iStock, driven by StockNet, is intended to be a lightweight cross platform program for China stock market users. iStock is designed with QT4.
StockNet is currently a proprietary library to communicate with stock servers, providing event data driven interface for other projects.
Homepage http://code.google.com/p/i-stock/
Developer <gale.fae@gmail.com>
27 Aug, 2010
1. How do I build this program?
A: First, you have to make header files visible for cmake.
$> export CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=/home/you/projects/iStock/include/
or edit cmake_env to the right path for you and:
$> source ./cmake_env
Once it's configured by cmake, next time when you make, you don't have to do this step. Then, in the same terminal, you can:
$> cd build
$> cmake ../
$> make && make install
2. I compiled with "undefined reference to.." errors, so what's up?
A: Make sure you have development libraries installed, which are required by QT4, such as libqt4-dev, zlib1g-dev, etc.
3. What plaform is supported by this program?
A: Currently, iStock is developed and tested under Linux x86_64 and Linux x86.
Have fun! |