楼主 |
发表于 2006-5-14 22:29:38
(ww)I810:No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:0:2:1) found
(EE)No devices detected
Many devices include multiple device IDs on the same slot. Multi-head Radeons, for example, will often show up as both 1:0.0 and 1:0.1. The second device is totally fake, it only exists so the multihead support on certain other OSes will work. You can safely ignore these kinds of warnings.
You get an error message like:
(EE) No devices detected.
Fatal server error:
no screens found
It is very likely that your xorg.conf file doesn't contain the correct driver(s) for the chipset(s) in your system or that your chipset isn't supported by any of the drivers.
You can check for the detected devices in the log file (in most cases /var/log/Xorg.0.log) by looking for lines like:
(--) PCI:*(1:0:0) Neomagic Corporation NM2200 [MagicGraph 256AV] rev 32, Mem @ 0xfd000000/24, 0xfe800000/22, 0xfec00000/20
In this example the active video device (the one with the *) is a Neomagic NM2200 video chip. In order to get this chipset to work you'd have to use the neomagic driver.
If you are using a distribution you should rerun its configuration tool. If there is no such tool, or if it keeps configuring your Xserver wrong you may want to try xorgcfg, the graphical tool shipped with Xorg. You can also let the server generate a config file: as root just run X -configure.
Please note: If you appear to use the correct driver and you still keep getting this message it is very likely that your chipset isn't supported (yet). In this case you may try the vesa driver or - if this doesn't work - the vga driver. However both are entirely unaccellerated.
它还是叫我rerun its configuration tool,可是我还是不知道应该怎么设置啊,可能还是有设置错的地方吧
望不吝赐教 |