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楼主: 高原之狼

fcitx homepage 的英文翻译

发表于 2003-5-7 18:23:46 | 显示全部楼层
Yuking 兄赶快更新主页啊!



 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-8 11:08:23 | 显示全部楼层
6. Troubleshooting for configuration:
If you followed everthing in Step 4 but can't get fcitx work, please
read the following configuration guide.  If Step 4 works fine, you can
skip this.
The applications communicate with XIM through the environment variable
XMODIFIERS.  Take bash as an example, the way to set XMODIFIER is:
The ``YOUR_XIM_NAME'' above it the name XIM program registered as in the
operating system.  Applications will look for the XIM server corresponds
this name.  Therefore, even if there are several XIM programs running
simultaneously, an application can only use one XIM at a time.  Sometime
you will find that although XIM is already invoked, the application
can't use it, then this is mostly due to a wrong setup of XMODIFIERS
variable.  For example, you may have modified some scripts, so that this
variable have a different value when X starts than when system boots to
command line.
                                                                                The default name fcitx register as is, well, fcitx.  However, if
XMODIFIERS is already set when fcitx starts, fcitx can register an
suitable name according to it.  So, for newly installed Mandrake 8.x/9
and Red Hat 7.x/8, the easiest way is to do
    cd /usr/bin
    ln -sf fcitx chinput
then reboot, and everything should be okay.
If this doesn't work, you need to manually set the environment variable.
You can do this in ~/.bashrc, just add line export
    export XIM=fcitx
    export XIM_PROGRAM=fcitx
then relogin and start X.  If fcitx is not invoked automatically, you
need to run
    fcitx &
in an X console.
发表于 2003-5-8 16:41:15 | 显示全部楼层
高原之狼 兄已经回复了。赶快更新吧!我已经等不及了!
发表于 2003-5-9 15:33:10 | 显示全部楼层
高原之狼 兄已经回复了。赶快更新吧!我已经等不及了!


明天早上就看到效果了。 。。。。正在施工中
 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-10 16:19:17 | 显示全部楼层
7. Features.

1) Common short-cut keys:
Turn on/off input method:  left-Ctrl+Space / left-Ctrl+left-Shift
Switch between Chinese and English:  left-Ctrl
Switch between input methods:  left-Ctrl+left-Shift
Swith to a certain input method:  Alt+1 -> WuBi, Alt+2 -> PinYin, Alt+3 -> QuWei
Switch between fullwidth and halfwidth:  left-Shift+Space
Turn to previous/next page of candidates:  ,/. -/=
Reload configuration: left-Ctrl+5

2) WuBi input method:
Supports standard '86 version WuBi input.
User-defined phrase:  When in WuBi status, left-Ctrl+8 can add a new phrase, left-Ctrl+7 can delete a phrase, and left-Ctrl+6 can change the order of phrases.
Fast PinYin input:  Press ``z'' key can switch to QuanPin input status, so that you can enter the character you can't type in WuBi.  It can also help you with the WuBi code of entered character (needs configuration).
Fuzzy input:  Supports ``z'' key for fuzzy input.
Press Enter key can send out your input.
Press ESC key can erase all your input.
In WuBi status, Left arrow, Right arrow, Home, and End key can be used to edit the type-in code.
There are some addition in the WuBi encoding for special symbols.  Please refer to the Table of Special Symbols.
 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-10 16:22:30 | 显示全部楼层


翻译中遇到文件名、HTML 链接就都没译,还请北南南北兄做网页时注意。
发表于 2003-5-10 16:58:58 | 显示全部楼层


北南 呈上
发表于 2003-5-12 13:06:41 | 显示全部楼层
主页更新,请弟兄们指正。我是把高原之狼兄所译的都放了上去,现在高原兄没有译的是8 9 10 条。因为第8条的fcitx的configure文件是中文的,所以译起来有点不方便。现在就差第9和10条了。高原兄有时间可以随时翻译,我也会随时更新。

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