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配置kingnet w510c 笔记本无线网卡 (简略说明)

发表于 2007-2-10 15:19:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 用ndiswrapper (具体资料到网上找,不做说明)
   到kingnet官方下载ndiswrapper在xp下的驱动,解压缩,把net8185.inf 和 net8185.sys复制到/home (目录随便)。  编译安装ndiswrapper   
  ndiswrapper -i  net8185.inf
  然后用ndiswrapper -l 查看一下
  modprobe ndiswrapper
如果想自动加载: ndiswrapper -m

不过这种方法,有一个问题没有验证。就是我的笔记本加载驱动后,只能用一会,然后就不动了。试了n次都是如此。后来到洋文网站上看了看,说是和BIOS的开机自检(POST)有关。如果在bios里设定全面自检的话,就不会出现这样的问题(至少洋鬼子是这样说的)。由于我的明基笔记本是insyde software bios,所以没法设置.
如果大家出现同样的问题可以更改bios试验一下.具体原理: 本人菜鸟,不明白.
下面是摘录洋鬼子的话  (关于4k 8k 16k kernel)

It was the version of ndiswrapper causing the problem least causing modprobe to hang.
I retried the installing the drivers, no dice.
I ugraded the kernel from, make clean, reran make install for ndiswrapper. Thanks jrittvo, but modprobe still hung!
So I removed the driver (ndiswrapper -e driver), ran make clean, then removed any files pertaining to ndiswrapper ver .9
I retried with ndiswrapper version .7 (I heard it was a pretty good release) and everything worked. Afterwards I had to play around with the wlan0 settings. The settings wouldn't take, the gui would report one thing, iwconfig another but I finally got it going.
I'm posting this now from Fedora/Mozilla.
Thanks for all your help jrittvo, I agree I needed the kernel upgrade as well!!!
Thanks to all!

2 用REALTEK的Linux RTL8185L驱动

下载地址: ... 10.0531.2006.tar.gz
kingnet w510c WIRELESS CARD 的核心就是REALTEK RTL8185

  tar xzvf rtl8185_linux_26.1010.0531.2006.tar.gz
  cd  rtl8185_linux_26.1010.0531.2006

如果提示没有/linux/config.h文件 自己到 /usr/src/......./linux(不好意思,路径忘了,反正是内核源文件)中建立一个空白的就行了.(以上方法在FC6中通过)
   touch  config.h  
   make clean
   回到上级目录 ./makedrv
执行完后会在多出来的那两个目录中生成几个模块文件  *.ko

   然后执行 ./wlan0up (网卡的active灯就亮了,驱动成功)

   iwlist wlan0 scanning  (get ap address)
   iwconfig wlan0  ap  apaddress
   ifconfig wlan0 ip **** netmask ****
   route add default gw  gwip

发表于 2007-5-24 18:26:27 | 显示全部楼层

第2方法 kernel 2。6。20 以上就不行了。

其实fedora 4 以上就把 config.h 改为autoconf.h.

把所有C语言文件里的 #include <linux/config.h> 改为 <linux/autoconf.h> 就ok了。

#! /usr/bin/perl -w

$dir = "./rtl8185";
#$dir = "./ieee80211"; 改完rtl改ieee...

opendir(IEE, $dir) or die "Can't open IEEE: $!";
chdir $dir;
while($file =readdir IEE)
        open (FILE, "<$file");
        @lines = <FILE>;
        close FILE;
        #Open same file for writing, reusing STDOUT
        open (OUT, ">$file");

        #Walk through lines, putting into $_, and substitute 2nd away
        foreach ( @lines ) {
            print OUT $_;
#Finish up
close OUT;
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