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发表于 2003-11-10 23:55:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
EnGarde Secure Linux
在众多的发布版本当中,笔者选择了EnGarde Secure Linux。EnGarde Secure Linux 是
一个加强了系统安全性的Linux 套件。EnGarde Secure Linux(ESL)是由著名的开放源码
安全公司Guardian Digital 发布的,当前版本是EnGarde Secure Linux v1.0.1,代码名称为
Finestra(缝隙)。EnGarde Secure Linux 是由Guardian Digital 公司被设计用在the Guardian
Digital Linux Lockbox 产品上的,它是一个系统最优化的、高度稳定且安全的、具有高度
兼容性的高级应用平台。EnGarde Secure Linux 能够用来作为Web 服务器,DNS 服务器,
e-mail 服务器,数据库服务器,电子商务服务器以及其他的Internet 安全服务。EnGarde
以安全的互联网开发系统为发展目标,适用于ASP/ISPs, 小型办公室和工作小组,和其他
EnGarde Secure Linux 针对目前的网络不安全因素,进行了很多技术创新。该产品特
别具有一个独立的入侵检测模块,能够检测成千个电子邮件和DNS 域。这个产品中还有
一个特别为电子商务应用设计的AllCommerce 套件,能够提供更加完善的认证和访问控制
功能。此外,这个产品中还有更加强健的加密机制和完备的SSL 安全管理功能。
EnGarde Secure Linux 还集成了Guardian Digital WebTool,能够提供非常安全的虚拟
EnGarde Secure Linux 对现有发布版本的改进
􀁺 Advanced forms of data integrity management and assurance
􀁺 Intrusion alert capabilities
􀁺 Reduction of any threat that occurs should an administrative account be compromised
􀁺 Improved authentication and access control utilizing strong cryptography
􀁺 Real-time around-the-clock remote notification via e-mail or pager with in-formation
of an immediate threat to your organization
Guardian Digital 公司的EnGarde Secure Linux 具有的特色
􀁺 基于浏览器的远程管理
Browser-Based Administration - Browser-based secure remote adminis-tration
can be performed using the Guardian Digital WebTool. The GD
WebTool provides security through a 1024-bit SSL connection and allows
an administrator to perform 100% of the functions that could previously
only be performed from the command line.
􀁺 GD 安全更新
GD Secure Update - The GD Update Tool will automatically alert you
to new security updates and packages and provide you with the ability to
proactively update your system.
􀁺 内置的电子商务
Built-in E-Commerce - Secure E-Commerce sites can be painlessly created
using the GD WebTool and integrated SSL support. Creation of SSL certifi-cates
and maintenance can be automatically managed through the WebTool.
􀁺 Web 服务
Web Services - All Web functions are controllable through the GD WebTool.
The creation of thousands of virtual Web sites can be easily managed and
􀁺 入侵监测
Intrusion Detection and Prevention - The intrusion detection features will
detect and notify you of possible threats and security related events.
􀁺 日志和审核
System Logging and Auditing - Extensive logging is performed to insure
that you have the latest system information.
􀁺 主机安全
Host Security - Security of the host itself has been significantly increased.
Enforcement of longer user passwords, control of expiration dates, and uti-lization
of the latest in advanced forms of password encryption close one of
the most common and easily exploitable means of intrusion.
􀁺 电子邮件服务
Electronic Mail Server - The included e-mail server has been engineered
to provide security and stability and can control e-mail for hundreds of do-mains
with the click of a mouse. Mail can then be retrieved in a secure
format using conventional mail clients. Additional security improvements
have been made including protection from common threats as well as re-stricting
unsolicited e-mail.
􀁺 PHP 嵌入脚本
PHP Embedded Scripting - The PHP HTML embedded scripting lan-guage
makes it easy for developers to create dynamically-generated Web
pages. PHP also offers built-in database integration for database man-agement
systems, providing the ability the produce database-enabled Web
pages with a short learning curve.
􀁺 数据库支持
Database Support - The included database server provides a true multi-user,
multi-threaded SQL (Structured Query Language) database server, en-abling
EnGarde system users and applications to create robust interactive
Web sites and powerful E-Commerce sites.
􀁺 安全的IMAP 和POP3
Secured IMAP and POP3 - SSL Secured IMAP and POP3 are fully sup-ported
to help increase the security of personal e-mail.
􀁺 域名服务
Domain Name Services - EnGarde Secure Linux can manage DNS for
thousands of domains for external users trying to access virtual Web sites
running on EnGarde, as well as DNS for internal users. This is all config-urable
using the WebTool.
􀁺 CGI 支持
Common Gateway Interface (CGI) Support - The administrator has the
ability to enable CGI-based dynamic Web content on an individual virtual
server basis.
􀁺 SSI 支持
Server Side Includes - EnGarde has the full ability to correctly display
server-parsed Web pages (.shtml files).
􀁺 SSH 支持
Secure Shell Accounts -The Secure Shell provides a secure encrypted com-munications
link with EnGarde Secure Linux from a remote location, elim-inating
the risk previously found in other remote access methods.
􀁺 虚拟Web 站点支持
Web Server Aliasing - EnGarde has the ability to create thousands of vir-tual
Web sites from the same IP address.
􀁺 虚拟E-Mail 域名支持
E-Mail Server Aliasing - EnGarde gives the administrator the ability to
add e-mail server aliases, allowing the creation of thousands of virtual e-mail
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