- You need a working development environment that can compile programs.
On popular Linux distributions, this means having the glibc development
package(s) installed.
- To compile MPlayer with X11 support, you need to have the X Window System
development packages (like for XFree86 or X.Org) installed.
- For the GUI you need the GTK development packages.(means GTK-dev)
-get the source code:
svn checkout svn://svn.mplayerhq.hu/mplayer/trunk mplayer
1.install the binaray codes
untar or (unzip) the codes files into one dir (/opt/mplaer/codes) which should be used in step 2.
- make sure they have the right user and group ID.
- chmod +x codes
2. ./configure --prefix=/opt/mplayer \ #for examples
--codecsdir=/opt/mplayer/codes \ #the binary codoes you installed in step 1
--enable-gui --enable-menu #maybe useless
3.make ,
4.make install.