我使用lxr 0.3现在source navigator ,identifier search freetext search 均能使用,能进到相应文件中,但file search 使用时显示出来的结果却是绝对路径,点进去以后找的是行如 Linux/var/www/localhost/htdocs/lxr/source/linux....文件.不知怎么的加了个Linux前缀,请教该如何处理,谢谢
file search input.h的显示结果:
# Configuration file.
# Define typed variable "v", read valueset from file.
variable: v, Version, [/var/www/localhost/htdocs/lxr/source/versions], [/var/www/localhost/htdocs/lxr/source/defversion]
# Define typed variable "a". First value is default.
variable: a, Architecture, (arm, i386)
# Define the base url for the LXR files.
baseurl: http://localhost/lxr/http/
# These are the templates for the HTML heading, directory listing and
# footer, respectively.
htmlhead: /var/www/localhost/htdocs/lxr/http/template-head
htmltail: /var/www/localhost/htdocs/lxr/http/template-tail
htmldir: /var/www/localhost/htdocs/lxr/http/template-dir
# The source is here.
sourceroot: /var/www/localhost/htdocs/lxr/source/$v/linux/
srcrootname: Linux
# "#include <foo.h>" is mapped to this directory (in the LXR source
# tree)
incprefix: /include
# The database files go here.
dbdir: /var/www/localhost/htdocs/lxr/source/$v/
# Glimpse can be found here.
glimpsebin: /use/bin/glimpse
# The power of regexps. This is pretty Linux-specific, but quite
# useful. Tinker with it and see what it does. (How's that for
# documentation?)
map: /include/asm[^\/]*/ /include/asm-$a/
map: /arch/[^\/]+/ /arch/$a/ |