发表于 2003-12-18 18:07:28
Slackware 9.1/-current
Print Chinese with ghostscript and view Chinese with gv mini-Howto
(1) Software requirements:
Install ghostscript (espgs-7.05.6), font (gnu-gs-fonts) and
ghostview (gv) packages
(2) Font requirements:
Install SimSun, SimHei and other Chinese TTF fonts to XFree86
TTF font dir
(3) Hack the ghostscript:
Backup file /usr/share/ghostscript/7.05/lib/CIDFnmap, then
modify it as follows:
%(CIDFnmap.Win) .runlibfile
% Add the following line
(CIDFnmap.zhcn) .runlibfile
Add file /usr/share/ghostscript/7.05/lib/CIDFnmap.zhcn as
------------------- cut here -------------------------------------------
/SimSun (simsun.ttc) ;
/STSong-Light /SimSun ;
/Beijing /SimSun ;
/NSimSun (simsun.ttc) 2 ;
/Adobe-GB1 /SimSun ;
/song /SimSun ;
/zycjksun /SimSun ;
/SimHei (simhei.ttf) ;
/STHeiti-Regular /SimHei ;
/hei /SimHei ;
/zycjkhei /SimHei ;
/SimFang (simfang.ttf) ;
/FangSong /SimFang ;
/STFangsong-Light /SimFang ;
/fang /SimFang ;
/zycjkfang /SimFang ;
/SimKai (simkai.ttf) ;
/KaiTi /SimKai ;
/STKaiti-Regular /SimKai ;
/kai /SimKai ;
/zycjkkai /SimKai ;
/FZFangSong (fzfsjw.ttf) ;
/FZWeiBei (fzwbjw.ttf) ;
/FZKai (fzktjw.ttf) ;
/FZShuTi (fzstjw.ttf) ;
/SIL-FangSong- /STFangsong-Light ;
/SIL-FangSong-Reg-Jian /STFangsong-Light ;
/SIL-Hei-Med-Jian /STHeiti-Regular ;
/SIL-Kai- /STKaiti-Regular ;
/SIL-Kai-Reg-Jian /STKaiti-Regular ;
/SIL-Song-Reg-Jian /STSong-Light ;
------------------- cut here -------------------------------------------
Backup /usr/share/ghostscript/7.05/lib/gs_res.ps, then modify
it as follows:
Find the following line
/GenericResourceDir (/usr/share/ghostscript/) readonly .forcedef
Replace it with the following line
/GenericResourceDir (/usr/share/ghostscript/Resource/) readonly .forcedef
(4) Add Adobe CMAP for CID fonts to ghostscript
Download ac14.tar.Z and ag14.tar.Z from the following link:
Execute the following commands:
# cd /usr/share/ghostscript/
# mkdir Resource
# cd Resource
# mkdir CMap
# tar -zxvf /tmp/ac14.tar.Z
# tar -zxvf /tmp/ag14.tar.Z
# cp ac14/CMap/* ag14/CMap/* CMap
# rm -rf ac14 ag14
Alternatively, if you want the latest Adobe CMAP files, download
"Complete set of Adobe CMAP files for CID Fonts" in the "Adobe Font
Development Kit for OpenType" from adobe.com:
Execute the following commands:
# cd /usr/share/ghostscript/
# mkdir Resource
# cd Resource
# mkdir CMap
# unzip /tmp/Adobe\ Cmaps.zip
# cp Adobe\ Cmaps/Adobe-CNS1-2/* Adobe\ Cmaps/Adobe-CNS1-3/* \
Adobe\ Cmaps/Adobe-CNS1-4/* Adobe\ Cmaps/Adobe-GB1-3/* \
Adobe\ Cmaps/Adobe-GB1-4/* Adobe\ Cmaps/Adobe-Identity-0/* \
# rm -rf Adobe\ Cmaps
Then create symbol links of the TrueType fonts in the ghostscript
fonts directory. I have tried to specify the full path of TrueType fonts
in CIDFnmap.zhcn instead of creating symbol links. However, it can only
make gv display Chinese. It's impossible to print Chinese!!!
# cd /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts
# ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/sim* .
# ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/fz* .
(5) Hack Mozilla/Firebird preference file:
Modify mozilla/default/pref/unix.js as follows:
Look for the following line:
pref("print.postscript.nativefont.zh-CN", "");
Replace it with the following line:
pref("print.postscript.nativecode.zh-CN", "gb2312");
pref("print.postscript.nativefont.zh-CN", "SimSun-GB-EUC-H");
(6) Testing
To view the mozilla.ps, use the following
% gv mozilla.ps
To test the mozilla.ps before send it to printer, use the following
% cat mozilla.ps | gs -q -dBATCH -dPARANOIDSAFER -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=x11 -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=612 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=792 -dDuplex=true -dTumble=false -r300 -sOutputFile=- - |