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FC2 release note (安装之前最好先看看)

发表于 2004-5-17 08:50:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Fedora Core 2 Release Notes

Copyright © 2004 Red Hat, Inc.

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The Fedora Project is an openly-developed project designed by Red Hat, open for general participation, led by a meritocracy, and following a set of project objectives. The results from this project include Fedora Core, a complete, general-purpose operating system built exclusively from open source software.

Fedora Core is not a supported product of Red Hat, Inc.

For more information, refer to the Fedora Project overview later in this document.

The following topics related to Fedora Core 2 are covered in this document:


      Introduction (this section)

      Hardware requirements

      Overview of this release

      Installation-related notes

      Package-specific notes

      Packages added/removed/deprecated

      An overview of the Fedora Project

Hardware Requirements

The following information represents the minimum hardware requirements necessary to successfully install Fedora Core 2.

The compatibility/availability of other hardware components (such as video and network cards) may be required for specific installation modes and/or post-installation usage.
CPU Requirements

This section lists the CPU specifications required by Fedora Core 2.

The following CPU specifications are stated in terms of Intel processors. Other processors (notably, offerings from AMD, Cyrix, and VIA) that are compatible with and equivalent to the following Intel processors may also be used with Fedora Core.


      Minimum: Pentium-class

      Fedora Core 2 is optimized for Pentium PRO (and later) CPUs, but also supports Pentium-class CPUs. This approach has been taken because Pentium-class optimizations actually result in reduced performance for non-Pentium-class processors.

      Recommended for text-mode: 200 MHz Pentium-class or better

      Recommended for graphical: 400 MHz Pentium II or better

Hard Disk Space Requirements

This section lists the disk space required to install Fedora Core 2.

The disk space requirements listed below represent the disk space taken up by Fedora Core 2 after the installation is complete. However, additional disk space is required during the installation to support the installation environment. This additional disk space corresponds to the size of /Fedora/base/stage2.img (on CD-ROM 1) plus the size of the files in /var/lib/rpm on the installed system.

In practical terms, this means that as little as an additional 90MB can be required for a minimal installation, while as much as an additional 175MB can be required for an "everything" installation.

Also, keep in mind that additional space will be required for any user data, and at least 5% free space should be maintained for proper system operation.


      Custom Installation (Minimal): 620MB

      Server: 1.1GB

      Personal Desktop: 2.3GB

      Workstation: 3.0GB

      Custom Installation (Everything): 6.9GB

Memory Requirements

This section lists the memory required to install Fedora Core 2.


      Minimum for text-mode: 64MB

      Minimum for graphical: 192MB

      Recommended for graphical: 256MB

Overview of This Release

The following list includes brief summaries of some of the more significant aspects of Fedora Core 2:


      Fedora Core 2 includes an implementation of SELinux. SELinux represents a major shift in the way users, programs, and processes interact. By default, SELinux is installed — but disabled — in this release.

      You can install Fedora Core 2 with SELinux enabled by entering selinux at the Boot: prompt when booting the Fedora Core installation program.

      Should you decide to enable SELinux, it is strongly recommended that you read the Fedora Core SELinux FAQ:

      Even if you are familiar with SELinux technology, refer to the FAQ for the latest information from the Fedora Core SELinux developers.

      In this release, the XFree86&#8482; X11 implementation has been replaced with the Foundation's new official X11R6.7.0 X Window System release. This release is a merger of the previous official X11R6 release, XFree86 4.4.0rc2, and additionally includes a number of updates to Xrender, Xft, Xcursor, fontconfig libraries, and other significant improvements. Refer to the X11R6.7.0 release notes for more information:

      More information about X.Org is available at

      More information about the X.Org X11 implementation is available at

      Bugs or issues with X should be reported to the project at or as appropriate.

      Some file names have changed; refer to the X Window System section of this document for more information.

      Fedora Core 2 is now based on the 2.6 kernel, which includes improvements in many different areas, including scalability, device support, and performance.

      Fedora Core 2 includes GNOME 2.6, which includes many improvements in terms of usability, stability, and speed.

      Fedora Core 2 includes KDE 3.2.2, which is a maintenance release correcting numerous problems, and includes enhanced support for existing translations.

      Fedora Core 2 includes Xfce 4, a lightweight desktop environment based on GTK+ version 2. For more information, refer to the Xfce project website:

      Subversion 1.0 is now included in Fedora Core; the Subversion version control system is designed to be a replacement for CVS and features truly atomic commits, versioning of files, directories and metadata, along with most current features of CVS.

Installation-Related Notes

This section outlines those issues that are related to Anaconda (the Fedora Core installation program) and installing Fedora Core 2 in general.
Anaconda Notes


      For systems capable of booting from a USB device, Fedora Core 2 includes an image file designed for use with USB pen drives (or other bootable media with a capacity larger than a diskette drive). The file is diskboot.img, and is present in the images/ directory on CD-ROM 1. Use the dd command to write the image.

      The ability to use this image file with a USB pen drive depends on the ability of your system's BIOS to boot from a USB device.

      The Fedora Core installation program has the ability to test the integrity of the installation media. It works with the CD, DVD, hard drive ISO, and NFS ISO installation methods. Red Hat recommends that you test all installation media before starting the installation process, and before reporting any installation-related bugs (many of the bugs reported are actually due to improperly-burned CDs). To use this test, type linux mediacheck at the boot: prompt.

      Memory testing may be performed prior to installing Fedora Core by entering memtest86 at the boot: prompt. This causes the Memtest86 standalone memory testing software to run. Memtest86 memory testing continues until the Esc key is pressed.

      NOTE: You must boot from CD-ROM 1 (or a rescue CD-ROM) in order to use this feature.

      Fedora Core 2 supports graphical FTP and HTTP installations. However, due to the necessity of containing the installer image in RAM, only systems with more than 128MB of RAM (or systems booted from CD-ROM 1, which contains the installer image) can use the graphical installer. Systems with less than 128MB of memory will continue to use the text-based installer.

      Hard drive installations are now graphical by default. There is no memory penalty, as parted now uses a kernel interface that makes it possible to keep partitions mounted on a device while other partitions are being modified.

      The firewall configuration screen in the Fedora Core installation program has been simplified. The previous "High", "Medium", and "No firewall" settings have been replaced by a more straightforward on/off-style control. In addition, the default firewall configuration is now stateful, making it more secure. The new design also makes it possible for users of NIS authentication, NFS, and DNS to deploy a firewall with no additional customization required (although customization by specifying port and protocol is still possible).

      NOTE: This change also applies to the Security Level Configuration Tool (redhat-config-securitylevel).

      Installation via VNC is now supported. To initiate a VNC-based installation, pass vnc as a boot-time option. If necessary, a password can be set by adding "vncpassword=<password>" to the boot-time options. The VNC display will be "<host>:1", where <host> is the hostname or IP address of the system installing Fedora Core.

      It is also possible for the Fedora Core installation program to initiate a connection to a listening VNC client. This is done by using the vncconnect boot-time option:

      linux vnc vncconnect=<client>[:<port>]

      (Where <client> is the hostname or IP address of the system running the listening VNC client, and <port> is an optional port specification that may be specified if the VNC client is not listening on port 5500, which is the default port for this type of connection). The following examples show the how the boot-time option is specified for standard and non-standard ports:

      linux vnc

      linux vnc

      The system that is to run the listening VNC client must then launch the appropriate software to run the VNC client in its listening mode. For the VNC client supplied with Fedora Core 2, the following command is sufficient:

      vncviewer -listen

      In addition, a new kickstart directive has been added to support VNC-based installations:

      vnc [--password <password>] [--connect <host>[:<port>]]

      (Where --password <password> is an optional parameter for specifying a VNC password, and [--connect <host>[:<port>]] is an optional parameter for specifying the host (and optionally, port) of a system running a listening VNC client.)

      NOTE: If you specify any of the VNC-related boot-time options, they will override the corresponding options present in the kickstart file.

Installation-Related Issues


      Attempts to install Fedora Core 2 on ASUS&#174; motherboards in the P4P800 series may not proceed past the "Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel." message, making installation impossible. No workaround is available at this time. For more information, monitor bug 121819:

      Certain hardware configurations (particularly those with LCD displays) may experience problems while starting the Fedora Core installation program. In these instances, restart the installation, and add the "nofb" option to the boot command line.

      NOTE: Chinese, Japanese, and Korean graphical installations started using the "nofb" option will start in English, and then switch to the appropriate language once the graphical phase of the installation process begins.

      Some Sony VAIO&#174; notebook systems may experience problems installing Fedora Core from CD-ROM. If this happens, restart the installation process and add the following option to the boot command line:

      pci=off ide1=0x180,0x386

      This option allows the installation to proceed normally; any devices not detected due to the use of this option will be configured the first time Fedora Core is booted.

      Serial mice are known to be inoperative during installation. However, there are indications that serial mice work properly in X after the installation has completed. Refer to bug 119474 for more information:

      Fedora Core 2 running as a guest operating system under VMware Workstation 4.5.1 is known to be problematic unless you disable virtual dynamic shared object support with the following kernel boot parameter:





      Performing an installation with SELinux enabled causes GNOME-related files to be created in the /root/ directory with the wrong security context. This will prevent a graphical login by the root account. The workaround is to login (as root) via the console and run the following command:

setfiles /etc/security/selinux/file_contexts /root


      After issuing this command, graphical logins as root will work as expected.

      Systems with older network cards may not bring network interfaces up at boot time. Refer to bug 119965 for more information:

      The workaround is to login as root and run the following command:

chmod -x /sbin/mii-tool



      Running this command is recommended for all installations.

      There have been issues observed when upgrading Red Hat Linux 7.<x>, 8.0, 9, and Fedora Core 1 systems running Ximian GNOME. The issue is caused by version overlap between the official Red Hat Linux RPMs (or the ones from the Fedora Project) and the Ximian RPMs. This configuration is not supported. You have several choices in resolving this issue:

      1) You may remove Ximian GNOME from your system prior to upgrading to Fedora Core.

      2) You may upgrade your system, and then immediately reinstall Ximian GNOME.

      3) You may upgrade your system, and then immediately remove all remaining Ximian RPMs, replacing them with the corresponding Fedora Core RPMs.

      You must resolve the version overlap using one of the above choices. Failure to do so will result in an unstable GNOME configuration.

Package-Specific Notes

The following sections contain information regarding packages that have undergone significant changes for Fedora Core 2. For easier access, they are organized using the same groups used in Anaconda.

This section contains the most elemental components of Fedora Core, including the kernel.


      A higher-quality implementation of POSIX timer support (which now includes support for CLOCK_MONOTONIC) is now available. This implementation uses support built into the 2.6 kernel.

      In addition, POSIX message queue support, a new feature, has been added to Fedora Core 2.

      To speed login when NIS is used, it is now possible to request the use of the netid.byname map instead of the groups.byname map for providing group-related information to NIS clients. This map is traditionally not used for this purpose, but in most configurations contains the necessary information, and is generated by default on recent Linux and Solaris&#8482; NIS servers.

      To enable this feature, find the following line in /etc/default/nss:



      Next, use a text editor to remove the leading '#' character, saving your changes when done.

      No cross-checks of the netid.byname map are done by either the NIS server or client. Therefore, the responsibility of ensuring that netid.byname contains appropriate information rests with the system administrator.

      It is also possible to improve NIS performance by using the services.byservicename map. If this map exists and has been built properly, its use can be enabled by the following setting in /etc/default/nss:



      The services.byservicename map must contain both names of services and aliases as keys, both without protocol specified and with protocol. Recently-updated Fedora Core and Solaris NIS servers provide properly-built services.byservicename maps.

      Native POSIX Thread Library (NPTL) support is unavailable in architectures below i686. This includes VIA, AMD K6, and i586 Pentium processors. This is known to be problematic for certain applications that rely on NPTL db4, such as subversion.



      The Fedora Core 2 i686 kernel uses the "4GB/4GB memory split," where both kernel and user space each have 4GB of virtual address space available. This allows the use of larger applications, and is especially useful for Java and databases. In addition, this feature provides increased kernel space, which can be used to take advantage of system configurations with large amounts of RAM.

      Support for I2O has been extensively revamped for Fedora Core 2.

      Fedora Core 2 should theoretically be usable with I2O RAID controllers; however, installation and upgrade require manual intervention. Unfortunately, we were unable to complete I2O support in Anaconda prior to the release of Fedora Core 2.

      The i2o_proc module must be manually loaded during disk probing, so that Disk Druid is able to find the I2O block devices. Refer to the I2O project home page (listed below) for procedures regarding this and other upgrade/installation issues.

      The dpt_i2o driver previously used to support many SCSI RAID controllers under 2.4 kernels is no longer supported. However, the new generic I2O layer supports most of these controllers. In addition, it is now possible to use I2O on 64-bit architectures.

      Note also that device names have changed. The dpt_i2o driver previously used /dev/sd?? device names, while the new i2o_block driver uses /dev/i2o/hd?? device names.

      For more information, refer to the "I2O on Linux" page:

      This site includes a list of tested controllers, raidutils RPMs compatible with the old dpt_i2o driver and the new I2O layer (for managing Adaptec RAID controllers), and information specific to I2O on Fedora Core.

      Special thanks go to Markus Lidel of Shadow Connect GmbH for spearheading I2O-related kernel and tools development.

      The 2.6 kernel provides a new and much-improved mechanism (known as SG_IO) for applications that must send raw commands to storage devices. This includes applications for burning CDs or for extracting data from audio CDs. SG_IO also eliminates the need for ide-scsi emulation, where boot-time parameters such as hdd=ide-scsi were required to support ATAPI CD burners.

      Applications packaged as part of Fedora Core 2 have been adjusted to take advantage of SG_IO. For example, to burn a CD using cdrecord, the old-style command was similar to this:

cdrecord --dev=0,0,0 <iso-file>


      With SG_IO, the command would be similar to this:

cdrecord --dev=<device> <iso-file>


      Where <device> could be any valid IDE (/dev/hdc) or SCSI/USB (/dev/scd0) device file name.


This section includes packages that help you manipulate and scan images.


      The gimp-perl package has been removed from Fedora Core 2 because GIMP was updated to 2.0 and the Perl bindings were neither ready nor part of the main package anymore.

      Users of Perl scripts in GIMP should install the Gimp Perl module from

Language Support

This section includes information related to the support of various languages under Fedora Core.


      The default Input Method (IM) for Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Japanese, and Korean has been changed to IIIMF — the Internet/Intranet Input Method Framework. IIIMF is supported as a native GTK2 IM module, and also through XIM using the httx client. IIIMF supports the use of multiple Language Engines (LEs) at the same time; using the GNOME Input Method Language Engine Tool (GIMLET — an applet) it is possible to switch between LEs of different languages inside GTK2 applications.

      IIIMF currently defaults to using Ctrl-Space for toggling the input method on and off (Emacs users can use Ctrl-@ instead of Ctrl-Space to set the mark.)

      To switch between IIIMF and the legacy XIM input methods, use the im-switch command. Enter the following command for more information:

      im-switch -h

Mail Server

This section contains information related to the mail transport agents included with Fedora Core.


      By default, the Sendmail mail transport agent (MTA) does not accept network connections from any host other than the local computer. If you want to configure Sendmail as a server for other clients, you must edit /etc/mail/ and change the DAEMON_OPTIONS line to also listen on network devices (or comment out this option entirely using the dnl comment delimiter). You must then regenerate /etc/mail/ by running the following command (as root):

      make -C /etc/mail

      Note that you must have the sendmail-cf package installed for this to work.

Sound and Video

This section contains information related to multimedia applications.

Past users of the CD/DVD burning application k3b may notice that the program k3bsetup is missing. This is because k3bsetup is not necessary under Fedora Core 2.
X Window System

This section contains information related to the X Window System implementation provided with Fedora Core.


      Users new to the X11 implementation should take note of a few differences between it and the X11 implementation which shipped in previous Red Hat operating systems. In particular, the names of some files have changed, including the following:

X Server Binary

    XFree86 X11: XFree86 X11: Xorg

X Server Configuration File

    XFree86 X11: /etc/X11/XF86Config X11: /etc/X11/xorg.conf

X Server Log File

    XFree86 X11: /var/log/XFree86.$DISPLAY.log X11: /var/log/Xorg.$DISPLAY.log

      When configuring or troubleshooting your X server configuration, be sure that you are using the correct files.

      There has been some confusion regarding font-related issues under the X Window System in recent versions of Fedora Core (and versions of Red Hat Linux before it.) At the present time, there are two font subsystems, each with different characteristics:

      - The original (15+ year old) subsystem is referred to as the "core X font subsystem". Fonts rendered by this subsystem are not anti-aliased, are handled by the X server, and have names like:


      The newer font subsystem is known as "fontconfig", and allows applications direct access to the font files. Fontconfig is often used along with the "Xft" library, which allows applications to render fontconfig fonts to the screen with antialiasing. Fontconfig uses more human-friendly names like:

      Luxi Sans-10

      Over time, fontconfig/Xft will replace the core X font subsystem. At the present time, applications using the Qt 3 or GTK 2 toolkits (which would include KDE and GNOME applications) use the fontconfig and Xft font subsystem; most everything else uses the core X fonts.

      In the future, Fedora Core may support only fontconfig/Xft in place of the XFS font server as the default local font access method.

      NOTE: An exception to the font subsystem usage outlined above is (which uses its own font rendering technology).

      If you wish to add new fonts to your Fedora Core 2 system, you must be aware that the steps necessary depend on which font subsystem is to use the new fonts. For the core X font subsystem, you must:

      1. Create the /usr/share/fonts/local/ directory (if it doesn't already exist):

      mkdir /usr/share/fonts/local/

      2. Copy the new font file into /usr/share/fonts/local/

      3. Update the font information by issuing the following commands (note that, due to formatting restrictions, the following commands may appear on more than one line; in use, each command should be entered on a single line):

      ttmkfdir -d /usr/share/fonts/local/ -o /usr/share/fonts/local/fonts.scale

      mkfontdir /usr/share/fonts/local/

      4. If you had to create /usr/share/fonts/local/, you must then add it to the X font server (xfs) path:

      chkfontpath --add /usr/share/fonts/local/

      Adding new fonts to the fontconfig font subsystem is more straightforward; the new font file only needs to be copied into the /usr/share/fonts/ directory (individual users can modify their personal font configuration by copying the font file into the ~/.fonts/ directory).

      After the new font has been copied, use fc-cache to update the font information cache:

      fc-cache <directory>

      (Where <directory> would be either the /usr/share/fonts/ or ~/.fonts/ directories.)

      Individual users may also install fonts graphically, by browsing fonts:/// in Nautilus, and dragging the new font files there.

      NOTE: If the font filename ends with ".gz", it has been compressed with gzip, and must be decompressed (with the gunzip command) before the fontconfig font subsystem can use the font.

      Due to the transition to the new font system based on fontconfig/Xft, GTK+ 1.2 applications are not affected by any changes made via the Font Preferences dialog. For these applications, a font can be configured by adding the following lines to the file ~/.gtkrc.mine:

      style "user-font" {

      fontset = "<font-specification>"


      widget_class "*" style "user-font"

      (Where <font-specification> represents a font specification in the style used by traditional X applications, such as "-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*".)

Miscellaneous Notes

This section contains information related to packages that do not fit in any of the proceeding categories.

This section contains information related to the lvm2 package.


      The full set of LVM2 commands is now installed in /usr/sbin/. In boot environments where /usr/ is not available, it is necessary to prefix each command with /sbin/lvm.static (/sbin/lvm.static vgchange -ay, for example).

      In environments where /usr/ is available, it is no longer necessary to prefix each command with lvm (/usr/sbin/lvm vgchange -ay becomes /usr/sbin/vgchange -ay, for example).

      The new LVM2 commands (such as /usr/sbin/vgchange -ay and /sbin/lvm.static vgchange -ay) detect if you are running a 2.4 kernel, and transparently invoke the old LVM1 commands if appropriate. The LVM1 commands have been renamed to end with ".lvm1" (for example, /sbin/vgchange.lvm1 -ay).

      LVM1 commands work only with 2.4 kernels. It is not possible to use LVM1 commands while running a 2.6 kernel.

Refer to /usr/share/doc/lvm2*/WHATS_NEW for more information on LVM2.
Packages Added/Removed/Deprecated

This section contains lists of packages that fit into the following categories:


      Packages that have been added to Fedora Core 2

      Packages that have been removed from Fedora Core 2

      Packages that have been deprecated, and may be removed from a future release of Fedora Core


To reduce the length of the following lists,source packages, and not binary packages are listed.
Packages Added

The following packages have been added to Fedora Core 2:


      alsa-lib — Libraries for Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)

      alsa-utils — Command-line utilities for ALSA

      ant — Platform-independent build tool for Java applications

      automake17 — Automake 1.7 compatibility

      bcel — Java class file manipulation

      checkpolicy — SELinux policy compiler

      commons-beanutils — Jakarta Commons Beanutils

      commons-collections — Jakarta Commons Collections

      commons-dbcp — Jakarta Commons DBCP

      commons-digester — Jakarta Commons Digester

      commons-fileupload — Jakarta Commons Fileupload

      commons-logging — Jakarta Commons Logging

      commons-modeler — Jakarta Commons Modeler

      commons-pool — Jakarta Commons Pool

      cup-v10k — LALR parser generator

      cyrus-imapd — Cyrus IMAP implementation

      dbh — Disk based hash library

      dev86 — A real-mode x86 assembler and linker

      device-mapper — Device mapper library

      distcache — Distributed SSL session cache

      exim — The exim mail transport agent

      expect — Split out from tcltk

      flac — An encoder/decoder for the Free Lossless Audio Codec

      fonts-bengali — Fonts for the display of the Bengali script

      gcc34 — GNU Compiler Collection version 3.4

      gnome-keyring — A framework for managing user passwords and other secrets

      gnome-netstatus — Network status applet

      hicolor-icon-theme — Basic directories and files needed for icon theme support

      hpijs — A collection of optimized drivers for HP printers

      iiimf-le-inpinyin — An IIIMF Language Engine for Simplified Chinese

      iiimf-le-xcin — An IIIMF Language Engine for Traditional Chinese

      ipsec-tools — Tools for configuring and using IPSEC

      iptstate — A top-like display of IP Tables state table entries

      ipvsadm — A utility to administer the IP Virtual Server services

      jaf — GNU JavaBeans Activation Framework

      jakarta-regexp — A 100% Pure Java Regular Expression package

      javamail — A protocol-independent API for messaging applications

      junit — A regression-testing framework used to implement unit tests in Java

      k3b — An easy-to-use DC/DVD burning application

      libc-client — A common API for accessing mailboxes

      libdv — Software decoder for DV format video

      libexif — A library for extracting information from EXIF files

      libgnomecups — GNOME library for CUPS integration

      libofx — A library for supporting Open Financial Exchange (OFX)

      libselinux — SELinux library and simple utilities

      libxfce4mcs — Multi-channel settings management support for the XFce4 desktop environment

      libxfce4util — Utility library for the XFce4 desktop environment

      libxfcegui4 — GTK widgets for the XFce4 desktop environment

      libxklavier — A library providing high-level API for X Keyboard Extension (XKB)

      lvm2 — Logical Volume Management (LVM) tools

      memtest86+ — Stand-alone memory tester for x86 and x86-64 computers

      mod_auth_kerb — Module for Kerberos authentication over HTTP

      mx4j — An open source implementation of the Java Management Extensions (JMX)

      mysql-jdbc — An implementation of the JDBC API for the MySQL relational database server

      nabi — A simple Hangul X input method

      openhbci — A free client-side implementation of Home Banking Computer Interface (HBCI)

      openobex-apps — Applications for using the OBEX (Object Exchange) protocol

      pcmcia-cs — Utilities for handling PCMCIA devices

      perl-Convert-ASN1 — Convert-ASN1 Perl module

      perl-LDAP — LDAP Perl module

      perl-RPM-Specfile — RPM-Specfile Perl module

      perl-XML-LibXML — XML-LibXML Perl module

      perl-XML-LibXML-Common — XML-LibXML-Common Perl module

      perl-XML-NamespaceSupport — XML-NamespaceSupport Perl module

      perl-XML-SAX — XML-SAX Perl module

      planner — Graphical project management tool

      policy — SELinux example policy configuration

      policycoreutils — SELinux policy core utilities

      pyparted — Python modules for the parted library

      redhat-java-rpm-scripts — A collection of scripts used to perform common tasks for RPM packages containing Java libraries and executables

      rhdb-utils — Miscellaneous utilities for PostgreSQL (Red Hat Edition)

      selinux-doc — SELinux documentation

      servletapi — An implementation of the Java Servlet and JSP APIs

      setools — SELinux tools for managing policy

      shared-mime-info — The shared MIME info database

      speex — A patent-free codec designed especially for speech.

      struts — Framework for building web applications with Java

      system-config-bind — A utility for configuring basic Domain Name System (DNS) settings

      system-config-boot — A graphical interface for configuring the boot loader

      system-config-date — A graphical interface for modifying system date and time

      system-config-display — A graphical interface for configuring the X Window System display

      system-config-httpd — A graphical interface for configuring Apache

      system-config-keyboard — A graphical interface for modifying the default keyboard

      system-config-kickstart — A graphical interface for creating kickstart files

      system-config-language — A graphical interface for modifying the default system language

      system-config-mouse — A graphical interface for configuring mice

      system-config-netboot — A graphical interface for configuring diskless environments and network installations

      system-config-network — A graphical interface for configuring Ethernet, wireless, Token Ring, ADSL, ISDN and PPP network devices

      system-config-nfs — A graphical interface for configuring NFS shares

      system-config-packages — A graphical interface for package management

      system-config-printer — A graphical interface for configuring printers

      system-config-proc — A graphical interface for configuring tunable operating system parameters

      system-config-rootpassword — A graphical interface for modifying the root password

      system-config-samba — a graphical user interface for configuring Samba shares

      system-config-securitylevel — A graphical interface for modifying the system security level

      system-config-services — A graphical interface for configuring initscript and xinetd

      system-config-soundcard — A graphical interface for detecting and configuring soundcards

      system-config-users — A graphical interface for administering users and groups

      system-logviewer — A graphical interface for viewing log files

      system-switch-mail — A graphical interface for mail transport agent selection

      tcl — Split out from tcltk

      tclx — Split out from tcltk

      tix — Split out from tcltk

      tk — Split out from tcltk

      tomcat — The official Reference Implementation for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies

      tvtime — A high quality TV viewer

      udev — A userspace implementation of devfs

      xalan-j — The Xalan XSLT processor

      xerces-j — The Xerces XML parser

      xfce4-panel — The panel for the XFce4 desktop environment

      xfce-mcs-manager — A multi channel settings manager for the XFce4 desktop environment

      xfce-mcs-plugins — A set of plugins for the XFce4 multi channel settings manager

      xfce-utils — Utilities for the XFce4 desktop environment

      xfdesktop — A desktop manager for the XFce4 desktop environment

      xffm — A file manager and SMB network navigator for the XFce4 desktop environment

      xffm-icons — Icon themes for the xffm file manager

      xfsprogs — Utilities for managing the XFS file system

      xfwm4 — A window manager for the XFce4 desktop environment

      xfwm4-themes — A set of additional themes for the xfwm4 window manager

      xmlsec1 — Library providing support for XML Signature and XML Encryption standards

      xorg-x11 — An open source implementation of the X Window System

      xrestop — A utility for monitoring application usage of X resources and display them in a manner similar to the top program

Packages Removed

The following packages have been removed from Fedora Core 2:


      ami — Replaced by nabi

      bonobo-conf — No longer used by any current Fedora Core application

      boost-jam — no longer required by any current Fedora Core software

      cipe — Not supported by the 2.6 kernel

      gcc32 — Used only to compile 2.4 kernel (which is no longer included)

      gimp-perl — No longer packaged as part of the GIMP packaging

      gnome-vfs2-extras — Now part of gnome-vfs-extras

      gtoaster — Equivalent functionality present in nautilus-cd-burner

      imap — Replaced by dovecot

      indexhtml — Content added to fedora-release

      ipchains — Replaced by iptables

      kdoc — not part of current KDE

      kernel-pcmcia-cs — Replaced by pcmcia-cs

      kpppload — Not part of current KDE release

      kterm — Lacks UTF-8 support

      libcapplet0 — No longer needed; GNOME 1 capplets removed

      libgtop — No longer used by any Fedora Core application

      libmrproject — No longer needed; mrproject removed

      mars-nwe — No longer part of Fedora Core profile

      memtest86 — Replaced by memtest86+

      mrproject — Replaced by planner

      ncurses4 — No longer required

      nmh — No longer part of Fedora Core profile

      openssl096 — No longer required

      readline41 — No longer required

      redhat-config-bind — Renamed system-config-bind

      redhat-config-boot — Renamed system-config-boot

      redhat-config-date — Renamed system-config-date

      redhat-config-httpd — Renamed system-config-httpd

      redhat-config-keyboard — Renamed system-config-keyboard

      redhat-config-kickstart — Renamed system-config-kickstart

      redhat-config-language — Renamed system-config-language

      redhat-config-mouse — Renamed system-config-mouse

      redhat-config-netboot — Renamed system-config-netboot

      redhat-config-network — Renamed system-config-network

      redhat-config-nfs — Renamed system-config-nfs

      redhat-config-packages — Renamed system-config-packages

      redhat-config-printer — Renamed system-config-printer

      redhat-config-proc — Renamed system-config-proc

      redhat-config-rootpassword — Renamed system-config-rootpassword

      redhat-config-samba — Renamed system-config-samba

      redhat-config-securitylevel — Renamed system-config-securitylevel

      redhat-config-services — Renamed system-config-services

      redhat-config-soundcard — Renamed system-config-soundcard

      redhat-config-users — Renamed system-config-users

      redhat-config-xfree86 — Renamed system-config-display

      redhat-logviewer — Renamed system-logviewer

      redhat-switch-mail — Renamed system-switch-mail

      run — Functionality present in schedutils

      sndconfig — No longer required by mainstream hardware

      tcltk — Package split up into separate expect, tcl, tclx, tix and tk packages

      xawtv — Replaced by tvtime

      Xbae — Library not used by any application

      xcpustate — No longer part of Fedora Core profile

      XFree86 — Replaced by the X.Org X11 implementation

      Xlt — Library not used by any application

      xtraceroute — No longer part of Fedora Core profile

Packages Deprecated

The following packages have been deprecated, and may be removed from a future release of Fedora Core:


      ac-archive — No longer part of Fedora Core profile

      dbskkd-cdb — Only used by deprecated package skkinput

      devlabel — udev is the recommended solution

      FreeWnn — Only used by deprecated package kinput2-canna-wnn6

      kinput2-canna-wnn6 — IIIMF is the recommended input method

      licq — Equivalent functionality present in other applications (gaim, for example)

      lilo — GRUB is the recommended bootloader

      miniChinput — IIIMF is the recommended input method

      nabi — IIIMF is the recommended input method

      ncpfs — No longer part of Fedora Core profile

      skkinput — IIIMF is the recommended input method

      Wnn6-SDK — Only used by deprecated package kinput2-canna-wnn6

      xcin — IIIMF is the recommended input method

An Overview of the Fedora Project

The goal of the Fedora Project is to work with the Linux community to build a complete, general-purpose operating system exclusively from open source software. Development will be done in a public forum. The project will produce time-based releases of Fedora Core about 2-3 times a year, with a public release schedule. The Red Hat engineering team will continue to participate in building Fedora Core and will invite and encourage more outside participation than was possible in the past. By using this more open process, we hope to provide an operating system more in line with the ideals of free software and more appealing to the open source community.

For more information, refer to the Fedora Project website:

In addition to the website, the following mailing lists are available:

    * — For users of Fedora Core releases
    * — For testers of Fedora Core test releases
    * — For developers, developers, developers
    * — For participants of the docs project

To subscribe to any of these lists, send an email with the word "subscribe" in the subject to <listname>-request (where <listname> is one of the above list names.)

NOTE: If you have subscribed in the past to rhl-list, rhl-beta-list, rhl-devel-list, or rhl-docs-list, your subscriptions have been retained.

The Fedora Project also includes an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel. IRC is a real-time, text-based form of communication. With it, you can have conversations with multiple people in an open channel or chat with someone privately one-on-one.

To talk with other Fedora Project participants via IRC, access freenode IRC network. Initially, you can use as the IRC server, although you may decide to select a server that is geographically closer to you. Refer to the freenode website ( for more information. Fedora Project participants frequent the #fedora channel, while Fedora Project developers can often be found on the #fedora-devel channel. Some of the larger projects may have their own channels as well; this information can be found on the project pages.

NOTE: Red Hat has no control over the Fedora IRC channels or their content.

( x86 )
发表于 2004-5-17 08:57:05 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-5-17 22:19:08 | 显示全部楼层
I don't well in English! :rolleyes:

I do well in Chinese!:p
 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-17 23:02:07 | 显示全部楼层
cpu──文本安装 p200或更好  图形安装 PII400或更好
硬盘──最小安装 620M 服务器1.1G 桌面2.3G 工作站3G 完全安装6.9G
内存──文本安装最小64M 图形安装最小 192M 推荐256M

FC2 主要包括:
2.6 kernel GNOME  2.6  KDE 3.2.2 Gimp2.0同时包括 Xfce 4

X Server Binary
    XFree86 X11: XFree86 X11: Xorg
X Server Configuration File
    XFree86 X11: /etc/X11/XF86Config X11: /etc/X11/xorg.conf
X Server Log File
    XFree86 X11: /var/log/XFree86.$DISPLAY.log X11: /var/log/Xorg.$DISPLAY.log
新的SG_IO,使用cdrecord烧录直接用设备名 cdrecord --device=<device> <iso-file>

标记为过时的包──如xcin, miniChinput等

系统安装默认支持大内存 4GB
kernel log 默认17k
发表于 2004-5-21 10:16:34 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-5-21 11:51:18 | 显示全部楼层
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