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发表于 2006-8-13 22:51:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
首先我在N卡官方找到了 这个驱动 看介绍是64位的驱动
我是AMD 64处理器 好像用这个比较合适,  然后按照介绍方法 运行
sh   进入后 大概遇到了这个问题:它提示INTERFACE好像有些问题 需要下载 但又下载不到什么东西~ 我很多东西不大清楚 所以问问
看了下readme相关内容不大清楚 故请教 以下是README上 的介绍吧  它提示

The NVIDIA kernel module has a kernel interface layer which must be
compiled specifically for the configuration and version of the kernel
you are running.  NVIDIA distributes the source code to this kernel
interface layer, as well as a precompiled version for many of the kernels
distributed by some popular distributions.
When the installer is run, it will determine if it has a precompiled
kernel interface for the kernel you are running.  If it does not have
one, it will check if there is one on the NVIDIA ftp site (assuming you
have an internet connection), and download it.

If a precompiled kernel interface is found that matches your kernel,
then that will be linked[1] against the binary portion of the NVIDIA
kernel module.  The result of this operation will be a kernel module
appropriate for your kernel.

If no matching precompiled kernel interface is found, then the installer
will compile the kernel interface for you.  However, first it will
check that you have the correct kernel headers intalled on your system.
If the installer must compile the kernel interface, then you must install
the kernel-sources package for your kernel.

[1] NOTE: installation requires that you have a linker installed.
The linker, usually '/usr/bin/ld', is part of the binutils package;
please be sure you have this package installed prior to installing the
NVIDIA driver.
另问~ 我的 显卡是 6800XT 但是这个驱动中没写这个 芯片不知道可以否 ?  
PS: 奇怪的是 6800系列其他所有芯片都提供驱动。。。  
发表于 2006-8-14 10:36:24 | 显示全部楼层
装完以后修改 /etc/X11/xorg.conf
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