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发表于 2010-11-8 21:17:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
刚刚 emerge --sync 了一下,结果吐出一长串:

      << dev-lisp/cl-acclaim ({M}0.25-r1): Acclaim is a presentation program writen in Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/cl-acl-compat ({M}(~) Compatibility layer for Allegro Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/cl-aim ({M}(~)1.2): Common Lisp interface to AOL's TOC instant messaging protocol
      << dev-lisp/cl-aima ({M}1.0.4): Common Lisp source code from Peter Norvig's Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
      << dev-lisp/cl-anaphora ({M}(~)0.9.3): Anaphoric macro collection for Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/cl-ansi-tests-cvs ([M](~)0): The ANSI Common Lisp compliance test suite from the GCL CVS tree.
      << dev-lisp/cl-araneida ({M}(~)0.90.1): Araneida is small, highly-portable web server for Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/cl-archive ({M}(~)0.5.0): A Common Lisp library for reading and writing cpio and tar archives.
      << dev-lisp/cl-arnesi-darcs ([M](~)20060825): arnesi is a Common Lisp utility suite used with bese projects
      << dev-lisp/cl-asdf-system-connections ({M}(~)0.8): ASDF-System-Connections provides auto-loading of systems that only make sense when several other systems are loaded.
      << dev-lisp/cl-aserve ({M}(~) A portable version of AllegroServe which is a web application server for Common Lisp programs.
      << dev-lisp/cl-aspectl ({M}(~)0.70): AspectL is a library that provides aspect-oriented extensions for Common Lisp/CLOS.
      << dev-lisp/cl-awk ({M}(~)20060311): Common Lisp implementation of AWK
      << dev-lisp/cl-base64 ({M}3.3.2): Common Lisp package to encode and decode base64 with URI support
      << dev-lisp/cl-bayescl ({M}20041121): Bayescl is a general purpose Bayesian pattern filtering library for Common Lisp.
      << dev-lisp/cl-binary-types ({M}0.90): Binary-types is a Library for accessing binary files with fixed bit-length code-words.
      << dev-lisp/cl-bind ({M}(~)0.2): BIND combines LET*, DESTRUCTURING-BIND and MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND into a single form.
      << dev-lisp/cl-blowfish ({M}0.6): Common Lisp implementation of the Blowfish encryption algorithm.
      << dev-lisp/cl-bouquet ({M}0.1): BOUQUET is a graph generator for ANSI Common Lisp which produces Tulip graph description files.
      << dev-lisp/cl-cclan ({M}1.86): Comprehensive Common Lisp Archive Network
      << dev-lisp/cl-cells ({M}20050511): Cells is a Common Lisp library providing a data flow extension to CLOS.
      << dev-lisp/cl-cffi ({M}(~)0.9.1): The Common Foreign Function Interface (CFFI)
      << dev-lisp/cl-cgi-utils ({M}(~)0.9): lisp-cgi-utils is a Common Lisp library for developing CGI applications.
      << dev-lisp/cl-ch-util ({M}(~) Cyrus Harmon's Common Lisp utility library.
      << dev-lisp/cl-chemical-compounds ({M}(~)1.0.2): Common Lisp library for parsing and performing calculations on chemical compound expressions
      << dev-lisp/cl-chunga ({M}(~)0.2.1): Portable chunked streams for Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/cl-clem ({M}(~) Cyrus Harmon's Common Lisp matrix mathematics library.
      << dev-lisp/cl-closer-mop ({M}(~)0.31): Closer to MOP is a compatibility layer that rectifies many of the absent or incorrect MOP features as detected by MOP Feature Tests.
      << dev-lisp/cl-colorize ({M}(~)1.0): Colorize is a Common Lisp application for colorizing Common Lisp, Scheme, Elisp, C, C++ or Java code.
      << dev-lisp/cl-common-idioms ({M}(~)3): A small Common Lisp library implementing various Common Lisp idioms.
      << dev-lisp/cl-contextl ({M}(~)0.21): CLOS extension for context-oriented Programming
      << dev-lisp/cl-csv ({M}(~)1.12): CL-CSV is a Common Lisp library for importing CSV (Common Separated Values) formatted text files
      << dev-lisp/cl-curl ({M}(~)20050609): Common Lisp interface to libcurl, a multi-protocol file transfer library
      << dev-lisp/cl-cxml ({M}(~)20050625): A Common Lisp XML library implementing namespaces, a validating SAX-like XML 1.0 parser and the DOM Level 1 Core interfaces.
      << dev-lisp/cl-defpatt ({M}0.2.1): A mechanism for defining and using pattern abstractions with CL-PPCRE
      << dev-lisp/cl-defsystem3 ({M}3.3i-r5): Another System Definition Facility for Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/cl-diff ({M}0.3): DIFF is a Common Lisp library for computing the unified or context difference between two files.
      << dev-lisp/cl-difflib ({M}0.1): CL-DIFFLIB is a Lisp library for computing differences between sequences.
      << dev-lisp/cl-dot ({M}(~)0.1): A Common Lisp library for generating output for the Graphviz dot program
      << dev-lisp/cl-drakma ({M}(~)0.5.4): Drakma is a Common Lisp HTTP client.
      << dev-lisp/cl-elephant ({M}(~)0.2.1): Elephant is an object database for Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/cl-emb ({M}0.4.3): Embedded Common Lisp and template system
      << dev-lisp/cl-environment ({M}1.0.20021105): Provides an CLOS (CL Object System) encapsulation of the current CL implementation environment
[D]   << dev-lisp/cl-fad ({M}(~)0.5.1): CL-FAD is a thin portability layer atop the Common Lisp standard pathname functions.
      << dev-lisp/cl-fare-matcher ({M}1.1-r1): A library of macros and functions by Fare Rideau.
      << dev-lisp/cl-fiveam-darcs ([M](~)20060825): FiveAM is a simple regression testing framework designed for Common Lisp.
      << dev-lisp/cl-flexi-streams ({M}(~)0.8.0): FLEXI-STREAMS implements "virtual" bivalent streams that can be layered atop real binary or bivalent streams.
      << dev-lisp/cl-ftp ({M}1.3.3): CL-FTP is a Networking Library that provides FTP client (for now) functionality to Common Lisp programs.
      << dev-lisp/cl-fucc ({M}(~)0.1.1): fucc is universal parser generator for Common Lisp.
      << dev-lisp/cl-gcc-xml-ffi ({M}(~) Cyrus Harmon's Common Lisp GCC-XML FFI library.
      << dev-lisp/cl-gd ({M}(~)0.5.1): CL-GD is a library for Common Lisp which interfaces to the GD Graphics Library
      << dev-lisp/cl-genhash ({M}1.4): Common Lisp library providing support for generic hashtables.
      << dev-lisp/cl-getopt ({M}1.1.0): A Common Lisp command-line processor similar to GNU getopt_long.
      << dev-lisp/cl-gordon ({M}(~)0.2): Gordon is a Common Lisp library that can be used to generate flash files.
      << dev-lisp/cl-hello ({M}0.2): An example of how to layout the file structure of a Lisp program or library.
      << dev-lisp/cl-html-diff ({M}0.1): CL-HTML-DIFF is a Common Lisp library for generating a human-readable diff of two HTML documents, using HTML.
      << dev-lisp/cl-html-encode ({M}(~)1.2): Common Lisp library for encoding text in various web-savvy formats.
      << dev-lisp/cl-html-parse ({M}(~)1.0): A parser that parses HTML documents and generates a sexp-based representation.
      << dev-lisp/cl-html-template ({M}(~)0.8.0): HTML-TEMPLATE is a portable templating library for Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/cl-htmlgen ({M}(~) Franz's library for generating HTML from Common Lisp programs
      << dev-lisp/cl-hunchentoot ({M}(~)0.4.11): Hunchentoot is a web server written in Common Lisp and at the same time a toolkit for building dynamic websites with Common Lisp.
      << dev-lisp/cl-hyperobject ({M}(~)2.10.0): Hyperobject is a Common Lisp library for representing objects.
      << dev-lisp/cl-inflate ({M} Common Lisp package to decompress gzip, jar, and winzip files.
      << dev-lisp/cl-interpol ({M}0.1.2): String interpolation for Common Lisp similar to Perl or Unix shell scripts.
      << dev-lisp/cl-irc ({M}0.7): A Common Lisp IRC client library
      << dev-lisp/cl-irc-logger ({M}0.9.2): A Common Lisp IRC logger library
      << dev-lisp/cl-ironclad ({M}(~)0.13): Ironclad is a Common Lisp library similar to OpenSSL, GNU TLS or Crypto++
      << dev-lisp/cl-isbn ({M}(~)0.1): A Common Lisp library for parsing, validating and hyphenating ISBNs
      << dev-lisp/cl-iterate ({M}(~)1.4.3): ITERATE is a lispy and extensible replacement for the Common Lisp LOOP macro
      << dev-lisp/cl-jpeg ({M}1.033-r1): A JPEG library for Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/cl-kmrcl ({M}(~)1.88): General Utilities for Common Lisp Programs from Kevin Rosenberg
      << dev-lisp/cl-kr ({M}2.3.4): KR is a highly flexible and dynamic prototype-based object system for Common Lisp.
      << dev-lisp/cl-lambda-gtk ({M}0.1): Lambda-GTK is a cross-platform Common Lisp interface to GTK+2.
[D]   << dev-lisp/cl-launch ({M}(~)2.03): cl-launch is a utility to make Common Lisp software easily invokable from the command-line.
      << dev-lisp/cl-lexer ({M}(~)20060228): Lexical-analyzer-generator package for Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/cl-linedit ({M}0.15.12): Linedit is a readline-style library written in Common Lisp that provides customizable line-editing features.
      << dev-lisp/cl-lisp2wish ({M}20040131): lisp2wish is a simple interface to the Tk Graphics Toolkit.
      << dev-lisp/cl-lml ({M}2.5.3): Common Lisp package to provide a markup language for generation XHTML web pages
      << dev-lisp/cl-lml2 ({M}1.5.3): A Common Lisp package for generating HTML and XHTML documents
      << dev-lisp/cl-log4cl ({M}20050421): Log4cl is a log library for Common Lisp based on Log4J
      << dev-lisp/cl-ltk ({M}(~)0.90): LTK is a Common Lisp binding for the Tk graphics toolkit which does not require any Tk knowledge for its usage.
      << dev-lisp/cl-lw-compat ({M}(~)0.21): LispWorks compatibility library for the Closer to MOP project.
      << dev-lisp/cl-mcclim ({M}0.9.2-r1): McCLIM is a free software implementation of CLIM.
      << dev-lisp/cl-md5 ({M}1.8.5): Common Lisp package for MD5 Message Digests
      << dev-lisp/cl-mel-base ({M}**0.5.11 {M}**0.5.20 {M}**0.5.22 {M}**0.5.30): A Common Lisp networking library for handling e-mail from Maildir, POP3, IMAP and SMTP
      << dev-lisp/cl-memoization ({M}20050302): Memoization support to CMU Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/cl-menusystem ({M}20030919): CL-MENUSYSTEM is a menu system for Common Lisp that implements menu control and settings editing for Common Lisp applications.
      << dev-lisp/cl-meta ({M}0.1.2-r1): A Common Lisp implementation of META, a technique for building efficient recursive descent parsers.
      << dev-lisp/cl-mop-features ({M}(~)0.41): Common Lisp library which tests for the existence and absence of MOP features.
      << dev-lisp/cl-mpd ({M}(~)0.5): CL-MPD is an FFI-free, Common Lisp interface to Music Player Daemon.
      << dev-lisp/cl-mt19937 ({M}1.1): Portable Mersenne Twister random number generator for Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/cl-ncurses ({M}0.1.1): CL-NCURSES is a NCURSES interface for Common Lisp on Unix-platforms.
      << dev-lisp/cl-net-telent-date ({M}0.4.1): Common Lisp utilities for printing and parsing date
      << dev-lisp/cl-odcl ({M}1.3.5): A Common Lisp library of utility functions.
      << dev-lisp/cl-org-davep-cldict ({M}1.1): RFC2229 client for Common Lisp and CLIM
      << dev-lisp/cl-org-davep-dict ({M}2.3): An RFC2229 client library for Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/cl-org-davep-dictrepl ({M}2.2): An RFC2229 client REPL for Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/cl-org-davep-newsrc ({M}2.0): Common Lisp class for reading the Unix-style ~/.newsrc file
      << dev-lisp/cl-org-davep-nntp ({M}2.0): Common Lisp class for talking to a NNTP news server
      << dev-lisp/cl-osicat ({M}(~)0.5.0): Osicat is a lightweight operating system interface for Common Lisp on Unix-platforms.
      << dev-lisp/cl-packer ({M}0.2): A Common Lisp library implementing C-style structures, along the lines of Perl's pack() or Python's struct module.
      << dev-lisp/cl-paip ({M}1.0.2): Common Lisp source code from Peter Norvig's book: Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming
      << dev-lisp/cl-parenscript-darcs ([M](~)20060825): ParenScript is a small lispy language that can be compiled to JavaScript.
      << dev-lisp/cl-parse-number ({M}1.0-r1): Common Lisp library to parse any number string
      << dev-lisp/cl-pdf ({M}(~)110): CL-PDF is a cross-platform Common Lisp library for generating PDF files
      << dev-lisp/cl-periodic-table ({M}1.0): Common Lisp representation of the Periodic Table of the Elements
      << dev-lisp/cl-pg ({M}(~)20060207): A socket-level interface to the PostgreSQL ORDMS for Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/cl-pipes ({M}1.2.1): Common Lisp library for pipes or streams
      << dev-lisp/cl-plus ({M}1.0): Common Lisp extensions such as a DEFCONSTANT wrappers
      << dev-lisp/cl-plus-ssl ({M}(~)20051204): Common Lisp interface to libcurl, a multi-protocol file transfer library
      << dev-lisp/cl-png ({M}(~)0.4-r1): Common Lisp package to read and write PNG image files
      << dev-lisp/cl-poly-pen ({M}(~)0.3.1): Poly-pen is a graphical proxy for Common Lisp. It links hi-level operations to low-level back-ends libraries.
      << dev-lisp/cl-port ({M} Cross-implementation portability functions taken from the Common Lisp Object Code Collection
      << dev-lisp/cl-postoffice ({M} Franz's SMTP, POP, & IMAP interface library for Common Lisp Programs
      << dev-lisp/cl-prevalence ({M}(~)20060521): CL-PREVALENCE is an implementation of Object Prevalence for Common Lisp.
      << dev-lisp/cl-psgraph ({M}1.2): Common Lisp library for the generation of PostScript pictures of directed acyclic graphs
      << dev-lisp/cl-ptester ({M}2.1.2): A Common Lisp test harness based on the Franz, Inc. tester module.
      << dev-lisp/cl-puri ({M}(~)1.5): Portable URI library for Common Lisp based on the Franz, Inc. :net.uri module.
      << dev-lisp/cl-pxmlutils ({M}0.0.9-r2): Portable version of Franz's xmlutils. Includes XML and HTML parsers.
      << dev-lisp/cl-quick-arrays ({M}1.0-r1): Common Lisp library offering less flexible, but faster arrays
      << dev-lisp/cl-regex ({M}(~)1-r2): Common Lisp regular expression compiler/matcher
      << dev-lisp/cl-resolver ({M}0.7): Resolver is a UFFI interface to the GLIBC DNS library.
      << dev-lisp/cl-rfc2109-darcs ([M](~)20060825): An implementation of RFC2109 for Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/cl-rfc2388 ({M}(~)0.9.20060727): An implementation of RFC 2388 in Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/cl-rfc2388-darcs ([M](~)20060825): An implementation of RFC2388 for Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/cl-rsm-bitcomp ({M}(~)1.1-r1): McIntire's Common Lisp Bit Compression Library
      << dev-lisp/cl-rsm-bool-comp ({M}-1.0 {M}**1.0-r1): R. Scott McIntire's Common Lisp Boolean Function Comparison library.
      << dev-lisp/cl-rsm-cache ({M}(~)1.1_beta1-r1): R. Scott McIntire's Common Lisp cache library.
      << dev-lisp/cl-rsm-delayed ({M}(~)1.0-r1): R. Scott McIntire's Common Lisp Delayed Library
      << dev-lisp/cl-rsm-filter ({M}(~)1.1_beta2-r1): R. Scott McIntire's Common Lisp Filter Library.
      << dev-lisp/cl-rsm-finance ({M}(~)1.1-r1): R. Scott McIntire's Common Lisp Finance Library
      << dev-lisp/cl-rsm-fuzzy ({M}(~)1.2-r2): R. Scott McIntire's Common Lisp Fuzzy Logic Library
      << dev-lisp/cl-rsm-memo ({M}(~)1.1.1-r1): R. Scott McIntire's Common Lisp Memoization Library
      << dev-lisp/cl-rsm-mod ({M}(~)1.2): R. Scott McIntire's Common Lisp Modular Arithmetic Library
      << dev-lisp/cl-rsm-modal ({M}(~)1.0-r1): R. Scott McIntire's Common Lisp Modal Logic Library
      << dev-lisp/cl-rsm-mpoly ({M}(~)1.1): R. Scott McIntire's Common Lisp Multivariate Polynomial Library
      << dev-lisp/cl-rsm-queue ({M}(~)1.1a): R. Scott McIntire's Common Lisp queue library.
      << dev-lisp/cl-rsm-rand ({M}(~)1.2-r1): R. Scott McIntire's Common Lisp Discrete Random Number Library
      << dev-lisp/cl-rsm-random ({M}(~)1.1-r1): R. Scott McIntire's Common Lisp Random Number Library
      << dev-lisp/cl-rsm-rsa ({M}(~)1.3.20040328): McIntire's Common Lisp RSA Library
      << dev-lisp/cl-rsm-string ({M}(~)1.3): R. Scott McIntire's Common Lisp String Library
      << dev-lisp/cl-rss ({M}0.1.1): CL-RSS is a Common Lisp library for fetching and parsing Remote Site Summary data via HTTP
      << dev-lisp/cl-rt ({M}20040621): Common Lisp regression tester from MIT
      << dev-lisp/cl-s-base64 ({M}(~)20060521): A Common Lisp implementation of Bse64 Encoding/Decoding.
      << dev-lisp/cl-s-sysdeps ({M}(~)20060521): A Common Lisp library implementing an abstraction layer over platform dependent functionality.
      << dev-lisp/cl-s-xml ({M}(~)20060521): S-XML is a simple XML parser implemented in Common Lisp.
      << dev-lisp/cl-s-xml-rpc ({M}(~)20060521): S-XML-RPC is an implementation of XML-RPC in Common Lisp for both client and server.
      << dev-lisp/cl-salza ({M}0.7.2): Salza is a Common Lisp Library that provides an FFI-less interface to the ZLIB and DEFLATE compressed data formats.
      << dev-lisp/cl-sapaclisp ({M}1.0a): Common-Lisp code for the book "Spectral Analysis for Physical Applications: Multitaper and Conventional Univariate Techniques"
      << dev-lisp/cl-sasl ({M}(~)0.2): SASL client implementation for Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/cl-sb-readline ({M}(~)0.1): Implementation of GNU Readline support for SBCL
      << dev-lisp/cl-scribble ({M}1.16.1): Scribble is a Library that extends the Common Lisp reader with the text markup syntax of Scribe.
      << dev-lisp/cl-sdl ({M}0.2.2-r2): Common Lisp bindings to the SDL graphics library, and OpenGL libraries
      << dev-lisp/cl-series ({M}(~)2.2.9): Common Lisp extension for general iteration
      << dev-lisp/cl-sha1 ({M}1.0-r1): Common Lisp package for SHA1 Message Digests
      << dev-lisp/cl-spatial-trees ({M}0.2): A Common Lisp library providing access to dynamic index structures for spatially-extended data.
      << dev-lisp/cl-split-sequence ({M}20011114.1-r1): Functions to partition a Common Lisp sequence into multiple result sequences
      << dev-lisp/cl-sql ({M}(~)3.7.7): A multi-platform SQL interface for Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/cl-ssl ({M}0.2.2004.01.04): Common Lisp UFFI interface of the OpenSSL library.
      << dev-lisp/cl-statistics ({M} Common Lisp Statistics Package
      << dev-lisp/cl-store ({M}(~)0.6): CL-STORE is a Common Lisp library for serializing and deserializing Common Lisp objects.
      << dev-lisp/cl-syslog ({M}0.9.1-r1): cl-syslog is a Common Lisp library that provides access to the syslog logging facility under Unix.
      << dev-lisp/cl-tbnl ({M}(~)0.11.2): TBNL is a toolkit for building dynamic websites with Common Lisp based on mod_lisp.
      << dev-lisp/cl-tclink ({M}3.3.1-r1): Common Lisp TrustCommerce transaction authorization system.
      << dev-lisp/cl-terminfo ({M}1.3): Common Lisp interface to the terminfo database.
      << dev-lisp/cl-torta ({M}(~)0.3): Torta shows you where your disk space is being used.
      << dev-lisp/cl-trivial-configuration-parser ({M}1.1): TRIVIAL-CONFIGURATION-PARSER is a Common Lisp library for parsing its own syntax of configuration file
      << dev-lisp/cl-trivial-gray-streams ({M}(~)20060925): A thin compatibility layer between Gray Stream Common Lisp implementations
      << dev-lisp/cl-trivial-http ({M}1.1): TRIVIAL-HTTP is a library for doing HTTP POST and GET over a socket interface
      << dev-lisp/cl-trivial-sockets ({M}(~)0.3): A portable Common Lisp networking library for undemanding Internet clients
      << dev-lisp/cl-typesetting ({M}(~)110): CL-TYPESETTING is a complete typesetting system written in Common Lisp.
      << dev-lisp/cl-ubf ({M}0.2.1-r1): A Common Lisp implementation of a UBF(A) reader and writer
      << dev-lisp/cl-uffi ({M}(~)1.5.16): Portable FFI library for Common Lisp.
      << dev-lisp/cl-unit ({M}1.3.1-r1): A regression suite library for Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/cl-url-rewrite ({M}0.1.0): Rewrite (X)HTML attributes with Common Lisp.
      << dev-lisp/cl-utilities ({M}(~)1.2.3): A Common Lisp library of semi-standard utilities.
      << dev-lisp/cl-utils-kt ({M}20050511): A library of Kenny Tilton's favourite Common Lisp utilities.
      << dev-lisp/cl-webactions ({M}(~) Webactions is Franz's library for dispatching HTTP requests as well as processing HTML templates.
      << dev-lisp/cl-who ({M}(~)0.6.1): CL-WHO (is yet another Lisp Markup Language).
      << dev-lisp/cl-with ({M}(~)20020712): With -- The Bastard Son of Loop
      << dev-lisp/cl-xlunit ({M}0.6.2): XLUnit is a Test Framework based on XPTest and JUnit.
      << dev-lisp/cl-xml-emitter ({M}1.0.2): Common Lisp library for XML output with a focus on memory efficiency and convenience.
      << dev-lisp/cl-xml-psychiatrist ({M}0.4): A powerful XML sanity checker for Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/cl-xmls ({M}1.2): XMLS is a small, simple, non-validating XML parser for Common Lisp.
      << dev-lisp/cl-xmls-valid ({M}0.1.0): Common Lisp library for validating XML parsed by XMLS against XML DTD style rulesets.
      << dev-lisp/cl-xptest ({M}1.2.3-r1): XPTEST is a toolkit for building test suites in Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/cl-yacc ({M}(~)0.2): CL-YACC is a LALR(1) parser generator for Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/cl-yaclml-darcs ([M](~)20060825): YACLML is a collection of macros and utilities for generating XML/HTML like markup from lisp code.
      << dev-lisp/cl-yahoo ({M}0.5): CL-YAHOO is a Common Lisp interface to the Yahoo! API
      << dev-lisp/cl-z80 ({M}(~)0.1): A Z80 assembler with S-expression based syntax.
      << dev-lisp/cl-zebu ({M}**3.5.5): Zebu is a Library for LALR(1) parser generation.
      << dev-lisp/cl-zip ({M}20050405): A Common Lisp library for reading and writing .zip files
      << dev-lisp/cl-zpb-ttf ({M}(~)0.7): TrueType font file access library for Common Lisp
      << dev-lisp/hedgehog ({M}(~)2.1.0): Hedgehog is a very concise implementation of a Lisp-like language for low-end and embedded devices.
      << dev-lisp/lush ({M}(~)1.2.1): Lush is the Lisp User Shell
      << dev-lisp/xlispstat ({M}(~)3.52.20): XLISP-STAT is a statistical environment based on a dialect of the Lisp language called XLISP.
发表于 2010-11-8 21:55:23 | 显示全部楼层
嗯,这个明明是eix-diff的输出嘛... 用来对比同步前后portage tree的变化。eix-sync之后一般都会直接调用eix-diff的。
"<<"表示这个包被删除。看样子Portage tree中删除了很多dev-lisp/中的包。具体可以看man eix。
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-8 22:00:45 | 显示全部楼层
Sorry,我忘记了我是直接打的 eix-sync 了,呵呵
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