Hi all, I find a very rustic hard disk installation method for iBox-0.1 as follow:
1. Assume a empty partition and swap partition are ready.
I am using /dev/hda7 for installation and /dev/hda9 as swap
2. Boot up your iBOX LiveCD
3. Login as ibox
4. Become root with su -, then issue the following commands:
mkswap /dev/hda9
swapon /dev/hda9
mke2fs -j /dev/hda7
cd /mnt
mkdir ibox
mount /dev/hda7 ibox
mkdir ibox/boot
5. cd to the compressed loopback filesystem, copy all system files to your HDD
cd livecd
cp -dvR * /mnt/ibox/ --preserve=mode,ownership (this step took more than 30 minutes on my museum-class PII-350 machine)
cp /mnt/cdrom/isolinux/ibox* /mnt/ibox/boot
cd /mnt/ibox
mkdir proc
mount -t proc proc proc
chroot /mnt/ibox /bin/bash -l
mkdir /dev
sh /sbin/env-update.sh
6. It seems there are some directories missing in /tmp and /var, although not critical, just follow the LFS handbook to add some directories back:
mkdir /tmp
mkdir -p /var/{tmp,opt,cache,lib/misc,local}
mkdir /opt/{bin,doc,include,info}
mkdir -p /opt/{lib,man/man{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}}
chmod 1777 /tmp /var/tmp
7. add proper entries to your filesystem table by editing your /etc/fstab
/dev/hda7 / ext3 noatime 0 1
/dev/hda9 none swap sw 0 0
none /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
8. setup your boot loader by adding the following entries in your menu.lst or grub.conf
title=iBOX-0.1 on hda7
root (hd0,6)
kernel (hd0,6)/boot/ibox root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc ram_disk=4000000 video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr vga=0x317 real_root=/dev/hda7
9. unmount the filesystems, and exit root
cd /
umount /mnt/ibox/proc /mnt/ibox
10. Reboot your computer.
After system restart, become root again and create the necessary mount points in /mnt, such as hda1, sda1 etc.
Known issues:
a. I haven't checked all file hierarchy, I don't know if there are any missing directories.
b. After each restart, it seems you need to mkxorgconf again. I haven't checked it in very details.
That's it! The installation is quite rustic and further configurations are needed for your system in HDD. Anyway, it is a good start.
Enjoy ibox!
Sorry for mistakes. Made some corrections. Merry Xmas!!! |