
热搜: shell linux mysql
楼主: mshtyu

值得一试的Win4Lin [图解win4lin的安装、使用]

发表于 2005-1-13 20:50:00 | 显示全部楼层

To our valued customers,

we are ready to begin recruiting Beta testers for our new Windows
2000-compatible product, Win4Lin Pro.  The current target to begin this
program is Monday, January 24th, 2005.  I would like to recruit testers
during the 2 full weeks leading up to this date.  The initial Beta will
be fairly close to feature-complete, and you can expect it to evolve
very quickly toward final Beta status.  Before I give details about the
program, let me quickly go over what your minimum system requirements
are in order to qualify for testing.  These requirements are not the
same as the system requirements for the final product.  They are just
what you will need to qualify for the Beta program.

CPU *minimum*:

       Intel: Celeron, Pentium IV, or Xeon 1.5 GHz
       * AMD: Athlon XP/MP 1600 or Duron 1.8GHz

               * Opteron and Athlon 64 support is expected very soon.
               If you have one of these chips, we'd be very interested
               in you contacting us for testing.

       Mobile/laptop: anything recent is best.  We run the code here
       on high performance laptops and it works great.  Older laptops
       may not be the best choice for now at least.

Memory *minimum*:

       256MB; you will also want at least 256MB of swap configured
       on Linux.

Hard Disk *minimum* (see also FREE Disk Space section below):

       IDE: Ultra ATA100, 7200RPM or faster, less than 3 years old.
       SCSI: Ultra 2 or Ultra 160, 7200RPM or faster
       Mobile/laptop: unspecified - the more recent the better

Video *minimum*:

       Any PCI or AGP card
       1024x768, 16-bit color minimum
       Any monitor that can handle that resolution

       Remote display is okay, but the fidelity at first will be best
       on local displays.

Linux *minimum*:

       Any distribution less than 2-3 years old, with a 2.4 or 2.6
       kernel.  Note that recent versions SuSE, Fedora/RedHat,
       and Mandrake will get the most attention from us in terms
       of priority, but we will queue all bugs regardless.  So you
       can really qualify with any distribution you want provided
       it has a 2.4 or newer kernel.  Please note that 2.6 is highly
       recommended, as Win4Lin Pro really takes advantage of some
       of its new performance features that are not available on
       2.4 kernels.  Debian is perfectly fine, as this is now our
       standard development platform and the product is guaranteed
       to work well on it.  We will even provide .debs as well as
       RPMs.  In fact, we may even *attempt* Slackware packages at
       some point down the road, which I know will make some of
       you happy ;)  Gentoo, LinSpire, XandrOS, Novell Linux, etc.,
       etc., etc. everyone should work fairly well at least, unless
       it's *really* different.  As I said above, you are more than
       welcome to try others, but the SuSE, Fedora/RedHat, and
       Mandrake will get the highest priority in terms of bug fixing.

       And the best news of all??  *No more patched kernels!*
       If you happen to be using one for the current version of
       Win4Lin on the same machine, that's no problem.  The two
       versions can coexist without conflict.  If however you
       will setup a new computer or disk for this testing, you can
       use your distribution's kernel unmodified provided it's
       2.4 or 2.6.

FREE Disk Space *minimum*:

               /home   5GB *free*
               /var    2GB *free*
               /opt    anything above 20MB free is fine for now

               if you are really adventurous, you can of course
               symlink some of the installation directories
               to other partitions ;)


       Dialup is fine for now as the packages are not too large.
       However, as more and more GUIs get finalized, etc., the
       packages will grow.  I recommend at ISDN, T1, DSL, Cable,
       etc. for best results.

Human User:

       Almost everyone on this list has qualified skills for this
       program.  But just to be clear, here are some of the tasks
       you will likely encounter during this program:

               - Install/remove packages
               - Monitor/kill processes
               - Use standard Linux tools like grep, tar, etc.
               - Filesystem tasks, such as symlinking, etc.
               - Various other system administration tasks, such
               as starting and stopping services, etc.
               - Basic network tasks, such as ftp, etc.

               Expect to be using the command-line quite a bit at
               first.  If you are not comfortable with shell
               commands, this program is probably not for you.

               Finally, you should never really have to reboot your
               system, but at first you may want to test on a box
               you are willing to reboot if needed.  Remember, this
               is after all pre-release software ;)

That completes the requirements to apply to this Beta program.  Please
keep in mind that Win4Lin 2000 as a guest operating system is bound
mostly by disk, memory, and CPU.  Your experience will always be better
if you have more speed or more capacity in these components.  Also, I
can't emphasize enough how much faster the 2.6 kernel is for this kind
of thing.

If you believe you meet these qualifications, and are interested in
joining the Beta program, please send a note to with
the following information:

       - Reliable email address you check frequently
       - Detailed system specifications - CPU type/speed,
       disk type/speed, memory, Linux distribution and version
       - List of applications you expect to run on Windows 2000 during
       the Beta program.
       - *Very brief/general* description of how you typically will
       use the test computer, both inside Windows 2000 and on
       Linux itself.  Example: "Internet browsing, email, and Office"

Please DO NOT reply to the users list - send your requests to join this
program to:

Finally, it will be my discretion as to how many and which testers we
will accept.  I will consider every request very carefully, provided you
meet the qualifications.  However, the size and scope of the program
will have to be limited at first in order for us to collect the best
data possible.  I may ask for more testers after the program has started
if I feel it will benefit the product.  Please don't take it personally
if I don't accept you initially - my decision will be based strictly on
the information you provide in the email to

I will try to acknowledge everyone's email to as
promptly as possible.  However I don't expect to have a final list of
participants until about 2 weeks from today.

I hope everyone had a very happy New Year.  We are all very excited
about this new product, and would love to hear from you if you are
interested in testing and meet the requirements.

Thank you for your continued support,

Leo Reiter
发表于 2005-1-18 22:48:10 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-6-26 00:58:35 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2005-6-26 09:10:28 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-6-26 09:24:00 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-6-26 10:21:36 | 显示全部楼层

能模拟win2k的版本,不用打kernel patch吧?网页上的说明是这样说的
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-6-26 14:23:39 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-6-26 18:08:48 | 显示全部楼层
Post by superlj


流 氓公司
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发表于 2005-6-26 18:24:02 | 显示全部楼层
Post by irio

流 氓公司

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发表于 2005-6-26 22:03:39 | 显示全部楼层

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