nvidia 官方网站上的 http://us.download.nvidia.com/XF ... DME/appendix-a.html 页面有这么一部分:
The 1.0-96xx driver supports the following set of GPUs:NVIDIA GPU product Device PCI ID
GeForce2 MX/MX 400 0x0110
依此,我应该 pacman -S nvidia-96xx
而从 Gentoo 的手册页 http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/nvidia-guide.xml#doc_chap2:
Newer cards such as the GeForce 8, 7, 6, and FX 5 series should use the newer drivers from the 100.x series.
Older cards such as the GeForce 3 or GeForce 4 series require the 96xx drivers. For these cards, you should mask >=x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-1.0.9700 in your /etc/portage/package.mask file. This will prevent newer versions of the driver which are incompatible with your card from being installed.
Old NV2x-based cards (such as TNT, TNT2, GeForce, and GeForce 2) require the older 71xx drivers (such as nvidia-drivers-1.0.7185). For these cards, you should mask >=nvidia-drivers-1.0.8700 in /etc/portage/package.mask.
You can check for driver compatibility for your card at to determine which driver supports it at http://us.download.nvidia.com/XF ... DME/appendix-a.html.
我则应该装 71xx 系列(不过这里似乎说的是 nvidia 官方驱动包安装)。
更令我担心的是编译我的内核的gcc版本和extra里编译那个nvidia驱动包的gcc版本不一致会导致装完后驱动没法用,因我曾听说过一些此类的说法,而且之前我的 Gimmick 曾经错误的安装了nvidia驱动后未能加载驱动,然后卸载,重新装 nvidia-96xx ,最终也没有加载成功驱动,甚至在改回原来的 xorg 配置也启动不来X了,搞的我只好刻了 Voodoo 来安装。
还有一点不清楚的就是我本来是用 pacman -Su --ignore kernel26 来升级的系统,为什么升级完以后现在不适 Voodoo ,而变成 Don't Panic 了? |