
热搜: shell linux mysql
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发表于 2004-2-18 17:49:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我曾经花了些时间操作过这个系统 感觉是速度很快 很像MAC的内型 可惜我对于
系统内核不是很熟  很多的高手应该在它上面搞研究
他和LINUX比较 速度确实比LINUX要快 最起码比REDHAT SUSE 等
有可能是由于单线程吧  把他开发好点出界面简单实用也许还能和MAC比较
以上都是个人观点我没有任何技术 只懂点皮毛而已希望大家一起讨论!
发表于 2004-2-18 19:44:19 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2004-2-18 21:47:13 | 显示全部楼层
bluedeye maybe a good choice, but now we can't get its codes
although its license is lgpl,
it use linux kernel and xfree, so many linux apps can be run on it
 楼主| 发表于 2004-2-20 10:31:16 | 显示全部楼层
谁知道 有什么组织在进行这个系统的研究吗!
发表于 2004-2-20 22:29:46 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-2-21 03:02:12 | 显示全部楼层
be inc. 把 beos 连同 beos 的开发技术人员一齐卖给了 parm,怎么能说树倒猢孙散呢? 其实是停止了官方版本的 beos 的开发。
发表于 2004-2-21 10:59:57 | 显示全部楼层
yelltab获得了beos sources的使用权,在接着开发
openbeos。org则是克隆beos r5,目前的进展非常不错。
发表于 2004-2-23 15:45:51 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-2-23 19:05:23 | 显示全部楼层

OpenBeOS Howto

Basic information on how to install and build OpenBeOS sources from CVS.

It seems the one thing the OpenBeOS project forgot to do was to supply a simple instruction page for people who want to install and build from CVS. So here it is:

0. You must install onto vanilla BeOS 5.0.3 to build this code. If you are running BeOS 5.0.3 Personal Edition you will also need to install the R5 Development Tools. Do NOT install any other packages such as the mediaupdate, Bone-7a, OpenGL, 3Dkit or anything which could modify the system. If any of these have been installed already, remove them first or do a completely fresh installation.

1. Download copies of CVS, JAM and the PDF library (see the links below) and install them under the /boot/home/config tree in appropriate locations. The PDF library shouldn't be necessary but it is for now, evidently.

2. Install ld_switch and set it so that the new linker is in use. If you have a totally unmodified BeOS 5.0.3 system, simply installing the new ld into /boot/home/config/bin is sufficient.

3. Create a directory called /boot/home/obos or something similar to receive the files. The name and location isn't important, but it should be somewhere in your home tree.

4. Open a terminal and change to the directory created in (3) above.

5. Type the following:

cvs login
(Hit the Enter key when asked for a password)
cvs -z3 co current
cvs logout

You should soon have all the sourcecode under a new subdirectory called `current'.

6. Type `cd current' to get into that directory.

6a. Type `chmod -x * -R' to fix source code erroneously marked as executable. You should only need to do this at the first checkout.

7. Type `./configure'

8. Type `jam'

You should now be seeing the build in progress, and with any luck there shouldn't be any major problems from here. There will be a few new libraries popping up in /boot/home/config/lib (which could be improved, since the build really should stay independent of the host) but otherwise your system will remain as it was.

Once the build finishes you can browse the source tree and look over the fine work of the developers, hack a bit of code and/or find some bugs to fix/report.

To update the code you should create a shell script so you can forget about the complexities of CVS itself. Here's the one I use, which I call `update':


#! /bin/sh
# Script to update OpenBeOS sources from SourceForge

echo No password, hit Enter

cvs login
cvs -z3 update
cvs logout


Assuming you created the directory suggested in (3) above, this script should live in /boot/home/obos

An-Dee <> has also pointed out that you can simply cd to /boot/home/obos/current and type `cvs up' although this doesn't allow you to specify the -z3 for compressed downloads.

A tip to speed up subsequent builds by an hour or more (depending on processor speed) follows:

Edit src/Jamfile and change the following lines thus ...

# SubInclude OBOS_TOP src tests ;
# SubInclude OBOS_TOP src tools ;

You're unlikely to need these rebuilt in a hurry.

Go to it!!
发表于 2004-2-23 19:34:58 | 显示全部楼层
beos现在发展太慢了,4 年都不见什么新产品出来,2000年我在win98装的时候觉得不错,多媒体功能,硬件支持都不错,那时linux这些方面不能和它相提并论,何况它只有50M。。。。。
现在不用说也知道了,be max,open beos只不过是旧瓶装新酒。。。。。当时还在be的网站看到be6的snapshot一直没有看到。。。。。
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