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openSUSE 11如何使用TI PCIxx21 读卡器

发表于 2008-10-11 17:06:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本本内置了TI的读卡器(PCIxx21),系统是openSUSE 11.0+KDE 4.1.2,读卡器一直不能使用
For those of you having this problem I have a solution that works fine with SUSE 10.2.. Just follow the steps below.
Note, this has only been tested with SD cards.

1. run lspci | grep 'Texas Instruments PCIxx21'
You'll get something that looks like this:
02:09.0 CardBus bridge: Texas Instruments PCIxx21/x515 Cardbus Controller
nn:nn.n Mass storage controller: Texas Instruments PCIxx21 Integrated FlashMedia Controller

The last one is what we're interested in.

2. run "setpci -s nn:nn.n 4c.b=0x02" where nn:nn.n is the number from above.

3. Insert a SD card, if it works, proceed, if not......... ???

4. cd to /etc/init.d/

5. create a new file, containing the following. Call it whatever you like. I named mine cardreader (use vi, or your favorite editor.) Again, replace nn:nn:.n from your results above.

setpci -s nn:nn.n 4c.b=0x02

exit 0

6. Save the file, and do a chmod 755 to the file.

7. In /etc/init.d/ run "chkconfig -a cardreader" (replace cardreader with the name of the file you created.

That's it, reboot and insert a card, it should work fine.
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