楼主 |
发表于 2006-7-23 19:35:54
弄好了,看来一定得装xinetd ,唉其他方法我弄不好,郁闷
First, grab the packages you'll need with pacman:
pacman -Sy xinetd vsftpd
The following config files will need to be changed:
service ftp
socket_type = stream
wait = no
user = root
server = /usr/sbin/vsftpd
log_on_success += HOST DURATION
log_on_failure += HOST
disable = no
/etc/vsftpd.conf is a very well documented config file, but here are the basics you'll probably want to set:
anonymous_enable=NO # Assuming you don't want anonymous ftp
local_enable=YES # This lets local machine users log in
write_enable=YES # Be really careful using this with anonymous_enable=YES
Finally, add xinetd to your daemons line in /etc/rc.conf. You don't need to add vsftpd, as it will be called by xinetd whenever necessary.
If you get errors like
500 OOPS: cap_set_proc |