发表于 2009-8-30 14:13:11
Post by grissiom;2021871
- Input methods for complex characters (CJK, which is shorthand for Chinese,
- Japanese, Korean) and other non-latin character sets have been added. These
- input methods use the SCIM (Smart Common Input Method) platform.
- The environment variables for SCIM support are set in /etc/profile.d/scim.sh
- The requirements for getting SCIM input methods to work in your X session
- are as follows:
- (1) Use a UTF-8 locale. Look in /etc/profile.d/lang.sh for setting your
- language to (for instance) en_US.UTF-8. As a word of warning: maybe you
- should leave root with a non-UTF-8 locale because you don't want root's
- commands to be misinterpreted. You can add the following line to your
- ~/.profile file to enable UTF-8 just for yourself:
- export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
- (2) Make the scim profile scripts executable. These will setup your
- environment correctly for the use of scim with X applications. Run:
- chmod +x /etc/profile.d/scim.*
- (3) Start the scim daemon as soon as your X session starts. The scim daemon
- must be active before any of your X applications. In KDE, you can add a
- shell script to the ~/.kde/Autostart folder that runs the command
- "scim -d". In XFCE you can add "scim -d" to the Autostarted Applications.
- If you boot your computer in runlevel 4 (the graphical XDM/KDM login)
- you can simply add the line "scim -d" to your ~/.xprofile file.
- This gives you a Desktop Environment independent way of starting scim.
- When scim is running, you will see a small keyboard icon in your system tray.
- Right-click it to enter SCIM Setup. In 'Global Setup' select your keyboard
- layout, and you are ready to start entering just about any language
- characters you wish! Press the magical key combo <Control><Space>
- in order to activate or deactivate SCIM input. The SCIM taskbar in the
- desktop's corner allows you to select a language. As you type, SCIM will show
- an overview of applicable character glyphs (if you are inputting complex
- characters like Japanese).
不过里有一个问题,每次startx的时候,会跳出编辑器。。显示scim -d?? |