the Debian Bug report logs.
发表于 2006-4-13 20:49:20 | 显示全部楼层
evilwm 也属於小巧的 wm,不知何故,我从来没有编译成功过,又不想用别人的二进包,似乎跟无缘了
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发表于 2006-4-14 11:16:34 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-15 05:12:54 | 显示全部楼层
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