安装、配置VMware Workstation
1.接受EULA协议后,系统会提示需要把vmmon模块编译进系统内核,由于Fedora Core 1.0所使用的usr/bin/gcc版本(3.2.3)和所需的gcc版本(3.2.2)不符合,配置程序警告说可能导致VMware Workstation崩溃,不要理会VMware的警告,键入yes并回车开始强行编译。
2.接下来又是一路回车,直到系统提示The module loads perfectly in the running kernel,说明已经成功编译模块!
3.接下来会询问一些配置过程所必须回答的问题,这是一个关键,很多朋友抱怨他们的VMware Workstation老是不听使唤,无法使用其网络功能,究其原因,是因为没有正确地回答这些问题。下面就详细解释这些重要问题:
① Do you want networking for your virtual machines? (yes/no/help)
Networking will allow your virtual machines to use a virtual network. There are primarily two types of networking available: bridged and host-only. A bridged network is a virtual network that is connected to an existing ethernet device. With a bridged network, your virtual machines will be able to communicate with other machines on the network to which the ethernet card is attached. A host-only network is a private network between your virtual machines and host. Virtual machines connected to a host-only network may only communicate directly with other virtual machines or the host. A virtual machine may be configured with more than one bridged or host-only network.
Configuring a bridged network for vmnet0.
Configuring a NAT network for vmnet8.
② Do you want this program to probe for an unused private subnet? (yes/no/help)
Virtual machines configured to use NAT networking are placed on a virtual network that is confined to this host. Virtual machines on this network can communicate with the network through the NAT process, with each other, and with the host.
To setup NAT networking you need to select a network number that is normally unreachable from the host. We can automatically select this number for you, or you can specify a network number that you want.
The automatic selection process works by testing a series of Class C subnet numbers to see if they are reachable from the host. The first one that is unreachable is used. The subnet numbers are chosen from the private network numbers specified by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in RFC 1918 (http://www.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc1918.txt).
Virtual machines residing on the NAT network will appear as the host when accessing the network. These virtual machines on the NAT network will not be accessible from outside the host machine. This means that it is OK to use the same number on different systems so long as you do not enable IP forwarding on the host.
Probing for an unused private subnet (this can take some time)...
The subnet appears to be unused.
③ Do you want this program to automatically configure your system to allow your virtual machines to access the host's filesystem? (yes/no/help)
To configure your system for host filesystem access, the program will install VMware's networking software to allow your virtual machines to use the network. It will also install a private Samba server to export your host's filesystem on a virtual network that is private to the physical machine and your virtual machines. If you already have a Samba server running on your host, it is highly recommended to answer "no" to this option.
④ You have successfully configured VMware Workstation to allow your virtual machines to access the host's filesystem. Would you like to add a username and password for accessing your host's filesystem via network interface vmnet1 at this time? (yes/no/help)
这个问题的主要意思是现在我们已经成功配置宿主机访问功能,询问是否添加通过网络接口VMnet1访问宿主机网络的用户名、密码。这里可以回答yes,然后输入合适的帐号、密码即可。接下来系统会提示以下信息,表示配置工作已经成功完成,今后可以使用“/usr/bin/vmware”命令来运行VMware Workstation:
The configuration of VMware Workstation 4.0.5 build-6030 for Linux for this running kernel completed successfully.
You can now run VMware Workstation by invoking the following command: "/usr/bin/vmware".
--the VMware team
另外请允许小弟留两个占位帖,以供今后适当增加一些内容,例如如何在Fedora里安装VMware GSX Server,如何用VMware进行一些高级网络配置实验,以助初学者更好地学习Linux,而不是将注意力集中在桌面美化、如何玩转软件上(个人认为Linux不要试图和Windows比拼兼容性、易用性,否则就是和老虎比牙齿、和长颈鹿比身高……西红柿、臭鸡蛋~~~~~!!!#◎!哈哈#番茄炒蛋) |