发表于 2005-8-2 20:02:42
樵夫兄, DSL is a stripped down version of Knoppix, which is Debian based. Therefore, you can install Debian packages into DSL,...with some works.
Due to space limitation, DSL did many things to remaster Knoppix in order to make it small. However, DSL also did something nasty to achieve this goal. For example, the replacement of gcc with a useless TCC (tiny C Compiler), the removal of dpkg etc.
Therefore, before you can remaster your DSL, you need to install dpkg back. Instructions are available from DSL homepage.
DHCP服务器包 in Debian is dhcp3-server and TFTP服务器的包 in Debian is tftpd. Both of them can be downloaded from http://packages.debian.org/
Of course, if you are familiar with Debian, you can use apt-get.
Finally, learn and proceed to remaster your own DSL. ;)
By the way:我是刚从Win32转到Linux上的,对Linux上的很多特色功用还没搞得清楚,如Kenel和Glibc等的重编译等都没过得了关,所以有此一问 I see you are doing LFS, I thought you are experienced user! |