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发表于 2003-5-23 16:40:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
// $Id: config.php,v 1.7
2003/01/04 08:43:21 larsneo
Exp $
// PostNuke Content
Management System
// Copyright (C) 2001 by the

PostNuke Development Team.
// Based on:
// PHP-NUKE Web Portal
System -
// Thatware -
// This program is free
software; you can
redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms

of the GNU General Public
License (GPL)
// as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either
version 2
// of the License, or (at
your option) any later
// This program is
distributed in the hope that

it will be useful,

without even the implied
warranty of
PURPOSE.  See the
// GNU General Public
License for more details.
// To read the license
please visit
// Original Author of file:
// Purpose of file:
Configure database

// Database & System Config
//      dbtype:     type of
database, currently only
//      dbhost:     MySQL
Database Hostname
//      dbuname:    MySQL
//      dbpass:     MySQL
//      dbname:     MySQL
Database Name
//      system:     0 for
Unix/Linux, 1 for Windows
//      encoded:    0 for
MySQL information unenccoded
//                  1 for
$pnconfig['dbtype'] = 'mysql';
$pnconfig['dbhost'] = '';
$pnconfig['dbuname'] = 'root';
$pnconfig['dbpass'] = '';
$pnconfig['dbname']='phoenix ';
$pnconfig['system'] = '0';
$pnconfig['prefix'] = 'phoenix';
$pnconfig['encoded'] = '1';

// For debugging (Pablo
// $debug - debugger windows

//          0 = No
//          1 = Yes
// $debug_sql - show SQL in
lens debug
//          0 = No
//          1 = Yes
GLOBAL $pndebug;
$pndebug['debug']          =

$pndebug['debug_sql']      =


// You have finished
configuring the database.
Now you can start to
// change your site settings

in the Administration
// Thanks for choosing

// if there is a
personal_config.php in the
folder where is config.php
// we add it. (This HAS to
be at the end, after all
include("personal_config.php"); }
// Make config file
backwards compatible


// $Id: pnAPI.php,v 1.32 2003/01/18 13:14:16 class007 Exp $

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

// PostNuke Content Management System

// Copyright (C) 2001 by the Post-Nuke Development Team.


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------



// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)

// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2

// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


// GNU General Public License for more details.


// To read the license please visit

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

// Original Author of file: Jim McDonald

// Purpose of file: The PostNuke API

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------



* Defines



/*        Allows Postnuke to work with register_globals set to off

*        Patch for php 4.2.x or greater


if (phpversion() >= "4.2.0") {

        if ( ini_get('register_globals') != 1 ) {

                $supers = array('_REQUEST',








                                '_GLOBALS' );

                foreach( $supers as $__s) {

                        if ( (isset($$__s) == true) && (is_array( $$__s ) == true) ) extract( $$__s, EXTR_OVERWRITE );




} else {

        if ( ini_get('register_globals') != 1 ) {

                $supers = array('HTTP_POST_VARS',








                foreach( $supers as $__s) {

                        if ( (isset($$__s) == true) && (is_array( $$__s ) == true) ) extract( $$__s, EXTR_OVERWRITE );






* Yes/no integer


define('_PNYES', 1);

define('_PNNO', 0);


* State of modules








* 'All' and 'unregistered' for user and group permissions


define('_PNPERMS_ALL', '-1');



* Core version informations - should be upgraded on each release for

* better control on config settings


define('_PN_VERSION_NUM',       "");

define('_PN_VERSION_ID',        "ostNuke");

define('_PN_VERSION_SUB',       "hoenix");


* Fake module for config vars


define('_PN_CONFIG_MODULE',     '/PNConfig');



* Functions




* get all configuration variable into $pnconfig

* will be removed on .8

* @param none

* @returns true|false

* @return none


function pnConfigInit() {

    global $pnconfig;

    list($dbconn) = pnDBGetConn();

    $pntable = pnDBGetTables();

    $table = $pntable['module_vars'];

    $columns = &$pntable['module_vars_column'];


     * Make query and go


    $query = "SELECT $columns[name],


              FROM $table

              WHERE $columns[modname]='" . pnVarPrepForStore(_PN_CONFIG_MODULE) . "'";

    $dbresult = $dbconn->Execute($query);

    if($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {

        return false;


    if ($dbresult->EOF) {


        return false;


    while(!$dbresult->EOF) {

        list($k, $v) = $dbresult->fields;


        if (($k != 'dbtype') && ($k != 'dbhost') && ($k != 'dbuname') && ($k != 'dbpass')

                && ($k != 'dbname') && ($k != 'system') && ($k != 'prefix') && ($k != 'encoded')) {

            $v =@unserialize($v);

            $pnconfig[$k] = $v;




    return true;



* get a configuration variable

* @param name the name of the variable

* @returns data

* @return value of the variable, or false on failure


function pnConfigGetVar($name)


    global $pnconfig;

    if (isset($pnconfig[$name])) {

        $result = $pnconfig[$name];

    } else {


         * Fetch base data


        list($dbconn) = pnDBGetConn();

        $pntable = pnDBGetTables();

        $table = $pntable['module_vars'];

        $columns = &$pntable['module_vars_column'];


         * Make query and go


        $query = "SELECT $columns[value]

                  FROM $table

                  WHERE $columns[modname]='" . pnVarPrepForStore(_PN_CONFIG_MODULE) . "'

                    AND $columns[name]='" . pnVarPrepForStore($name) . "'";

        $dbresult = $dbconn->Execute($query);


         * In any case of error return false


        if($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {

            return false;


        if ($dbresult->EOF) {


            return false;



         * Get data


        list ($result) = $dbresult->fields;

        $result = unserialize($result);


         * Some caching


        $pnconfig[$name] = $result;


         * That's all folks




    return $result;



* set a configuration variable

* @param name the name of the variable

* @param value the value of the variable

* @returns bool

* @return true on success, false on failure


function pnConfigSetVar($name, $value)



     * The database parameter are not allowed to change


    if (empty($name) || ($name == 'dbtype') || ($name == 'dbhost') || ($name == 'dbuname') || ($name == 'dbpass')

            || ($name == 'dbname') || ($name == 'system') || ($name == 'prefix') || ($name == 'encoded')) {

        return false;



     * Test on missing record


     * Also solve SF-bug #580951


    $must_insert = true;

    global $pnconfig;

    foreach($pnconfig as $k => $v) {


         * Test if the key name is in the array


        if ($k == $name) {


             * Set flag


            $must_insert = false;


             * Test on change. If not, just quit now


            if ($v == $value) {

                return true;



             * End loop after success






     * Fetch base data


    list($dbconn) = pnDBGetConn();

    $pntable = pnDBGetTables();

    $table = $pntable['module_vars'];

    $columns = &$pntable['module_vars_column'];


     * Update the table


    if ($must_insert) {


         * Insert


        $query = "INSERT INTO $table




                  VALUES ('" . pnVarPrepForStore(_PN_CONFIG_MODULE) . "',

                          '" . pnVarPrepForStore($name) . "',

                          '" . pnVarPrepForStore(serialize($value)). "')";

    } else {


         * Update


         $query = "UPDATE $table

                   SET $columns[value]='" . pnVarPrepForStore(serialize($value)) . "'

                   WHERE $columns[modname]='" . pnVarPrepForStore(_PN_CONFIG_MODULE) . "'

                   AND $columns[name]='" . pnVarPrepForStore($name) . "'";



    if($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {

        return false;



     * Update my vars


    $pnconfig[$name] = $value;

    return true;



* delete a configuration variable

* @param name the name of the variable

* @returns bool

* @return true on success, false on failure


function pnConfigDelVar($name)


    global $pnconfig;

    if (empty($name)) {

        return false;


    // Don't allow deleting at current

    return false;



* Initialise PostNuke

* <br>

* Carries out a number of initialisation tasks to get PostNuke up and

* running.

* @returns void


function pnInit()


    // Proper error reporting Commented out for release

//    error_reporting(E_ALL);

    // Hack for some weird PHP systems that should have the

    // LC_* constants defined, but don't

    if (!defined('LC_TIME')) {

        define('LC_TIME', 'LC_TIME');


    // ADODB configuration

    define('ADODB_DIR', 'pnadodb');

    include 'pnadodb/';

    // Temporary fix for hacking the hlpfile global

    // TODO - remove with pre-0.71 code

    global $hlpfile;

    $hlpfile = '';

    // Initialise and load configuration

    global $pnconfig, $pndebug;

    $pnconfig = array();

    include 'config.php';

    // Set up multisites

    // added this @define for .71, ugly ?

    // i guess the E_ALL stuff.

    @define('WHERE_IS_PERSO', '');

    // Initialise and load pntables

    global $pntable;

    $pntable = array();

    // if a multisite has its own pntables.

    if (file_exists(WHERE_IS_PERSO.'pntables.php')) {

        include WHERE_IS_PERSO.'pntables.php';

    } else {

        include 'pntables.php';


    // Decode encoded DB parameters

    if ($pnconfig['encoded']) {

        $pnconfig['dbuname'] = base64_decode($pnconfig['dbuname']);

        $pnconfig['dbpass'] = base64_decode($pnconfig['dbpass']);

        $pnconfig['encoded'] = 0;


    // Connect to database

    if (!pnDBInit()) {

        die('Database initialisation failed');


    // debugger if required

    if ($pndebug['debug']){

        include_once 'includes/';

        global $dbg, $debug_sqlcalls;

        $dbg = new LensDebug();

        $debug_sqlcalls = 0;


    // Build up old config array


    // Set compression on if desired


    if (pnConfigGetVar('UseCompression') == 1) {



    // Other includes

    include 'includes/pnSession.php';

    include 'includes/pnUser.php';

    // Start session

    if (!pnSessionSetup()) {

        die('Session setup failed');


    if (!pnSessionInit()) {

        die('Session initialisation failed');


    include 'includes/security.php';

    // See if a language update is required

    $newlang = pnVarCleanFromInput('newlang');

    if (!empty($newlang)) {

        $lang = $newlang;

        pnSessionSetVar('lang', $newlang);

    } else {

        $lang = pnSessionGetVar('lang');


    // Load global language defines

    if (isset ($lang) && file_exists('language/' . pnVarPrepForOS($lang) . '/global.php')) {

        $currentlang = $lang;

    } else {

        $currentlang = pnConfigGetVar('language');

        pnSessionSetVar('lang', $currentlang);


    include 'language/' . pnVarPrepForOS($currentlang) . '/global.php';

    include 'modules/NS-Languages/api.php';

        // Cross-Site Scripting attack defense - Sent by larsneo

        // some syntax checking against injected javascript

        $pnAntiCrackerMode = pnConfigGetVar('pnAntiCracker');

        if ( $pnAntiCrackerMode == 1 ) {



    // Banner system

    include 'includes/pnBanners.php';

    // Other other includes

    include 'includes/advblocks.php';

    include 'includes/counter.php';

    include 'includes/pnHTML.php';

    include 'includes/pnMod.php';

    include 'includes/queryutil.php';

    include 'includes/xhtml.php';

    include 'includes/oldfuncs.php';

    // Handle referer

    if (pnConfigGetVar('httpref') == 1) {

        include 'referer.php';



    return true;


function pninclude_once($file)




function pnDBInit()


    // Get database parameters

    global $pnconfig;

    $dbtype = $pnconfig['dbtype'];

    $dbhost = $pnconfig['dbhost'];

    $dbname = $pnconfig['dbname'];

    $dbuname = $pnconfig['dbuname'];

    $dbpass = $pnconfig['dbpass'];

    // Database connection is a global (for now)

    global $dbconn;

    // Start connection

    $dbconn = ADONewConnection($dbtype);

    $dbh = $dbconn->Connect($dbhost, $dbuname, $dbpass, $dbname);

    if (!$dbh) {

    $dbpass = "";

        die("$dbtype://$dbunamedbpass@$dbhost/$dbname failed to connect" . $dbconn->ErrorMsg());


    global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;


    // force oracle to a consistent date format for comparison methods later on

    if (strcmp($dbtype, 'oci8') == 0) {

        $dbconn->Execute("alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'");


    return true;



* get a list of database connections

* @returns array

* @return array of database connections


function pnDBGetConn()


    global $dbconn;

    return array($dbconn);



* get a list of database tables

* @returns array

* @return array of database tables


function pnDBGetTables()


    global $pntable;

    return $pntable;



* clean user input

* <br>

* Gets a global variable, cleaning it up to try to ensure that

* hack attacks don't work

* @param var name of variable to get

* @param ...

* @returns string/array

* @return prepared variable if only one variable passed

* in, otherwise an array of prepared variables


function pnVarCleanFromInput()


    $search = array('|</?\s*SCRIPT.*?>|si',








    $replace = array('');

    $resarray = array();

    foreach (func_get_args() as $var) {

        // Get var

        global $$var;

        if (empty($var)) {



        $ourvar = $$var;

        if (!isset($ourvar)) {

            array_push($resarray, NULL);



        if (empty($ourvar)) {

            array_push($resarray, $ourvar);



        // Clean var

        if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {



        if (!pnSecAuthAction(0, '::', '::', ACCESS_ADMIN)) {

            $ourvar = preg_replace($search, $replace, $ourvar);


        // Add to result array

        array_push($resarray, $ourvar);


    // Return vars

    if (func_num_args() == 1) {

        return $resarray[0];

    } else {

        return $resarray;




* strip slashes


* stripslashes on multidimensional arrays.

* Used in conjunction with pnVarCleanFromInput

* @access private

* @param any variables or arrays to be stripslashed


function pnStripslashes (&$value) {

    if(!is_array($value)) {

        $value = stripslashes($value);

    } else {





* ready user output

* <br>

* Gets a variable, cleaning it up such that the text is

* shown exactly as expected

* @param var variable to prepare

* @param ...

* @returns string/array

* @return prepared variable if only one variable passed

* in, otherwise an array of prepared variables


function pnVarPrepForDisplay()


    // This search and replace finds the text 'x@y' and replaces

    // it with HTML entities, this provides protection against

    // email harvesters

    static $search = array('/(.)@(.)/se');

    static $replace = array('"&#" .

                            sprintf("%03d", ord("\\1")) .

                            ";&#064;&#" .

                            sprintf("%03d", ord("\\2")) . ";";');

    $resarray = array();

    foreach (func_get_args() as $ourvar) {

        // Prepare var

        $ourvar = htmlspecialchars($ourvar);

        $ourvar = preg_replace($search, $replace, $ourvar);

        // Add to array

        array_push($resarray, $ourvar);


    // Return vars

    if (func_num_args() == 1) {

        return $resarray[0];

    } else {

        return $resarray;




* ready HTML output

* <br>

* Gets a variable, cleaning it up such that the text is

* shown exactly as expected, except for allowed HTML tags which

* are allowed through

* @param var variable to prepare

* @param ...

* @returns string/array

* @return prepared variable if only one variable passed

* in, otherwise an array of prepared variables


function pnVarPrepHTMLDisplay()


    // This search and replace finds the text 'x@y' and replaces

    // it with HTML entities, this provides protection against

    // email harvesters


    // Note that the use of \024 and \022 are needed to ensure that

    // this does not break HTML tags that might be around either

    // the username or the domain name

    static $search = array('/([^\024])@([^\022])/se');

    static $replace = array('"&#" .

                            sprintf("%03d", ord("\\1")) .

                            ";&#064;&#" .

                            sprintf("%03d", ord("\\2")) . ";";');

    static $allowedhtml;

    if (!isset($allowedhtml)) {

        $allowedhtml = array();

        foreach(pnConfigGetVar('AllowableHTML') as $k=>$v) {

            switch($v) {

                case 0:


                case 1:

                    $allowedhtml[] = "|<(/?$k)\s*/?>|i";


                case 2:

                    $allowedhtml[] = "|<(/?$k(\s+.*?)?)>|i";





    $resarray = array();

    foreach (func_get_args() as $ourvar) {

        // Preparse var to mark the HTML that we want

        $ourvar = preg_replace($allowedhtml, "\022\\1\024", $ourvar);

        // Prepare var

        $ourvar = htmlspecialchars($ourvar);

        $ourvar = preg_replace($search, $replace, $ourvar);

        // Fix the HTML that we want

        $ourvar = preg_replace('/\022([^\024]*)\024/e',

                               "'<' . strtr('\\1', array('&gt;' => '>',

                                                         '&lt;' => '<',

                                                         '&quot;' => '\"',

                                                         '&amp;' => '&'))

                               . '>';", $ourvar);

        // Fix entities if required

        if (pnConfigGetVar('htmlentities')) {

            $ourvar = preg_replace('/&amp;([a-z#0-9]+);/i', "&\\1;", $ourvar);


        // Add to array

        array_push($resarray, $ourvar);


    // Return vars

    if (func_num_args() == 1) {

        return $resarray[0];

    } else {

        return $resarray;




* ready databse output

* <br>

* Gets a variable, cleaning it up such that the text is

* stored in a database exactly as expected

* @param var variable to prepare

* @param ...

* @returns string/array

* @return prepared variable if only one variable passed

* in, otherwise an array of prepared variables


function pnVarPrepForStore()


    $resarray = array();

    foreach (func_get_args() as $ourvar) {

        // Prepare var

        if (!get_magic_quotes_runtime()) {

            $ourvar = addslashes($ourvar);


        // Add to array

        array_push($resarray, $ourvar);


    // Return vars

    if (func_num_args() == 1) {

        return $resarray[0];

    } else {

        return $resarray;




* ready operating system output

* <br>

* Gets a variable, cleaning it up such that any attempts

* to access files outside of the scope of the PostNuke

* system is not allowed

* @param var variable to prepare

* @param ...

* @returns string/array

* @return prepared variable if only one variable passed

* in, otherwise an array of prepared variables


function pnVarPrepForOS()


    static $search = array('!\.\./!si', // .. (directory traversal)

                           '!^.*://!si', // .*:// (start of URL)

                           '!/!si',     // Forward slash (directory traversal)

                           '!\\\\!si'); // Backslash (directory traversal)

    static $replace = array('',




    $resarray = array();

    foreach (func_get_args() as $ourvar) {

        // Parse out bad things

        $ourvar = preg_replace($search, $replace, $ourvar);

        // Prepare var

        if (!get_magic_quotes_runtime()) {

            $ourvar = addslashes($ourvar);


        // Add to array

        array_push($resarray, $ourvar);


    // Return vars

    if (func_num_args() == 1) {

        return $resarray[0];

    } else {

        return $resarray;




* remove censored words


function pnVarCensor()


    static $docensor;

    if (!isset($docensor)) {

        $docensor = pnConfigGetVar('CensorMode');


    static $search = array();

    if (empty($search)) {

        $repsearch = array('/o/i',




        $repreplace = array('0',




        $censoredwords = pnConfigGetVar('CensorList');

        foreach ($censoredwords as $censoredword) {

            // Simple word

            $search[] = "/\b$censoredword\b/i";

            // Common replacements

            $mungedword = preg_replace($repsearch, $repreplace, $censoredword);

            if ($mungedword != $censoredword) {

                $search[] = "/\b$mungedword\b/";




    $replace = pnConfigGetVar('CensorReplace');

    $resarray = array();

    foreach (func_get_args() as $ourvar) {

        if ($docensor) {

            // Parse out nasty words

            $ourvar = preg_replace($search, $replace, $ourvar);


        // Add to array

        array_push($resarray, $ourvar);


    // Return vars

    if (func_num_args() == 1) {

        return $resarray[0];

    } else {

        return $resarray;




* validate a user variable

* @access public

* @author Damien Bonvillain

* @author Gregor J. Rothfuss

* @since 1.23 - 2002/02/01

* @param var the variable to validate

* @param type the type of the validation to perform

* @param args optional array with validation-specific settings

* @returns bool

* @return true if the validation was successful, false otherwise


function pnVarValidate($var, $type, $args=0)


switch ($type) {

    case 'email':

        // all characters must be 7 bit ascii

        $length = strlen($var);

        $idx = 0;

        while($length--) {

           $c = $var[$idx++];

           if(ord($c) > 127){

              return false;



        $regexp = '/^(?:[^\s\000-\037\177\(\)<>@,;:\\"\[\]]\.?)+@(?:[^\s\000-\037\177\(\)<>@,;:\\\"\[\]]\.?)+\.[a-z]{2,6}$/Ui';

        if(preg_match($regexp,$var)) {

            return true;

        } else {

            return false;



    case 'url':

        // all characters must be 7 bit ascii

        $length = strlen($var);

        $idx = 0;

        while($length--) {

           $c = $var[$idx++];

           if(ord($c) > 127){

             return false;



        $regexp = '/^([!\$\046-\073=\077-\132_\141-\172~]|(?:%[a-f0-9]{2}))+$/i';

        if(!preg_match($regexp, $var)) {

            return false;


        $url_array = @parse_url($var);

        if(empty($url_array)) {

            return false;

        } else {

            return !empty($url_array['scheme']);






* check an assertion

* <br>

* Check an assertion to ensure that it is valid.  If not, then die

* @param assertion the assertion

* @param filename the filename the assertion occurs in

* @param line the line number the assertion occurs in


function pnAssert($assertion, $file='Unknown', $line='Unknown', $msg='')


    if ($assertion) {



    // Assertion failed - log it

    if (!empty($msg)) {

        die("Assertion failed in $file at line $line - $msg");

    } else {

        die("Assertion failed in $file at line $line");




* get status message from previous operation

* <br>

* Obtains any status message, and also destroys

* it from the session to prevent duplication

* @returns string

* @return the status message


function pnGetStatusMsg()


    $msg = pnSessionGetVar('statusmsg');


    $errmsg = pnSessionGetVar('errormsg');


    // Error message overrides status message

    if (!empty($errmsg)) {

        return $errmsg;


    return $msg;


function pnThemeLoad($thistheme)


    static $loaded = 0;

    if ($loaded) {

        return true;


    // Lots of nasty globals for back-compatability with older themes

    global $bgcolor1;

    global $bgcolor2;

    global $bgcolor3;

    global $bgcolor4;

    global $bgcolor5;

    global $sepcolor;

    global $textcolor1;

    global $textcolor2;

    global $postnuke_theme;

    global $thename;

    // modification mouzaia .71

    // is this really useful ?

/*  $themefile = 'themes/' . pnVarPrepForOS(pnUserGetTheme()) . '/theme.php';

    if (!file_exists($themefile)) {

        return false;



// eugenio themeover 20020413

    if (@file(WHERE_IS_PERSO."themes/$thistheme/theme.php"))

        { include WHERE_IS_PERSO."themes/$thistheme/theme.php"; }



        include "themes/$thistheme/theme.php";


    // end of modification

    $loaded = 1;

    return true;


function pnThemeGetVar($name)


    global $$name;

    if (isset($$name)) {

        return $$name;




* get base URI for PostNuke

* @returns string

* @return base URI for PostNuke


function pnGetBaseURI()


    global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS;

    // Get the name of this URI

    // Start of with REQUEST_URI

    if (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REQUEST_URI'])) {

        $path = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REQUEST_URI'];

    } else {

        $path = getenv('REQUEST_URI');


    if ((empty($path)) ||

        (substr($path, -1, 1) == '/')) {

        // REQUEST_URI was empty or pointed to a path

        // Try looking at PATH_INFO

        $path = getenv('PATH_INFO');

        if (empty($path)) {

            // No luck there either

            // Try SCRIPT_NAME

            if (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SCRIPT_NAME'])) {

                $path = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SCRIPT_NAME'];

            } else {

                $path = getenv('SCRIPT_NAME');




    $path = preg_replace('/[#\?].*/', '', $path);

    $path = dirname($path);

    if (preg_match('!^[/\\\]*$!', $path)) {

        $path = '';


    return $path;



* get base URL for PostNuke

* @returns string

* @return base URL for PostNuke


function pnGetBaseURL()


    global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS;

    if (empty($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_HOST'])) {

        $server = getenv('HTTP_HOST');

    } else {

        $server = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_HOST'];


    // IIS sets HTTPS=off

    if (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTPS']) && $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTPS'] != 'off') {

        $proto = 'https://';

    } else {

        $proto = 'http://';


    $path = pnGetBaseURI();

    return "$proto$server$path/";



* Carry out a redirect

* @param the URL to redirect to

* @returns void


function pnRedirect($redirecturl)


    // Always close session before redirect

    if (function_exists('session_write_close')) {



    if (preg_match('!^http!', $redirecturl)) {

        // Absolute URL - simple redirect

        Header("Location: $redirecturl");


    } else {

        // Removing leading slashes from redirect url

        $redirecturl = preg_replace('!^/*!', '', $redirecturl);

        // Get base URL

        $baseurl = pnGetBaseURL();

        Header("Location: $baseurl$redirecturl");




* check to see if this is a local referral

* @returns bool

* @return true if locally referred, false if not


function pnLocalReferer()


    global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS;

    if (empty($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_HOST'])) {

        $server = getenv('HTTP_HOST');

    } else {

        $server = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_HOST'];


    if (empty($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_REFERER'])) {

        $referer = getenv('HTTP_REFERER');

    } else {

        $referer = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_REFERER'];


    if (empty($referer) || preg_match("!^http://$server/!", $referer)) {

        return true;

    } else {

        return false;



// Hack - we need this for themes, but will get rid of it soon

if (!function_exists('GetUserTime')) {

    function GetUserTime($time) {

        if (pnUserLoggedIn()) {

            $time += (pnUserGetVar('timezone_offset') - pnConfigGetVar('timezone_offset')) * 3600;






* send an email

* @param to - recipient of the email

* @param subject - title of the email

* @param message - body of the email

* @param headers - extra headers for the email

* @param debug - if 1, echo mail content

* @returns bool

* @return true if the email was sent, false if not


function pnMail($to, $subject, $message, $headers, $debug=0)


    // Language translations

    switch(pnUserGetLang()) {

        case 'rus':

        if (!empty($headers)) $headers .= "\n";

            $headers .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=koi8-r";

            $subject = convert_cyr_string($subject,"w","k");

            $message = convert_cyr_string($message,"w","k");

            $headers = convert_cyr_string($headers,"w","k");




    // Debug

    if ($debug) {

            echo "Mail To: ".$to."<br>";

            echo "Mail Subject: ".$subject."<br>";

            echo "Mail Message: ".$message."<br>";

            echo "Mail Headers: ".$headers."<br>";



    // Mail message

    // do not display error messages [class007]

    $return = @mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);

    return $return;


/* Protects better diverse attempts of Cross-Site Scripting

   attacks, thanks to webmedic, Timax, larsneo.


function pnSecureInput() {

/*      Lets validate the current php version and set globals


        Do not change this value unless you know what you are

        doing you have been warned!



if ( phpversion() >= "4.2.0" ) {

$HTTP_GET_VARS          = $_GET;

$HTTP_POST_VARS         = $_POST;


} else {



// Cross-Site Scripting attack defense - Sent by larsneo

// some syntax checking against injected javascript

// extended by Neo

if (count($HTTP_GET_VARS) > 0) {

/*        Lets now sanitize the GET vars


        foreach ($HTTP_GET_VARS as $secvalue) {

                if ((eregi("<[^>]*script*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi(".*[[:space:]](or|and)[[:space:]].*(=|like).*", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*object*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*iframe*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*applet*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*meta*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*style*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*form*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*window.*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*alert*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*img*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*document.*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*cookie*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("\"", $secvalue))) {

                        pnMailHackAttempt(__FILE__,__LINE__,'pnSecurity Alert','Intrusion detection.');

                        Header("Location: index.php");




/*        Lets now sanitize the POST vars


if ( count($HTTP_POST_VARS) > 0) {

        foreach ($HTTP_POST_VARS as $secvalue) {

                if ((eregi("<[^>]*script*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*object*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*iframe*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*applet*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*window.*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*alert*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*document.*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*cookie*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*meta*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue))

                        ) {

                        pnMailHackAttempt(__FILE__,__LINE__,'pnSecurity Alert','Intrusion detection.');

                        Header("Location: index.php");




/*        Lets now sanitize the COOKIE vars


if ( count($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS) > 0) {

        foreach ($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS as $secvalue) {

                if ((eregi("<[^>]*script*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi(".*[[:space:]](or|and)[[:space:]].*(=|like).*", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*object*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*iframe*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*applet*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*meta*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*style*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*form*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*window.*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*alert*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*document.*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*cookie*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue)) ||

                        (eregi("<[^>]*img*\"?[^>]*>", $secvalue))

                        ) {

                        pnMailHackAttempt(__FILE__,__LINE__,'pnSecurity Alert','Intrusion detection.');

                        Header("Location: index.php");




} # End of secure Input

/*         Function that compares the current php version on the

        system with the target one


// Deprecate function reverting to php detecion function

function pnPhpVersionCheck($vercheck) {

$minver = str_replace(".","", $vercheck);

$curver = str_replace(".","", phpversion());

        if($curver >= $minver){

                return true;

                } else {

                return false;



function pnMailHackAttempt( $detecting_file        =        "(no filename available)",

                            $detecting_line        =        "(no line number available)",

                            $hack_type             =        "(no type given)",

                            $message               =        "(no message given)" ) {

# Backwards compatibility fix with php 4.0.x and 4.1.x or greater Neo

if (phpversion() >= "4.2.0") {

                $_pv  = $_POST;

                $_gv  = $_GET;

                $_rv  = $_REQUEST;

                $_sv  = $_SERVER;

                $_ev  = $_ENV;

                $_cv  = $_COOKIE;

                $_fv  = $_FILES;

                $_snv = $_SESSION;


        } else {


                $_pv  = $HTTP_POST_VARS;

                $_gv  = $HTTP_GET_VARS;

                $_rv  = array();

                $_sv  = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS;

                $_ev  = $HTTP_ENV_VARS;

                $_cv  = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS;

                $_fv  = $HTTP_POST_FILES;

                $_snv = $HTTP_SESSION_VARS;


        $output         =        "Attention site admin of ".pnConfigGetVar('sitename').",\n";

        $output        .=        "On ".ml_ftime( _DATEBRIEF, ( GetUserTime( time( ) ) ) );

        $output        .=        " at ". ml_ftime( _TIMEBRIEF, ( GetUserTime( time( ) ) ) );

        $output        .=        " the Postnuke code has detected that somebody tried to"

                           ." send information to your site that may have been intended"

                           ." as a hack. Do not panic, it may be harmless: maybe this"

                           ." detection was triggered by something you did! Anyway, it"

                           ." was detected and blocked. \n";

        $output        .=        "The suspicious activity was recognized in $detecting_file "

                              ."on line $detecting_line, and is of the type $hack_type. \n";

        $output        .=        "Additional information given by the code which detected this: ".$message;

        $output        .=        "\n\nBelow you will find a lot of information obtained about "

                           ."this attempt, that may help you to find  what happened and "

                           ."maybe who did it.\n\n";

        $output        .=        "\n=====================================\n";

        $output        .=        "Information about this user:\n";

        $output        .=        "=====================================\n";

        if ( !pnUserLoggedIn() ) {

                $output        .=  "This person is not logged in.\n";

        } else {

                $output .=        "ostnuke username:  ".pnUserGetVar('uname') ."\n"

                                   ."Registered email of this Postnuke user: ". pnUserGetVar('email')."\n"

                                   ."Registered real name of this Postnuke user: ".pnUserGetVar('name') ."\n";


        $output        .=        "IP numbers: [note: when you are dealing with a real cracker "

                           ."these IP numbers might not be from the actual computer he is "

                           ."working on]"

                           ."\n\t IP according to HTTP_CLIENT_IP: ".getenv( 'HTTP_CLIENT_IP' )

                           ."\n\t IP according to REMOTE_ADDR: ".getenv( 'REMOTE_ADDR' )

                           ."\n\t IP according to GetHostByName(\$REMOTE_ADDR): ".GetHostByName( $REMOTE_ADDR )


        $output .=        "\n=====================================\n";

        $output .=        "Information in the \$_REQUEST array\n";

        $output .=        "=====================================\n";

        while ( list ( $key, $value ) = each ( $_rv ) ) {

                $output .= "REQUEST * $key : $value\n";


        $output .=        "\n=====================================\n";

        $output .=        "Information in the \$_GET array\n";

        $output .=        "This is about variables that may have been ";

        $output .=        "in the URL string or in a 'GET' type form.\n";

        $output        .=        "=====================================\n";

        while ( list ( $key, $value ) = each ( $_gv ) ) {

                $output .= "GET * $key : $value\n";


        $output        .=        "\n=====================================\n";

        $output        .=        "Information in the \$_POST array\n";

        $output        .=        "This is about visible and invisible form elements.\n";

        $output        .=        "=====================================\n";

        while ( list ( $key, $value ) = each ( $_pv ) ) {

                $output .= "OST * $key : $value\n";


        $output        .=        "\n=====================================\n";

        $output        .=         "Browser information\n";

        $output        .=        "=====================================\n";

        global $HTTP_USER_AGENT;

        $output        .=        "HTTP_USER_AGENT: ".$HTTP_USER_AGENT ."\n";

        $browser = (array) get_browser();

        while ( list ( $key, $value ) = each ( $browser ) ) {

                $output .= "BROWSER * $key : $value\n";


        $output        .=        "\n=====================================\n";

        $output        .=        "Information in the \$_SERVER array\n";

        $output        .=        "=====================================\n";

        while ( list ( $key, $value ) = each ( $_sv ) ) {

                $output .= "SERVER * $key : $value\n";


        $output        .=        "\n=====================================\n";

        $output        .=        "Information in the \$_ENV array\n";

        $output        .=        "=====================================\n";

        while ( list ( $key, $value ) = each ( $_ev ) ) {

                $output .= "ENV * $key : $value\n";


        $output        .=        "\n=====================================\n";

        $output        .=  "Information in the \$_COOKIE array\n";

        $output        .=        "=====================================\n";

        while ( list ( $key, $value ) = each ( $_cv ) )  {

                $output .= "COOKIE * $key : $value\n";


        $output        .=        "\n=====================================\n";

        $output        .=        "Information in the \$_FILES array\n";

        $output        .=        "=====================================\n";

        while ( list ( $key, $value ) = each ( $_fv ) ) {

                $output .= "FILES * $key : $value\n";


        $output        .=        "\n=====================================\n";

        $output        .=        "Information in the \$_SESSION array\n";

        $output .=  "This is session info. The variables\n";

        $output .=  "  starting with PNSV are PostNukeSessionVariables.\n";

        $output        .=        "=====================================\n";

        while ( list ( $key, $value ) = each ( $_snv ) ) {

                $output .= "SESSION * $key : $value\n";


                $sitename = pnConfigGetVar('sitename');

                $adminmail = pnConfigGetVar('adminmail');


        $headers = "From: $sitename <$adminmail>\n"

                          ."X-Priority: 1 (Highest)\n";

        pnMail($adminmail, 'Attempted hack on your site? (type: '.$hack_type.')', $output, $headers );





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