
热搜: shell linux mysql
楼主: 北南南北


发表于 2004-1-9 14:32:33 | 显示全部楼层
4, Configuration file

The configuration file of fcitx is ~/.fcitx/config, inside all options are Chinese(codeset gb2312), you can know almost every function through reading it. The following is default content of the file:

#Area setup=zh_CN
Font size=18
Use Ctrl_Shift key conbination to start IM=1

Half-width character after number=1
Action of Enter key=2
Semicolon for English input=1
Capital letter for English input=1
Inhibition page turn-over when association activated=1

Candidate number=5
3D interface=2
Entry bar auto hidden=1
Main window auto-hidden mode=1
Cursor following=1
Cursor color=92 210 131
Main window backgroud color=230 230 230
Main window frame color=255 0 0
Input window backgroud color=240 240 240
Input window frame color=100 200 255
Input window arrowhead color=255 150 255
Input window user input color=0 0 255
Input window prompt color=255 0 0
Input window cordinal number color=200 0 0
Input window 1st candidate color=0 150 100
#the color only applied for user word in PinYin
Input window user phrase color=0 0 255
Input window prompt code color=100 100 255
#both Wubi, PinYin's single word and system word use the color
Input window other text color=0 0 0

#Chinese-English Input method switching hot-key, L_CTRL R_CTRL L_SHIFT R_SHIFT are allowed
Chinese-English Input method switching hot-key=L_CTRL
GBK support=CTRL_M
Association support=CTRL_L
Full-width/half-width character switching=SHIFT_SPACE
Chinese punctuation mode=ALT_SPACE
Previous page=- ,
Next page== .
The 2nd, 3rd candidate chooser=SHIFT

WuBi order automatic adjustment=0
Existing phrase prompt=0
Wubi exact match=0
Prompt WuBi coding=1
Add WuBi phrase=CTRL_8
Adjust WuBi order=CTRL_6
Delet WuBi phrase=CTRL_7

Use QuanPin=0
Atuomatically PinYin phrase=1
Automatically save phrase=0
Add PinYin regular word=CTRL_8
Delete PinYin regular word=CTRL_7
Delete user phrase=CTRL_DELETE
#explaination of duplicated coding adjustment:0-->don't adjust  1-->quickly adjust  2-->adjust by frequency
PinYin duplicated word coding adjustment=2
PinYin duplicated phrase coding adjustment=1
PinYin duplicated regular phrase coding adjustment=0
Neglect an and ang=0
Neglect en and eng=0
Neglect ian and iang=0
Neglect in and ing=0
Neglect ou and u=0
Neglect uan and uang=0
Neglect c and ch=0
Neglect f and h=0
Neglect l and n=0
Neglect s and sh=0
Neglect z and zh=0

There is explanation for some configuration:

    * Area setup:in most cases, it's unneccessory to modify it。
    * Font:font for display,say, 'simsun' and so on.
    * Use Ctrl_Shift key conbination to start IM:in most cases, press CTRL+space to activate/close IM; when the configuration is set 1, press Ctrl_Shift to activate/close IM.
    * Half-width character after number:'.' and ',' will be half-width(not full-width Chinese punctuation '。' and ',') after Arabic numerals input. The function provided for easy numeral input.
    * Inhibition page turn-over when association activated:由于默认的,/.为翻页键,因此联想方式下会导致标点符号输入不方便,打开该选项会使得在联想方式下不翻页。
    * 候选词个数:the optional scale is 1~10,if number is bigger than 10,application will simply treat it as 10。
    * 是否使用3D界面:0-->don't use 3D;1-->embossing effect;2-->concave effect。
    * 是否自动隐藏输入条:when 1, entry bar will be shown only when there is prompt message
    * 主窗口隐藏模式:0-->always on top;1-->show only in Chinese input status;2-->alway hidden。
    * 是否光标跟随:if or not use Over the Spot,effective only when applications support it.
    * 五笔四键自动上屏:when value is 0,alway use SPACE or press Number to enter corresponding words。
    * 自动调整五笔顺序:设置为1时,刚刚录入的字或词会调整到相同五笔编码字/词的最前面。
    * 提示词库中已有的词组:when the option selected, application will prompt user existing phrase
    * 五笔精确匹配:打开此选项的话,输入条只显示与用户录入完全匹配的候选字/词。
    * Enter键行为:当有用户输入时,0-->no process;1-->clean user's input;2-->用户输入的字母上屏。
    * 使用全拼:打开该选项的话,拼音将以全拼的方式工作,此时不进行简拼的匹配。
    * 拼音自动组词:该功能指定是否进行拼音的短语输入。
    * 保存自动组词:是否保存自动组成的拼音短句。
发表于 2004-1-9 14:58:42 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-1-9 15:42:09 | 显示全部楼层
6, Anything left

   Since I am not a superman, I can't adjust order of word/phrase one by one. So possibly when you begin to use, the order of word/phrase may eventually astonish you, and the number of phrase is limited too( even lack of many commonly-used words), but I have strong belief that it will not be a problem after you have used my application for some times. If you get better coding table of WuBi/PinYin, and don't have anything nonconvenient(you decide what it means), email to me please. I really appreciate that.

   fcitx's WuBi86 coding table takes from cjkvinput project(,refer to related declatation.

    fcitx's WuBi98 coding table takes from HaiFeng WuBi,refer to related declatation.

7. Acknowledgement

   Codes related to interface of the application refers to source codes of rfinput-2.x,thank Zhao yang(author)(
  Thank 北南南北( for providing the nest. At the same time, thank him and Xiao Fan for their many popularizing and testing work.
  Thank Chu Kuang --the writer of xsim, he provide me very precious technical support.
  Thank tram --the writer of ErBi input method (ebf),he has done a lot of work for fcitx.
  Thank winix for his many many valuable advice and suggestion.
  Thank windrose for carefully testing of ShuangPin function.
  Thank Wang Yin for valuable advice of PinYin.
  Thank all of you for testing gWuBi/fcitx, hope fcitx can get everybody futher support,thanks a lot.
发表于 2004-1-9 21:08:10 | 显示全部楼层

最初由 ganloo 发表
Fcitx (version 2.0) User Manual
Written  by Yuking
Translated by ganlu

! ! Application and X may crash by XIM application's crash, it's adviced to backup your data from time to time.

1, What is fcitx?
  fcitx is an input method for simplifed chinese released under GPL, both WuBi and PinYin included. You can get the latest version from

2, Installation
   Make sure you have correctly installed gcc compiler and XFree86 development packages(commonly named XFree86-devel) before you start to compile your fcitx.
   Go to firstly for downloading fcitx tarball, which name is fcitx-2.0.tar.gz or fcitx-2.0.tar.bz2, and put it under /temp directory. If you download tar.gz file, use the following commands to uncompress:

      cd /temp
      tar zxvf fcitx-2.0.tar.gz

If the file you downloaded is in tar.bz2 format, use the following commands to uncompress:

      cd /temp
      tar jxvf fcitx-2.0.tar.gz

The command will creat fcitx-2.0 folder, and all including source code are placed there.

We suppose you have already gcc and XFree86 developing packages installed, now you can use the following commands for fcitx compilation and installation( root account needed ).

      cd fcitx-2.0
      make clean
      make && make install

It will install fcitx with XFT support. If any reasons you don't want XFT support, you can still choose to install fcitx using:

      cd fcitx-2.0
      make clean
      make -f Makefile.noxft && make install

    then fcitx will use X core font.

After compilation, the following files will be copied into your system for completing installation:
   If you don't have root authority, you need use "make install_local" instead of "make install", otherwise fcitx will copy the following files into your home folder:


3, Configuration

 楼主| 发表于 2004-1-9 22:31:39 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2004-1-10 09:17:32 | 显示全部楼层
FlawZero, Thank you, I just have no time to review it, you know I do translation when I am on duty.
Surely, anyone can modify or redistribute the translation, it's under GPL too, so feel free to do what you like.
发表于 2004-1-10 09:32:26 | 显示全部楼层
Acknowledgement should be "Acknowledgements", sorry.
developing packages should be "development packages|, sorry.
he provide me very precious technical support should be " he has provided me very precious technical support."
Codes related to interface of the application refers to source codes of rfinput-2.x,thank Zhao(author) should be " Codes related to interface of the application have referd to source codes of rfinput-2.x,thank Zhao(developer)"
If it can't work out should be "If it doesn't work"
Sorry, and there still may be some minor errors, I will check them out when all are finished.
北南南北, I got some problems to mount my flashdisk, so I am afraid that I can't complete the translation today. I have to solve the problem, both my Arch and Slackware refuse to mount it, I know the reason but still find a way to solve.
Sorry for that.
发表于 2004-1-10 10:43:58 | 显示全部楼层
I think it's better now.

1 What is fcitx?

    Fcitx as known as gWuBi before stands for Free Chinese Input Toy of X, an input method for Linux. To be more precise, fctix is a collection of Simplified Chinese input methods based on XIM (X Input Method), including WuBi, PinYin, ShuangPin, ErBi and QuWei. It is released under GPL.

2 About the developer

      The developer of fcitx is Yuking. You may modify or redistribute this software freely, provided you indicate the original developer in your work -- please show your respects to software developers as well as yourself.

      Yuking has spent a lot of time on fcitx to make it an exellent input method for Linux, and in order to help him, the members of community on are maintaining this homepage for him. Thanks also go to YU Mingjian, james_su, Chukuang, tram and WineInput. They have done a lot to make Chinese input method for Linux possible and becoming better.

      The English version of the webpage was translated by ganlu and GaoYuanZhiLang in , Thanks a lot to them!

3 Installation

      Make sure you have correctly installed gcc compiler and XFree86 development packages(usually named XFree86-devel) before you start to compile your fcitx.
      Firstly go here to download fcitx tarball, which name is fcitx-2.x.tar.gz or fcitx-2.x.tar.bz2, and put it under /temp directory(or wherever you prefer). If you downloaded a copy of tar.gz file, use the following commands to uncompress:

cd /temp
tar zxvf fcitx-2.x.tar.gz

            If the file you downloaded is in tar.bz2 format, use the following commands to uncompress:

cd /temp
tar jxvf fcitx-2.x.tar.gz

      The tar command will creat fcitx-2.x folder automatically, and all files including source code are placed there.

      We suppose you have already gcc and XFree86 developing packages installed, now you can use the following commands for fcitx compilation and installation( root account needed ).

cd fcitx-2.x
make clean
make && make install

      It will install fcitx with XFT support. If any reasons you don't want XFT support, you can still choose to install fcitx by using:

cd fcitx-2.x
make clean
make -f Makefile.noxft && make install

      then fcitx will use X core font.

      After compilation, the following files will be automatically copied into your system for completing installation:


      If you don't have root authority, you need use "make install_local" instead of "make install", otherwise fcitx will copy the following files under your home folder:


4 Configuration

      Application communicates with XIM through environment variable XMODIFIERS, you can set up XMODIFIRES like this (for bash):


      Aboved-mentioned YOUR_XIM_NAME is registered name of your XIM application in the system. When starting up, application will look for corresponding XIM sever by value of this variable. Therefore, even if there are several applications in the system running at the same time, one application will take one XIM input method by one time. Sometimes you may account such situation that apparently you have invoked XIM, but application doesn't take it. It's mostly due to wrong XMODIFIERS configuration. One example would be that you have modified XMODIFIERS in diffirent scripts, which caused the variable becoming unconsistent when X starts up and after.

      By default, fcitx will register its XIM name as fcitx, but if XMODIFIERS has been set before fcitx starts up, fcitx will register its name according system configuration. So, for fresh-installed mandrake and Redhat, the simplest way is to execute commands as follows:

cd /usr/bin
ln -sf fcitx chinput

      Then restart X. If it doesn't work, you need set up your environment manually, usually adding these lines in ~/.bashrc could do the trick:

export XMODIFIERS="@im=fcitx"
export XIM=fcitx
export XIM_PROGRAM=fcitx

      Then restart X and relogin. If fcitx isn't loaded automatically, you need execute the following in the command line:


      By default, fcitx runs in backgroud, if you don't want it running in this way, you can use:

fcitx -nb

5 Configuration file

      The configuration file of fcitx is ~/.fcitx/config, inside it all options are Chinese(codeset gb2312), you can know almost every function through reading it. The following is default content of the file:

光标色=92 210 131
主窗口背景色=230 230 230
主窗口线条色=255 0 0
输入窗背景色=240 240 240
输入窗线条色=100 200 255
输入窗箭头色=255 150 255
输入窗用户输入色=0 0 255
输入窗提示色=255 0 0
输入窗序号色=200 0 0
输入窗第一个候选字色=0 150 100
输入窗用户词组色=0 0 255
输入窗提示编码色=100 100 255
输入窗其它文本色=0 0 0
#中英文快速切换键 可以设置为L_CTRL R_CTRL L_SHIFT R_SHIFT
上一页=- ,
下一页== .
#重码调整方式说明:0-->不调整  1-->快速调整  2-->按频率调整

6 Anything left

      Since I am not a superman, I can't adjust order of word/phrase one by one manually. So possibly when you begin to use, the order of word/phrase may eventually astonish you, and the number of phrase is limited too( even lack of many regularly-used words), but I have strong belief that it won't be a problem after you have used my application for some times. If you get better coding table of WuBi/PinYin, and don't have anything nonconvenient(you decide what it means), email to me please. I really appreciate that.

      fcitx's WuBi86 coding table takes from cjkvinput project ,refer to related declatation.

7 Acknowledgements

      Source codes on interface part of the application have refered to source codes of rfinput-2.x,thank Zhao yan(developer)
      Thank Chu Kuang --the developer of xsim, he has provided me very precious technical help.
      Thank tram --the developer of ErBi input method (ebf),he has done a lot of work for fcitx.
      Thank winix for his many many valuable advice and suggestion.
      Thank windrose for his carefully testing of ShuangPin function.
      Thank Wang Yin for valuable advice for PinYin function.
      Thank 北南南北 from LinuxSir.Org for providing the nest. At the same time, thank him and XiaoFan for their many popularizing and testing work.
      Thank all of you for testing and using gWuBi/fcitx, hope fcitx can still gain everybody's futher support,thanks a lot.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-1-10 11:13:55 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2004-1-11 16:31:50 | 显示全部楼层
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