Segmentation violation detected at Mon Mar 19 22:55:26 2007
MATLAB Version: (R14)
Operating System: Linux 2.6.17-1.2174_FC5 #1 Tue Aug 8 15:30:55 EDT 2006 i686
Window System: The X.Org Foundation (70000000), display :0.0
Current Visual: 0x21 (class 4, depth 16)
Processor ID: x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9, GenuineIntel
Virtual Machine: Java 1.4.2_02 with Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
(mixed mode)
Default Charset: UTF-8
Register State:
eax = 00000000 ebx = 0125ba00
ecx = ffffffff edx = 01326000
esi = 01268dc0 edi = 01326000
ebp = bfacd148 esp = bfacd100
eip = 0105c6bc flg = 00010246
Stack Trace:
[0] libmwm_interpreter.so:Mfh_mp::inPcodeheaderToWord_0(_memory_context*, _pcodeheader*)(0x09d862d0, 0x00d5b464 ", 0xbfacecb0, 0x09d862d0) + 688 bytes
[1] libmwm_interpreter.so:inEvalPcodeHeaderToWord_NoDispatch(_memory_context*, _pcodeheader*)(0x00d5b464 ", 0xbfacecb0, 0, 0) + 248 bytes
[2] libmwm_interpreter.so:inEvalPcodeHeaderToWord(_memory_context*, int, mxArray_tag**, _pcodeheader*)(0x00d5b464 ", 0, 0xbfaced78, 0xbfacecb0) + 30 bytes
[3] libmwm_interpreter.so:inEvalStringWithIsVarFcn(_memory_context*, char const*, unsigned, EvalType, int, mxArray_tag**, inDebugCheck, _pcodeheader*, int*, bool (*)(void*, char const*), void*)(0x00d5b464 ", 0x09d60580 "simulink\n", 9, 0) + 2458 bytes
[4] libmwm_interpreter.so:inEvalCmdNoEnd(0x09d60580 "simulink\n", 0x09d60580 "simulink\n", 0xbfacef28 ", 1867203) + 110 bytes
[5] libmwbridge.so:mnParser(0x0058fe8b "@@@", 0x0058ff7b "mnParser", 1, 88556) + 471 bytes
[6] libmwmcr.so:mcrInstance::mnParser()(0x09113ff8, 0, 0xbfad1268, 0x0804a90e) + 96 bytes
[7] MATLAB:mcrMain(int, char**)(1, 0xbfad1314 ", 0xbfad1288, 0x00a76bbd) + 308 bytes
[8] MATLAB:main(1, 0xbfad1314 ", 0xbfad131c, 0x00a3c5bb) + 23 bytes
[9] libc.so.6:__libc_start_main~(0x0804a7d0, 1, 0xbfad1314 ", 0x0804a3e4) + 220 bytes
Please follow these steps in reporting this problem to The MathWorks so
that we have the best chance of correcting it:
1. Send this crash report to segv@mathworks.com for automated analysis.
For your convenience, this information has been recorded in:
2. Also, if the problem is reproducible, send the crash report to
support@mathworks.com along with:
- A specific list of steps that will reproduce the problem
- Any M, MEX, MDL or other files required to reproduce the problem
- Any error messages displayed to the command window
A technical support engineer will contact you with further information.
Thank you for your assistance. Please save your workspace and restart
MATLAB before continuing your work.
请教高手怎么解决??!!! |