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How to Configure RSC on Sun Solaris

发表于 2003-10-21 15:06:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
At first,You must install the packages:SUNWrsc

#cd /usr/platform/'uname -i'/rsc

Continue with RSC setup (y|n): y
Set RSC date/time now (y|n|?) [y]: y
Server Hostname [wgs40-127]: wgs40-127 <-hostname of system containing the RSC card, NOT the hostname for the RSC card.

Edit customer info field (y|n|?) [n]: y
Customer Info (<= 40 char) []: <-可选项

Enable RSC Ethernet Interface (y|n|s|?) [n]: y
RSC IP Mode (config|dhcp|?) [dhcp]: config
RSC IP Address []:
RSC IP Netmask []:
RSC IP Gateway []: <- On host system containing the RSC card, execute netstat -rn to obtain default gateway.

Enable RSC Alerts (y|n|s|?) [n]: n
Enable RSC Modem Interface (y|n|s|?) [n]: n
Serial port baud rate (9600|19200|38400|57600|115200) [9600]: <cr>
Serial port data bits (7|8) [8]: <cr>
Serial port parity (even|odd|none) [none]: <cr>
Serial port stop bits (1|2) [1]: <cr>
Setup RSC User Account (y|n|?) [y]: y
Username []: ed <- 必须指定
User Permissions (c,u,a,r|none|?) [cuar]: cuar

Is this correct (y|n): y
This script will now update RSC, continue? (y|n): y
Updating flash, this takes a few minutes
Download completed successfully
Resetting RSC (takes about 90 seconds): DONE
Setting up server to update RSC date on boot: DONE
Setting up server hostname: DONE
Setting up customer info field: DONE
Setting up ethernet interface: DONE
Disabling RSC alert engine: DONE
Disabling modem interface: DONE
Setting up serial port interface: DONE
Adding user to RSC:
A valid password is between 6 and 8 characters, has at least two alphabetic characters, and at least one numeric or special character.
The password must differ from the user's login name and any reverse or circular shift of that login name.
Setting User Password Now ...
Re-enter Password:
User has been added to RSC
Resetting RSC (takes about 90 seconds):
Are you sure you want to reboot RSC (y/n)? y
Setting up RSC date: DONE
RSC has been successfully setup

Before you redirect console output to the RSC card, ensure that the RSC card is accessible.......

# vi /etc/hosts

# Internet host table
# localhost wgs40-127 loghost wgs40-127-rsc <--Entry for RSC

# ping or #ping wgs40-127-rsc
wgs40-127-rsc is alive

# telnet wgs40-127-rsc
Connected to wgs40-127-rsc.
Escape character is '^]'.

RSC version 2.2.0 (wgs40-127)
Please login: ed
Please Enter password:

After the RSC has been properly configured & is accessible ( via telnet, modem, or serial )
Modify the OBP NVRAM parameters on host server
ok setenv output-device rsc-console
ok setenv input-device rsc-console
Reset host server
ok reset-all
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