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发表于 2009-9-28 16:06:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/mm.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include <asm/arch/s3c44b0x.h>

#define WAVE_MAJOR 235
#define WAVE_DEVNAME "WavePlayer"
#define WAVE_PAGE_SIZE 1024

#define WAVE_INIT _IO(0xD0, 0)
#define WAVE_RESET _IO(0xD0, 1)
#define WAVE_PLAY _IO(0xD0, 2)
#define WAVE_STOP _IO(0xD0, 3)

////////////////////////////        declaration of key functions        /////////////////////
int wave_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file);
int wave_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file);
int wave_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long param);
int wave_read(struct file *file, const char *buf, size_t count, loff_t *offp);
int wave_write(struct file *file, const char *buf, size_t count, loff_t *offp);
int wave_init(void);
int wave_cleanup(void);

struct file_operations wave_fop = {
        owner:                THIS_MODULE,
        open:                wave_open,
        release:        wave_release,
        ioctl:                wave_ioctl,
        read:                wave_read,
        write:                wave_write

char *kbuf;
unsigned char *pWave;
unsigned char *cur_pos;
int wave_size;
///////////////////////////                implemetation of every functions        //////////////////
int wave_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
        printk("Open WavePlayer module.\n");
        kbuf = kmalloc(WAVE_PAGE_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
        pWave = (unsigned char *)kbuf;
        wave_size = 0;
        return 0;
int wave_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
        printk("Release WavePlayer module.\n");
        (*(volatile unsigned *)S3C44B0X_BDICNT0) = 0x0;
        (*(volatile unsigned *)S3C44B0X_IISCON) = 0x0;
        return 0;

int wave_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long param)
        if(cmd == WAVE_RESET)
                cur_pos = kbuf;
        else if(cmd == WAVE_INIT)
                printk("config IIS.\n");
                (*(volatile unsigned *)S3C44B0X_PCONF) = 0x24900a;
                (*(volatile unsigned *)S3C44B0X_IISCON) = 0x22;                //master mode, IIS format, 16bits data, master clock: 256fs, serial bit clock: 32 fs
                (*(volatile unsigned *)S3C44B0X_IISMOD) = 0x89;
                (*(volatile unsigned *)S3C44B0X_IISPSR) = 0x33;
                (*(volatile unsigned *)S3C44B0X_IISFIFCON) = 0xa00;
                printk("Config DMA.\n");
                (*(volatile unsigned *)S3C44B0X_BDISRC0) = (1<<30)+(1<28)+(unsigned long )pWave;
                (*(volatile unsigned *)S3C44B0X_BDIDES0) = (1<<30)+(3<<28)+(unsigned long )S3C44B0X_IISFIF;
                (*(volatile unsigned *)S3C44B0X_BDICNT0) = (1<<30)+(1<<26)+(3<<22)+(1<<21)+(1<<20)+wave_size;
                (*(volatile unsigned *)S3C44B0X_BDCON0) = 0x0;
                printk("buffer length: %d\n", wave_size);
        else if(cmd == WAVE_PLAY)
                (*(volatile unsigned *)S3C44B0X_IISCON) |= 0x1;
        else if(cmd == WAVE_STOP)
                (*(volatile unsigned *)S3C44B0X_BDICNT0) = 0x0;
                (*(volatile unsigned *)S3C44B0X_IISCON) = 0x0;
        return 0;

int wave_read(struct file *file, const char *buf, size_t count, loff_t *offp)

int wave_write(struct file *file, const char *buf, size_t count, loff_t *offp)
        int old_PLLCON;
        copy_from_user(cur_pos, buf, count);
        printk("Copied from user. count = %d\n", count);
        cur_pos += count;

        //old_PLLCON = (*(volatile unsigned *)S3C44B0X_PLLCON);
        //(*(volatile unsigned *)S3C44B0X_PLLCON) = (0X69<<12)|(0X17<<4)|0;

        //pWave += 0x28;
        //wave_size = *(pWave + 0)|*(pWave + 1)<<8|*(pWave + 2)<<16|*(pWave + 3)<<24;
        //pWave += 4;
        //wave_size = (wave_size>>1)<<1;
        //config DMA0
        //printk("laying wave......\n");
        //(*(volatile unsigned *)S3C44B0X_PLLCON) = old_PLLCON ;

int wave_init(void)
        int ret;
        ret = register_chrdev(WAVE_MAJOR, WAVE_DEVNAME, &wave_fop);
        if(ret < 0)
                printk("Could register wave device with major %n\n", WAVE_MAJOR);
                printk("Registered wave device succesfully!\n");
        return 0;

int wave_cleanup(void)
        unregister_chrdev(WAVE_MAJOR, WAVE_DEVNAME);
        return 0;


发表于 2009-11-11 03:22:40 | 显示全部楼层
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