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Rustic hard disk installation for iBOX-0.1

发表于 2004-11-19 13:07:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hi all, I find a very rustic hard disk installation method for iBox-0.1 as follow:

1.  Assume a empty partition and swap partition are ready.
I am using /dev/hda7 for installation and /dev/hda9 as swap
2.  Boot up your iBOX LiveCD
3.  Login as ibox
4.  Become root with su -, then issue the following commands:

mkswap /dev/hda9
swapon /dev/hda9
mke2fs -j /dev/hda7
cd /mnt
mkdir ibox
mount /dev/hda7 ibox
mkdir ibox/boot

5.  cd to the compressed loopback filesystem, copy all system files to your HDD

cd livecd
cp -dvR * /mnt/ibox/ --preserve=mode,ownership  (this step took more than 30 minutes on my museum-class PII-350 machine)
cp /mnt/cdrom/isolinux/ibox* /mnt/ibox/boot
cd /mnt/ibox
mkdir proc
mount -t proc proc proc
chroot /mnt/ibox /bin/bash -l
mkdir /dev
sh /sbin/

6.  It seems there are some directories missing in /tmp and /var, although not critical, just follow the LFS handbook to add some directories back:

mkdir /tmp
mkdir -p /var/{tmp,opt,cache,lib/misc,local}
mkdir /opt/{bin,doc,include,info}
mkdir -p /opt/{lib,man/man{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}}
chmod 1777 /tmp /var/tmp

7.  add proper entries to your filesystem table by editing your /etc/fstab

     /dev/hda7           /           ext3    noatime               0 1
     /dev/hda9           none        swap    sw                    0 0
     none                /sys        sysfs   defaults              0 0
     proc                /proc       proc    defaults              0 0
     tmpfs               /dev/shm    tmpfs   defaults              0 0

8.  setup your boot loader by adding the following entries in your menu.lst or grub.conf

     title=iBOX-0.1 on hda7
     root (hd0,6)
     kernel (hd0,6)/boot/ibox root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc ram_disk=4000000 video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr vga=0x317 real_root=/dev/hda7

9.  unmount the filesystems, and exit root

cd /
umount /mnt/ibox/proc /mnt/ibox

10.  Reboot your computer.

After system restart, become root again and create the necessary mount points in /mnt, such as hda1, sda1 etc.

Known issues:
a. I haven't checked all file hierarchy, I don't know if there are any missing directories.
b. After each restart, it seems you need to mkxorgconf again.  I haven't checked it in very details.

That's it!  The installation is quite rustic and further configurations are needed for your system in HDD.  Anyway, it is a good start.

Enjoy ibox!

Sorry for mistakes.  Made some corrections.  Merry Xmas!!!
发表于 2004-11-19 13:45:21 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-11-23 09:20:07 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks for your effort!:thank
发表于 2004-11-23 12:25:27 | 显示全部楼层
IBOX builder没有包含portage树以及portage包。这是我的失误。尤其后者,安装到硬盘后的IBOX不能使用emerge来升级了,希望哪位兄弟帮忙暂时添上.

  1. # 在原有的box上
  2. etcat files portage
  3. # 将里面涉及的portage工具拷贝到硬盘安装根分区的相应目录中,或者哪个兄弟帮忙用tar打个包提供给大家
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-23 12:51:25 | 显示全部楼层
教主, welcome back.  You seems to be disappeared for a while.

I also notice there are additional issues to be addressed:
1.  even I changed the password for root, su always bypass the root authentication, it is not good in a multi-user environment if iBOX is to be installed to hard disk.  I think it may be better to add the root password back in next release.
2.  although I can use lpr with my printer in text mode, I cannot figure the printer in the same manner as KDE, I think including a GUI configuration tool is a good idea, maybe I am too unfamiliar with Gnome.

I am trying to do a Poor Man's Installation on removable hard disk but not yet successful.  Will share with you when I can get it through.
发表于 2004-11-23 15:07:08 | 显示全部楼层
1.edit /etc/pam.d/su ;-)
2.ok, next version will be perfect, I promise. I am too busy now ;-(
发表于 2004-11-23 18:18:46 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 home_king 发表
IBOX builder没有包含portage树以及portage包。这是我的失误。尤其后者,安装到硬盘后的IBOX不能使用emerge来升级了,希望哪位兄弟帮忙暂时添上.

Though portage itself is essential, it's not nessesary to include a portage snapshot because you can always get one by doing 'emerge sync'.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-23 22:45:23 | 显示全部楼层
The problem here is you do not have 'emerge' to 'emerge sync'.  You have to DIY one first.
发表于 2004-11-24 00:44:06 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 d00m3d 发表
The problem here is you do not have 'emerge' to 'emerge sync'.  You have to DIY one first.

I don't know much about ibox, but if your Gentoo system has portage installed, you can do 'emerge sync' without the /usr/portage directory, meaning you can always download a recent Portage tree from the Internet if you have a working network connection.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-24 18:29:11 | 显示全部楼层
I like a phrase in the LFS handbook, 'To compile a complier, you need a complier!'.

In iBox, we encounter similar problem, we need 'emerge' to 'emerge sync'.  In other words, 'emerge' is not included in iBox.  That's why 教主 describe the steps to let us get 'emerge' back from portage.

Hope this clear.
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