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安装GNOME最新窗口管理器Enlightenment DR17 on Fedora Core 4

发表于 2006-4-24 02:59:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The last time I gave Enlightenment a try was almost a year ago when I was using Fedora Core 3. Before that, I used Enlightenment sometime back in 1999 since Enlightenment was the desktop of choice for Linux. Today, I decided to give it a try and find out what has been done since then. All I can say is just wow! It has come a long way with major changes within the development release itself. Explaining what DR17 is about is beyond the scope of this post, this is like what you get when you put composite + gnome + fancy desktop on steroids.

The latest version is Enlightenment Development Release 17, or simply DR17, and it has been in development for a long time now. As for this day the development has progressed to a level where the components are stable enough for non critical desktops. Thanks to the enthusiasts, we now have RPM packages for Fedora Core 4.

Here is a shortcut method to install the DR17 packages on FC4.
1. Get the files to Install Manually

If you are using Fedora Core 4, type the following command (in one single line) within an empty directory to download all the DR17 files into that directory. There is an alternative method (using Yum) given below and you can skip this step if you prefer to have everything downloaded and installed automatically!

    links -dump | grep 'rpm$' | grep -v devel | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -n1 wget

A repository for DR17 RPMs for Fedora Core releases 2, 3 and 4 is available online. Have a look, and you may download each file manually if you wish not to use the above command.
2. Install the Packages Maunally

The packages must be installed in a particular order to avoid dependency problems within DR17 packages. Refer to the point below if you are having external dependency problems. Here is the order you should follow to install the packages. To install use the following command as root:

    rpm -ivh filename.rpm

2.1 Install Order

   1. eet: Library for speedy data storage, retrieval, and compression
   2. edb: Database abstraction layer to Berkeley Databases
   3. imlib2: Powerful image loading & rendering library
   4. imlib2_loaders: Just the loaders! *NOW PART OF the imlib2 rpm*
   5. embryo: Tiny library designed as a virtual machine to interpret small compiled programs
   6. evas: Clean display canvas API
   7. ecore: Ecore is the event/X abstraction layer
   8. edje: Edje is a complex graphical design and layout engine
   9. epeg: JPEG scaling library
  10. epsilon: Small, display independent, and quick thumbnailing library
  11. etox: Type setting and text layout library based on Evas
  12. esmart: Contains "smart" pre-built evas objects. (thumbnail generator included)
  13. emotion: Evas smart-object library providing video capabilities
  14. ewl: Widget library
  15. eclair: EFL powered media player
  16. iconbar: Standalone iconbar based on the e17 iconbar by raster and rephorm
  17. entice: Yet another image viewer based on EFL technology
  18. entrance: Enlightenment Display Manager which beats up KDM/GDM
  19. examine: A config interface
  20. elicit: Global color picker and a zoom tool for artists
  21. evidence: File-manager with plugins for everything
  22. erss: Enlightened RSS Feed Reader
  23. Eterm: Terminal application
  24. e17-bg: Background styles for the desktop
  25. e17-themes: Desktop styles
  26. enlightenment: DR17's core package

3. Install the Packages Using Yum

You can save yourself all the trouble and get DR17 running with a breeze using Yum. Edit your /etc/yum.conf file and enter the following repository details:

    name=Didier's yum repository for e17 apps/lib


After that type the following commands to install DR17. Yum will take care of the dependencies for you as long as the missing libraries are found within the repositories you have given in your yum configuration.

    yum -y update && yum -y install Enlightenment

4. Dependency Problems?

It is likely that you are missing one or two libraries if you are installing manually, but do not worry! Just go to and do an advanced search with only your version of Fedora Core selected. I have a custom installation with most of the development libraries installed and I got away with only one dependency problem. I had to install Xine multimedia package because DR17 needed one of Xine's libraries and it was not possible just to install that library package alone since that library was depending on other libraries of Xine. If you use yum to install DR17 you will not have any dependency problems since the repository has got everything you need.
5. Running DR17

DR17 Screenshot Thumbnail
Enlightenment DR17 Screenshot

Enlightenment DR17 is now installed on your computer. To start it, first logout and choose Enlightenment from the"Sessions" in your login screen and then login again.
6. Getting Updates

Configure Yum according to the steps given above and type the following command to update your entire system.

    yum -y update

7. Customizing DR17

You might want to add applications to the launch bar at the bottom, and this is a little bit tricky since there is no GUI application to do this yet. First, to see all the launch icons available to you go to the following directory and have a look:


You will see files with application names ending in the extension .eap and these are shortcut icons used by DR17. The shortcuts shown in your launch bar are contained in the following file and this is the file you will edit.


DR17 Icon Bar
DR17 Icon Bar

The file will contain a list of shortcuts. Edit it to include the applications you wish, you may find out the filenames from the "all" directory and write it down here. My configuration file looks like following and it should give you an idea to setup up your own configuration.


There are plenty configuration options in the "Configuration Panel" (click on the desktop, go to Configuration) to change the looks and behavior of the windows.

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-24 21:43:25 | 显示全部楼层
最后是Bugs,很多应用程序一启动就是Applicatin Error.


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-24 23:31:51 | 显示全部楼层
application error是因为没有没有相应的程序。
e17的字体并不难设置,虽然现在可以直接用configuration panel设置,但是我更喜欢直接用edc设置。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-25 01:52:11 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-25 09:52:38 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-25 18:33:39 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-25 23:39:26 | 显示全部楼层
Post by chongling

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