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发表于 2003-3-11 23:19:28 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2003-3-21 18:02:30 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2003-3-27 15:28:15 | 显示全部楼层


请大家看看这个,,那么没有make uninstall(注意这个不是make_uninstall)的源代码安装软件的卸载可以用make_uninstall
这里有下载 ... nstall-2.0.8.tar.gz
Make uninstall v2.0.8 Kent Robotti <> 2/27/2002

This script is used to monitor a command like 'make install',
so a record of the install can be created, which will allow
you to completely remove the package from your system later.

Usually when you compile a package you do './configure ; make ; make install'.

Instead of the 'make install' step do 'mku', and choose
'Monitor' from the menu.

Example: ./configure ; make ; mku

You can see a listing for each installed package in

You can also create a database in "/var/log/uninstall/configure" with
the configure and make rules you want for a particular source package.

Run 'mku' and choose 'Cconfigure' then 'Create' from the menu, to create
the configure rules file.

For example, these are the configure and make rules i want
for the 'fetchmail' source package.

# Configure and make rules for 'fetchmail'.
./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-nls --enable-SDPS \
--enable-RPA --enable-NTLM --with-ssl=/usr/lib
make CFLAGS="-Os -march=i386 -Wall" LDFLAGS="-s"

Put a '\' at the end of each configure and make line if there's more than
one, except the last.  You can put some notes after '#' if you want.

Then when you want to configure and make a package start 'mku',
and choose 'Configure' then 'Run' from the menu.

You'll have the option of creating a slackware tgz, debiam deb, rpm, or
generic x.mku.tgz package of the install, after the install or later
using /var/log/uninstall/packages/package_name as the guide.

The Monitor option isn't needed if you create a configure rules
file, and use the Configure option to Run it.

To install 'mku' run './INSTALL'.

If you want to compile, do this.
installwatch-0.6.2# make

Then you can put that in /usr/lib.

ATTENTION! If you have a "static" /bin/ln move it to /bin/sln, and
           put a non static version in it's place.
           # ldd /bin/ln
             statically linked

If you have a freebsd system this means the same thing as "static".
           # ldd /bin/ln
             not a dynamic executable

The source for the program v0.6.3
used with make_uninstall, can be found here.

The license for make_uninstall is GNU GPL.
发表于 2003-3-27 15:36:35 | 显示全部楼层

Installation Utility (instutil)这个也是为了那些源代码包中没有自带make uninstal

下载地址: ... stutil-0.0.7.tar.gz
Installation Utility (instutil) is a little Python script with
which you can keep track of software that you want to install
from source. Since version 0.0.4 instutil can install packages
with InstallWatch. If the package doesn't have a "make uninstall"
script or you have deleted the source directory, instutil will
check if you have installed the package with InstallWatch; in this
case the package can be removed using the file list created by
parsing the log file of InstallWatch.
Since version 0.0.7 instutil has a config file in ~/.instutil/config
and installwatch 0.6.3 is included in the package, for more information
read INSTALL file.

* Options List *

This is the complete list options

       Print a list of available options

       Print the instutil version

-d [FILE] or --data=[FILE]
       FILE is used as package database instead of
       the default $HOME/

-u or --user=[NAME]
       with this option you can use instutil using
       the config file and database of user NAME, but
       only if you have permissions. However you cannot
       create a new config file even if you are root.
-T or --test [PACK]
       check the file list of PACK and check if the files still
       exist; if no argument is given instutil will check all
       files in database

-t or --tracelevel=[0~3]
       Set the output level:
       0: silent
       1: only errors are printed
       2: important events
       3: all

-l or --list
       Print a list of packages installed with instutil
       print name and version.

-L or --long-list
       Print a list of packages installed with instutil
       print name, version, description, installation time and
       source directory.

-o [FILE] or --owner [FILE]
       Find in database the package that has in its list FILE and
       print its name. I wrote this function thinking to the rpm option:
       # rpm -qf [FILE]

-s or --sources
       Install a compiled package with "make install" or a custom
       command if given.
       Instutil will check if the package is already installed and
       if it's a newer or older version

-c or --complete configure-options
       Install with configure, make, make install. To use configure
       options append it to command line without "--". For example:
       # instutil -c prefix=/usr disable-feature

-C [CMD] or --custom [CMD]
       With this option you can choose a command to use to install
       the package. Example:
       # instutil -s -C "./install"

-u [PACKAGE] or --uninstall [PACKAGE]
       With this option you can choose to unistall PACKAGE. You have to
       use the name present in database. If you don't give a PACKAGE
       name instuil will give you a promt to type the name
-i or --with-instwatch
       Giving this option, the installation will be made by InstallWatch
       and a file list will be created.
-f [PACK_NAME] or --file--list [PACK_NAME]
       Print the file list of PACK_NAME; it works only if you have
       installed the package with InstallWatch
-r [PACK_NAME] or --rm-entry [PACK_NAME]
       Remove from database the entry PACK_NAME; useful if instutil
       has encountered some error during uninstallation
发表于 2003-3-31 01:17:42 | 显示全部楼层
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