1.2 KDE i18n现状
KDE 4在发布alpha 1版之后,也已经为界面的字符(messages)以及文档(docmessages)创建了相应的目录,大家已经可以开始工作了。
有关websvn中各个目录的说明:(好像是截至今天的最新目录信息) http://websvn.kde.org/branches/stable/l10n/zh_CN/
branches/stable/l10n - nothing changed there as we have no stable KDE4
atm. Hopefully by the time KDE4 turns stable, there are no more KDE3
releases (knock on wood)
trunk/l10n-kde3 - everything in development for KDE3, mostly extragear apps,
some unmaintained things from nonbeta and various things from playground