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从fc3的Release Note整理的一些要点,大家参考一下

发表于 2004-11-8 16:22:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
中文部分是我自己写的简要介绍,供大家简要参考:p :p 后面的英文是原文。如果涉及到具体的了,可以仔细看原文。有的地方有网址,大家可以去上面找更详尽的资料。
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-8 16:25:11 | 显示全部楼层
1 使firefox和mozilla使用pango
Firefox and Mozilla can be enabled with pango rendering support, which

enables many text layout features, including the rendering of CTL

(Complex Text Layout) such as Indic languages. To enable this, set the

following environment variable when running Firefox or Mozilla:
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-8 16:29:43 | 显示全部楼层
2 在fc3中使用vmware workstation 4.5.2
方法:1 从 升级你的kernel module(anyany的补丁,非官方支持)
2 配置vmware[PHP][/PHP]
3 使之适应udev
[PHP]cp -rp /dev/vm* /etc/udev/devices/[/PHP]
VMware WS 4.5.2 is known to work on Fedora Core 3 after the following

workarounds are used:

You must upgrade the kernel modules and configuration using the

unofficial vmware-any-any-* toolkit available from:

After is run and the VMware modules are loaded, the

following command creates the /sys/class/* nodes needed for udev:

cp -rp /dev/vm* /etc/udev/devices/
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-8 16:31:51 | 显示全部楼层
3 下载Fedora Core 3 DVD ISO的注意
If you intend to download the Fedora Core 3 DVD ISO image, keep in mind

that not all file downloading tools can accommodate files larger than

2GB in size. For example, wget will exit with a File size limit

exceeded error.

The curl and ncftpget file downloading tools do not have this

limitation, and can successfully download files larger than 2GB.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-8 16:35:10 | 显示全部楼层
4 openssh更加严格
Fedora Core 3 contains OpenSSH 3.9, which includes strict permission

and ownership checks for the ~/.ssh/config file. These checks mean that

ssh will exit if this file does not have appropriate ownership and


Therefore, make sure that ~/.ssh/config is owned by the owner of ~/,

and that its permissions are set to mode 600.

In addition, OpenSSH is no longer configured to request X11 forwarding

by default when connecting to servers. To enable X11 forwarding, the -X

or -Y option must be specified, or the ForwardX11 option must be

enabled in the ~/.ssh/config file.

The behavior of ssh clients that are invoked with the -X flag has

changed. In OpenSSH 3.8 and later, X11 forwarding is performed in a way

that applications run as untrusted clients by default. Previously, X11

forwarding was performed so that applications always ran as trusted

clients. Some applications may not function properly when run as

untrusted clients. To forward X11 so that applications are run as

trusted clients, invoke ssh with the -Y flag instead of the -X flag, or

set ForwardX11Trusted in the ~/.ssh/config file.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-8 16:36:31 | 显示全部楼层
5 hotplug的新变化
The location where hotplug expects firmware to be loaded into (for

example, firmware for Cardbus cards) has changed from

/usr/lib/hotplug/firmware to /lib/firmware. Existing firmware files

must be moved into the new directory.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-8 16:49:03 | 显示全部楼层
6 内核源码的安装方法
1 从网上,或者如果你有srpm光盘的话,获得kernel-<version>.src.rpm
[PHP]up2date --get-source kernel[/PHP]
2 使用默认方法安装内核的rpm文件。应该是这样吧
[PHP]rpm -ivh [/PHP]
3 [PHP]cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/
rpmbuild -bp --target=<arch> kernel.spec
4 到默认的位置找到默认的config(如i686 SMP的在/configs/kernel-<version>-i686-smp.config),把这个文件拷贝到源码的目录下,并改名为.config
5 make oldconfig,之后编译并安装内核

In order to eliminate the redundancy inherent in providing a separate

package for the kernel source code when that source code already exists

in the kernel's .src.rpm file, Fedora Core 3 no longer includes the

kernel-source package. Users that require access to the kernel sources

can find them in the kernel .src.rpm file. To create an exploded source

tree from this file, perform the following steps (note that <version>

refers to the version specification for your currently-running kernel):

Obtain the kernel-<version>.src.rpm file from one of the following


The SRPMS directory on the appropriate "SRPMS" CD iso image

The FTP site where you got the kernel package

By running the following command:

up2date --get-source kernel

Install kernel-<version>.src.rpm (given the default RPM configuration,

the files this package contains will be written to /usr/src/redhat/)

Change directory to /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/, and issue the following


rpmbuild -bp --target=<arch> kernel.spec

(Where <arch> is the desired target architecture.)

On a default RPM configuration, the kernel tree will be located in


In resulting tree, the configurations for the specific kernels shipped

in Fedora Core 3 are in the /configs/ directory. For example, the i686

SMP configuration file is named /configs/kernel-<version>-i686-

smp.config. Issue the following command to place the desired

configuration file in the proper place for building:

cp <desired-file> ./.config

Issue the following command:

make oldconfig

You can then proceed as usual.

An exploded source tree is not required to build kernel modules against

the currently in-use kernel.

For example, to build the foo.ko module, create the following file

(named Makefile) in the directory containing the foo.c file:

obj-m    := foo.o

KDIR    := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
PWD    := $(shell pwd)

    $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules

Issue the make command to build the foo.ko module.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-8 16:51:08 | 显示全部楼层
7 使用raid的注意
I2O SCSI RAID adapters from manufacturers such as Adaptec now use the

i2o_block driver, rather than the dpt_i2o driver used by Fedora Core 1

and earlier distributions.

Be aware that block devices used by the i2o_block driver are

/dev/i2o/hd* rather than the /dev/sd* SCSI devices. This may be

problematic for those upgrading from older distributions that used the

dpt_i2o driver. Therefore, after an upgrade to Fedora Core 3, you may

need to boot using a rescue disk and edit your /etc/fstab file to use

the new devices.

For more information about the new I2O device layer and Fedora Core-

specific notes, visit the I2O homepage:
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-8 16:54:07 | 显示全部楼层
8 输入法
The default Input Method (IM) for Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Japanese, and Korean has been changed to IIIMF — the Internet/Intranet Input Method Framework. IIIMF is supported as a native GTK2 IM module, and also through XIM using the httx client. IIIMF supports the use of multiple Language Engines (LEs) at the same time; using the GNOME Input Method Language Engine Tool (GIMLET — an applet) it is possible to switch between LEs of different languages inside GTK2 applications.

IIIMF currently defaults to using Ctrl-Space or Shift-Space for toggling the input method on and off (Emacs users can use Ctrl-@ instead of Ctrl-Space to set the mark.)

Depending on your selection at the language support screen during installation, one or more IIIMF language engines may be installed. The IIIMF server package (iiimf-server) will also be installed if a language engine has been selected. The language to language engine (LE) package mappings are as follows:

ja_JP — iiimf-le-canna

zh_CN — iiimf-le-chinput

zh_TW — iiimf-le-xcin

ko_KR — iiimf-le-hangul

{bn,gu,pa,ta,hi}_IN — iiimf-le-unit

Accordingly, input via IIIMF will be enabled if you have chosen one of the following as your default locale:






To aid your use of IIIMF, if you have selected one of the above locales and you are using the GNOME Desktop, when you first login the GIMLET utility (part of the iiimf-gnome-im-switcher package) will automatically be added to your panel.

GIMLET is a utility for switching between the different LEs that are installed on your system. Using a different language engine allows you to enter text in different languages. Alternatively you may add GIMLET manually to your panel by right clicking on the panel and selecting:

Add to Panel -> GIMLET

Should you wish to switch between IIIMF or the legacy input method framework XIM, you can use the system-switch-im application. After changing the input method framework your changes will be reflected when you next start the X Window System.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-8 16:55:59 | 显示全部楼层
9 刻录,k3b
k3b安装向导已取消,因为fc3不需要它(牛:p :p )
Past users of the CD/DVD burning application k3b may notice that the

program k3bsetup is missing. This is because k3bsetup is not necessary

under Fedora Core 3.
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